The wPVP debacle : Frequently Asked Questions and answers

I’m very much on this train with one slight change. “You should have [known] what you were getting into when you rolled on PVP, so it’s your fault.”

I have two reasons, one is specific to me. I’m an extremely cynical man, not a cynic - I am “the cynic”. This compounded with my knowledge of people, how they behave with strangers and especially how they behave in online video games makes this extremely obvious for me. Some people just want to ruin your day that want you to hate them, they are get there kicks when anyone asks the to stop and this is the ideal situation for them.

The second is that there was plenty of information available that this either could happen or there was a strong probability.

I feel there even to a person who knew very little about wow should have been able with a reasonable ammount of deducitve reasoning been able to learn that there was an unspoken deadline of “12th Nov” to get to 60 (Only on PvP servers) The amount of content available including on the forums and youtube was overwhelming.

  • As sub-question on this what would have needed to happen for you to know this? I can see you’ve added

Well here i think you were told, did you want that to be on the game tab?

This I get, but at the moment it is your only option, while i’d say there’s about a 90% chance of a server change option before christmas, It’s not 100%

Not only do I agree with you i’m ahead of you - please add your support - New PvE server please - (Solution to PvP issues) - #2 by Zhubull-mirage-raceway

I don’t even really like PvP and I’m pretty sure your 49 toon would beat my 60 even with my Tier 1 set. So I don’t blame you.

I’m glad you can see this. But “we didn’t have enough information” is not the same as “There was no information” or “The information was hard to find”

Did a part of you not even consider the fact that someone might do this out of spite, people like to win and you’d be an easy target. Did a part of you not substitute “may” for “will”.