Good stuff, that. People need to take a step back, breathe and think. This stuff’s getting detrimental.
Despite what often gets bandied about on the forums (and in-game too I imagine), Argent Dawn isn’t run by a series of RP shadow councils who decide what is good and what is bad. At times I think there’s more conspiracy theories about the realm’s communities than there are about Roswell.
When that one person tried to show their garters to Thorodias on a bench in Silvermoon, the little known fact that he leaves out is that he said “Telaryn thinks I’m kind of a nice guy you know…” to diffuse the tension.
No, it’s literally me pointing out you wrong when you look into a post looking for what you want to be there, rather than what there is.
But even if you were right about your assumption and I would have admitted I meant something else, it speaks volumes of your person if you get riled up from somebody getting a word wrong, but at least you’re consistent with your track record.
You are being dishonest about it. I’ve proven that you can very simply calculate the amount of events you’ve partaken in on the public server scene- I don’t rly care about your private RP sessions or other instances of your, shall we call it community engagement.
I’m just aware that for the years you’ve been part of AD, most of the campaigns (both pve and pvp), both the ones I’ve been part of and haven’t been part of, have shone with your absence. I’m not arguing whether that’s a good or a bad thing, I’m arguing that you’ve not been in them. Do you disagree?
You can argue whether my definition of bubble RP is in line with yours but it seems to me you are toward that side, but that doesn’t really advance your argument either.
I also pointed out that you can just easily list up all the public events since you can find them in the previous forums as well as here, so that’s still there (despite you still claiming it’s not possible- Which, again, it is).
Well evidently you are. You’re the one who set the stage, not me.
I haven’t tried to paint you or your guild black. I’m pointing out the faults and downsides of it, just like people have done with the stygian legion guilds here. If you think that equals to painting something black then that’s on you, not me.
I honestly don’t believe even a fraction of the server is against us, since PCU provides most of the campaigns to the server- And most of the time they’re more than willing to take part.
I don’t rly understand the olive branch comment but given that you tried to, quote unquote, butt your head into the RP scene and then neck your head back into your shell after a few months after joining AD all those years back, I think the branch you could be offer would be really withered.
I’m literally referring to your own posts, you put those words there, not me.
PS it’s quote unquote, not quote on quote.
Despite my own autism when it comes to posting, this really needs to be highlighted. I’d say during my last year of playing WoW, I really suffered in terms of RP activity due to an increase in posting and being a vile cretin (still am tbh). In hindsight it wasn’t really worth it, as there were some good RP ties that got cut off due to inactivity.
Now that I’m not subbed, I can be a bawbag and then go and play a better game instead. =)
Don’t make me tell Tyrenas.
But otherwise you’re right, yeah. Awkwardly, I’ve only come to this realisation now that I have less free time (the wagey life is not an energising one). But at the same time, I don’t really want to feel I’m wasting that time; RP was always meant to be my hobby, but at some point posting became it instead.
That’s just a nifty tool to apply political pressure.
“Your member said this, react or we assume you condone it and brush you all with the same brush.” or whatever it was Lilue said.
Is this, then, only applied to that particular point Lilue responded to?
Because I think this is a good point in general.
To be clear: I am trying to understand why you picked up on a different post, such as Bwimtoru’s and responded, but not to Lilue’s post about the “association” concept.
Eh, it’s a pretty valid tool in certain contexts. If Guy A from Group B keeps doing Bad Thing C, and Group B evidently has been aware of it for a while yet does not make any effort to remove Guy A from the group, then that’s definitely saying something about Group B.
Yeah, but isn’t that what all the people about PCU and anti-PCU are arguing against?
“Just because some of us do this, don’t hate us.”?
So why is it suddenly valid when half of this drama is because some PCU attitudes are disliked and the entire PCU is painted badly by that, and vice versa with the anti-PCU people?
That’s what confuses me at the moment. Can’t we settle on “Not all PCU are douches” and “Not all Anti PCU are douches” or , better “Not Everyone Is A Douche”?
Sorry this posting is 2vague4me and I have no clue at all what posts you are referring to with this. There’s been a few silly posts from the PCU side that even the big P himself called dumb, but that’s the only thing that comes to mind.
Whatever the people above have said about eachother, counting the grudges of a few individuals.
Not specific posts. 500+ posts is too many to sift through for me, especially with this buggy forum system.
It always bothers me seeing your portrait as a Pandaren dressed in red but with the Alliance background.
I don’t dislike you for it and actually most of your posts are on point
I just find it incredibly discomforting.
No it’s just me saying that I will be cautious about him & the co due to there having been no visible repercussions to the behavior, therefore I can’t know whether they condone it or not.
But if I’m powerful enough to apply political pressure, nice…
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You looked better as the gnome…
It’s because Chi-Ji is my homeboy. That on my elderly eyes are dull, so my sense of fashion is consequentially vibrant.
As a very casual poster and off and on lurker I am sort of impressed, yet slightly worried, at the stamina of the posters, both sides, in this thread. In fact I’ve several times thought “Huh… You guys still here?”.
And while I feel that both sides make valid, as well as not so valid, points leaving me thinking that it all, really, depends on what perspective one decides to view it from. There is one question I’m dying to know the answer to.
What is PCU?
Seriously. I feel bad asking because it probably outs me as absolutely out of touch with the community, internet, kids today and so on. But I just can’t figure it out.
Players Creative Unit?
Prefered Competitive Users?
Potentialy Carismatic Underwear?
I’m not making fun of it. (Ok those ideas were making fun - but really they were making fun of my ignorance.)
So, seriously, what is it?
Perroy Cinematic Universe, I don’t know who came up with the term, but it basically functions as an umbrella term for a number of Horde guilds. Don’t quote me on it, but I think it’s the Hand of Conquest, the Rotgarde, the Myrmidions, and the Bilgewater boys. There was an alliance one for a while too, but concerning things happened so Perroy decided to nuke it.