The wPVP debacle : Frequently Asked Questions and answers

Hello, I read many threads about the current wPVP debacles and since many people still misunderstand why I and others like me want transfer to regular PVE/RP, I compiled the information on this board and created a FAQ. So here it is.

  1. You knew what you were getting into when you rolled on PVP, so it’s your fault.

A: The premise “you knew” is an assumption. You assume what “we knew” and conclude that we jumped onto a PVP servers fully knowing what were going to happen.

This is incorrect. Also, many players have their own assumptions that don’t fit your own assumptions. When I rolled on the RP-PVP realm my assumption was that we were going to see mostly roleplaying with some PVP. I assumed that people would go to dungeons roleplaying, and when there was PVP in the open world, I also assumed that it would be conducted roleplay-wise. I didn’t assume that the server will be full mostly of non-roleplayers.

The game is full of new players who have their own assumptions and they haven’t played Vanilla before. They rolled on a PVP server, played to level20, and after that ganking happened - but it was bearable. I don’t know of a player who had an assumption that leveling would become completely impossible, trust me!

When I rolled on Zandalari-Tribe, reached level20 above, went to Stonetalon and STV, I decided that the experience was great. I played Vanilla for a first time. I assumed that as an older version of the game, the experience would be the same for months to come. Nobody has informed that I have a deadline until November 12th to reach level60 and after that leveling would be impossible! In fact the opposite was advertised - that Vanilla is a journey.

So, you see - there are a lot of assumptions, and there’s no guarantee that your assumption is the correct one. In fact, some of us didn’t knew.

  1. Why don’t you reroll?

A. Because some of us have limited time. We have families, friends and children. In my case I barely reached level50 two months and a half after the game got released. Still, I played daily for an hour, invested heart and soul in my character. What people like me what by demanding transfer is quite simple - we want to keep our progression and continue playing on our beloved toons we’ve put our hearts and souls in. We want to keep our mounts, gear, current level and continue leveling on a realm which is suitable for our lifestyle.

If we knew what would happen after November 12, I assure you - many of us, including me, wouldn’t have rolled on a PVP server. Yet we leveled, left the Alliance/Horde zones, spent time in the Contested zones and we were OK.

Perhaps I would have rerolled if my toon was level 20ish and I realized that the PVP experienced wasn’t for me. But it’s too late. I’m level50 and I just want to continue questing as before.

  1. Why do you demand transfer - it’s about your ego!

A: Do you realize that we’re perfectly aware what would happen if we transfer from PVP to PVE servers? There are things we will lose! If the transfer is paid, we will lose money. I, personally, will lose my guild I’ve created as soon as Zandalari-Tribe launched. I will no longer be in touch with my friends I made (if they don’t transfer with me). I will have to start anew, make new friends, play with new people… and it’s a price I have to pay.

The only thing I will actually gain is that I will keep my character and its progression. Also, I will gain the ability to continue experiencing leveling and storytelling in an atmosphere that’s suitable for my lifestyle and not causing me anxiety and anger.

  1. You’re a sissy, bad player and too scared of PVP

A: I don’t need to be judged, thanks. I have a job, I deal with obstacles in real life and I am judged enough in real life. What I want, when I get back home, is to have a sense of escapism. I want to have a pleasant experience.

  1. It’s still your fault that you rolled on a PVP realm.

A: We all have to deal with bad decisions we’ve made. In our case, it has been a bad decision, yes, but we didn’t have enough information so we can make an INFORMED decision.
What we’ve been told is : Do you want to roll on a PVP server? Just keep in mind that the opposite faction will appear hostile and players may be able to kill you.
When I’m presented with such information, I tell myself: That’s OK, I don’t mind if factions are able to kill each others, and I don’t mind occasional ganking.
If I’ve been told: Do you want to roll on a PVP server? Keep in mind you may be attacked. Most people won’t attack you for the first months as they will have nothing to win. But when the Honor system is released, you will be attacked by EVERYONE. Leveling will become impossible…
… then my decision would have been different. Again, I wasn’t presented with the information to make an informed decision.

I’ll keep the thread updated with other questions when they arrive :slight_smile:


Is this a compilation of today’s discussions?

Edit: the whole i have a job and family thing doesn’t really work, as a lot of the people that are level 60, raiding and pvping have the same.


Again, you assume that even when I have a family and a child, I should have ALREADY had a level 60 char. Don’t you get it that your assumption is just plain wrong? To me it was advertised that Vanilla is about the journey, not max leveling, and not leveling alts. So I made one character for reaching 60… eventually. And suddenly… BAMMM! The end of the road, leveling is impossible, I am denied to do quests and I can’t even go to a dungeon cuz the entrance is ganked.

Don’t bother me with your assumptions, please. There are different players with different priorities. What some of us want is some kind of a redemption of a bad decision we’ve done in the past.

This is a false argument, a straw man. The game does not give you any information about what players will do or how they will behave.
All it can tell you is:

Option 1 - PVP status is optional
Option 2 - PVP status is mandatory

That’s it. Nothing else. Not the game’s job to tell you exactly how people will play.

The choice you make by playing on a PVP server is to have the potential that anyone can kill you against your will.

That is why PvE servers are called “Normal” servers - because you can play all of the game like normal. If you don’t like the risk of PvP, you can just play on a regular old Normal server. You’re actively making the choice to allow any person in the game kill you.


Imagine being that guy that made “bad decision” on a 15 years old game when everything is documented and well know.

Probably the same guy that ask question over and over in /guild (“which profession is good with enchant please ?”) when you can do research urself.

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That’s not even close to being true as it was never like this in vanilla WoW.

