The weekly "Power in RP and how to get other people's consent for it thread"

Sure you can. But also being the judge and executioner seems overkill.

That’s a very specific what if.

What is the general point you are trying to make here, guards can’t accuse people of a crime?

AFAIK Orgrimmar doesn’t have judges and we very, very rarely execute people. Only with their given consent and due to their char commiting some serious crimes.

I’m on a train so can’t reply much, but ftr I’m not sure what is being referred to as contact here. I’ve mostly been talking things over with Pullo, and I think the only direct contact between the two of us was to resolve a situation where parties who’d rather try to avoid each other ended up in confrontation.

None of this (except the aftermath of capture) has been discussed with me, which I’m personally fine with and state as much. I can understand other people (people who’d specifically been scheduling around the Roaming Hub) being frustrated all the same.


It’s what Perroy himself said I was referring to, which I took at his word. But fair enough!

Your whole argument boils down to the what if scenario that another group of guards would intervene and go “that public murder didn’t happen!!” which is frankly ludicrous.

But could make for interesting RP!

No, that’s just what I used to try and make you see the issue.

Kelduril don’t you have more arena threads to flood with “DH isn’t op/needs a buff!” ?


That’s entirely uncalled for and childish.


I meant that we have spoken more than one time in PMs over the course over roleplaying together in some form for many years aka. I was being snarky

In this case yeah Pullo has been doing the OOC communication (since he is the main grunt RP dude). Me and him (/my other officers) discuss what’s being said though so I guess you have spoken to me loads by proxy like when Aragorn speaks to the mouth of Sauron

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You’ve been given points which you continuously ignore despite being offered an answer over and again.

Sorry for party rocking.


No one would join your guild, though.



The issue that doesn’t exist outside that scenario?

Look the way I see it, World of Warcraft is a very medieval setting, and especially a warrior society like Orgrimmar, I imagine they don’t have judges or a complicated justice system, but rather the word of the guards is law to a lesser extent.

So yes, not your average grunt, but a legion officer probably can punish criminals as they see fit, especially minor ones.

However as I said we don’t go around killing people, infact for the sake of RP we usually let people off very easily.


Did I smell irony?

Ah. There we are.

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You weren’t party rocking, you were just being rude randomly.

I guess you’re still mad I didn’t want to do 3v3s with you that one time. Seems I dodged a bullet.



I don’t do arenas with 1,6k cr folks


Man has 42 lvl Azerite piece, 410 itemlvl, and is hardstuck with a 50% win ratio. Oof of my life tbh.


What part is irony? Is it only cool when people who agree with you post or something

Your achievements re. arena are even worse than mine and I am not a very good player

Why is that your big gotcha moment