Theorycrafter apparently exposes how Blizzard handles community feedback

Wtf. Can’t say I just enjoyed finding this out. Not entirely surprised either, I guess I knew this on some level, but still, this doesn’t feel right.

I see absolutely no issue with what the blue posts said and actually rather agree with them.


I don’t think the dev was condescending in that post, but I do think that they failed to see the issue they themselves had created with the talent system. Plenty of talents for many specs have been dead for years, not because the theorycrafters told everyone to avoid them, but because they were objectively inferior to the point where choosing them over the superior ones would just mean you’d be handicapping yourself.

They need to realize that players want to play what’s fun -and- viable. If something is tuned to be unviable, then it doesn’t matter how fun it might be when it’d just gimp me.

Just my two cents.

It’s just like with the covenants. They created a complex system, it’s up to them to tune it so that it actually provides choices, not just the illusion of choice, which is what it usually ends up being.

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That’s pretty much what happened here. Not that most people in this thread care about any of that though. It’s just way cooler to ride the eternal hate bandwagon.

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Its not surprising to find out that Blizz has some select players feedback elevated above others. We can’t even get 50 peps on the forums to agree with each other. Everyone has their own version on how the game should be run. Now imagine the whole player base with their own unique desires and demands…
And my opinion on how the game should be run will at least have 5 people in hard opposition to it. So Blizz has to decide on which feedback to listen and which to not. Cause they can’t please everyone… especially if player A wants feature X to be buffed, while player B wants feature X to be nerfed/removed. Go ahead. How will you please both of them? :smiley:

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Blame social media.

Communication with other people has become a single button.

As for why Blizzard isn’t listening to the "community’… that is because there is no such thing as a community.



Anyone who has been involved in developing and providing new customer-facing IT systems will know that customer feedback even from within a specific community is often contradictory, as different types of users want mutually exclusive things. For example, there will be those who want things as simple as possible and complain about being overwhelmed by too many options, yet there are also those who want as many options as possible and complain if the system is too simplistic. Then there are those who want the system to be very good at the specific things that matter to them and those who need the system to be able to do lots of very different things.

WoW, with its historically large player-base of many different type of players is trying to cover all the bases, and that is an especially difficult problem. Whilst Blizz devs should listen to all opinions, they will never be able to implement many of the “important” demands that some players make. Also, they will never be able to treat every person with feedback to give (even those invited to give feedback) as if they are special. WoW has over 3m players who all play their own favourite parts in their own way. None of us have a deep insight into the whole of the game because non of us play the whole of the game in all the ways it is playable.


Pretty much 200% here. The water reply was clearly that. The blue poster didn’t cared if people liked it or not. All he wanted was some data from Mythic testing.

For the second post if they see theorycrafters as meta-definers and try to design systems to fight them and they hate them (covenants locks for example, RNG Legion legendaries etc) then we get a game anti-designed for players. And it’s obvious that if you give us talents to choose we will pick the best ones whatever the classification will be.

How many topics does this need, this is like the 3rd.

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YeAh, BuT iT’s GrEaT bLiZzArD iS tRyInG tO dEsTrOy MeTa reeee

On a more serious tone, when there are many feedbacks saying that X is bad, then they should not listen to the 1 or 2 dudes out there that are saying “it’s fine” or we end up with ret paladin being an undesirable spec for modern wow (No mobility, no reliable defensive and supportive tools) or even Whirlwind being a single target filler spell.


Usually theorycrafters say the same thing. With the bonus of being good at predicting meta based on utility and special case abilities that aren’t visible on alpha/beta test logs. And there are people that know the game but don’t theorycraft a spec or class and can comment on the flow of the game and how different players will interact with it. Preach is good example here for PvE.

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