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I’m very much on this train with one slight change. “You should have [known] what you were getting into when you rolled on PVP, so it’s your fault.”

I have two reasons, one is specific to me. I’m an extremely cynical man, not a cynic - I am “the cynic”. This compounded with my knowledge of people, how they behave with strangers and especially how they behave in online video games makes this extremely obvious for me. Some people just want to ruin your day that want you to hate them, they are get there kicks when anyone asks the to stop and this is the ideal situation for them.

The second is that there was plenty of information available that this either could happen or there was a strong probability.

I feel there even to a person who knew very little about wow should have been able with a reasonable ammount of deducitve reasoning been able to learn that there was an unspoken deadline of “12th Nov” to get to 60 (Only on PvP servers) The amount of content available including on the forums and youtube was overwhelming.

  • As sub-question on this what would have needed to happen for you to know this? I can see you’ve added

Well here i think you were told, did you want that to be on the game tab?

This I get, but at the moment it is your only option, while i’d say there’s about a 90% chance of a server change option before christmas, It’s not 100%

Not only do I agree with you i’m ahead of you - please add your support - New PvE server please - (Solution to PvP issues) - #2 by Zhubull-mirage-raceway

I don’t even really like PvP and I’m pretty sure your 49 toon would beat my 60 even with my Tier 1 set. So I don’t blame you.

I’m glad you can see this. But “we didn’t have enough information” is not the same as “There was no information” or “The information was hard to find”

Did a part of you not even consider the fact that someone might do this out of spite, people like to win and you’d be an easy target. Did a part of you not substitute “may” for “will”.

I’m not assuming anything.
You’re using it as an excuse and i’m simply saying others have found ways to combine it


Your logic may appear sound at first glance, but game decisions can and do influence players choices. The fact that something didn’t happen before and happen now is an indicator that there’s something in the game that made the players do that.

It’s not the players - it’s exactly THAT decision that ruined the game for me, namely the release of the honor system without battlegrounds. It’s THAT decision that want me demand paid transfer, even if it will be too costly for me.

There is one thing you forget. World of Warcraft : Classic is a game we’ve been expecting for a long time. It’s a game that suits my need and when it got released, it satisfied my needs. As a satisfied customers, I feel no need to come on the forums frequently (or when I occasionally come, I don’t read all threads), or I don’t watch Youtube. I rarely watch Youtube anyway. So … the game just worked for me.

I come here when there are problems. And suddenly a problem arose that is so severe that I wondered what’s going on.

Ok so allow me to fill you in here as i can see you are likely misinformed.

There is absolutely no guarantee that if BGs come in the game this will solve “the” problem, but in your specific case it may solve “your” problem . And here is why. BGs work on an equal number of players from each faction as generally in the EU realms there are more horde than alliance there isn’t enough spots for all the horde players so these players will continue their behaviour. Secondly we need to consider the human element. Some people just want to ruin your day, they get a kick out of it so they will continue doing it for their “fun”. Fortunately in your specific case this is less likely as you are in the rarer case of being an horde player (assuming your avatar represents your “main”). But as you are on an RP realm there is a chance that players will continue to gank you as part of their "role play "

Here is where you went wrong and why some of the reasons why there is culpability on your shoulders, though it’s not the major one. The ultimate reason is that the information was available in places you were aware of. Essentially what you are telling me is that you didn’t know enough to know that you didnt know enough.

However, i can tell by the way that you are expessing yourself that you are not unintelligent and have a moderate level of life and video game culture experience. This is where the deductive reasoning should have either told you or at least warned you on how people are likely to behave. Therefore making you aware of this possibility. So the - well what if my faction is out numbered 10 to 1 consideration.

You miss one critical piece of information. All our knowledge of PvP from Vanilla onwards was based on Vanilla realm populations. The massive overpopulation of all realms in Classic is a big factor in the inability to do anything but PvP .

I’m afraid im going to refer you to deductive reasoning. Here’s mine

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Perhaps, but that was a major motivating factor on why I chose a RP-PVP server. The RP servers tend to have a more mature audience, with less rude people or total a-holes that want to ruin your gaming experience just for fun.

So yes, this may be gullibility from my side, but that’s my impression I have from retail RP servers.

All of this supports my claim that you should have known

The difference between “should” and “have known” is quite big.

Correct, but that journey only starts once you reach max level. You didn’t even begin

The only difference was that you did not connect the dots and we’ve already covered that you likely possess the intelligence to make the required deductive reasoning.

Does the game actually tell you that? Because I can assure you many people probably think that PVE server means no PVP at all. It never actually tells you anywhere that you can flag yourself for PVP.

Connecting the dots via deductive reasoning may be harder than you think. I’ll give you an example : there was a prediction on the forums, expressed many times, that the only first week of Phase 2 would be hard - and after people get bored, things would calm down.

Apparently this didn’t happen. The carnage continues, the game is unplayable on big server and it’s as bad as on Day 1.

The fact that people spend more time whining about their problems than solving them is really sad.
“I want this and that, but not if it requieres effort. I want to play but I dont have time, yet Im rushing it like I need to have everything done right away”.
Gee, I wonder why Retail WoW looks like it does if this the feedback Blizzard are provided with.

If I for whatever reason lived under a rock for 15 years, managed to miss ALL the warnings about WPvP that were written prior to launch (forums and Youtubes were filled with them), didn’t bother to do atleast some research in a game I was about to invest alot of time in and couldnt draw the conclusion myself what could happen in a scenario like this - I’d bit the bullet, reroll a PvE server and continued on with what I enjoy. All my problems would be solved.
If I didnt enjoy the game to that extent - I’d quit. Problem solved. Take controll over you life instead of beeing passive waiting for others to fix it.