Theorycrafter apparently exposes how Blizzard handles community feedback

The short version:

In case anyone missed it, Magdalena (prominent theorycrafter) exposed Blizzard’s use of the private forums to corral feedback from prominent theorycrafters and YouTube content creators. This is why you fail to see any presence of the blues outside of the Customer/Technical Support Forums. We are considered as ‘the masses’ and are voices are unworthy of being heard.

I would consider reading the first post on the US forums for having a better understanding, including the twitter posts from this “magdalena”-user.


Wait 'till Shadowland release then as the saying goes and than the number of sale are known and a flop: Who laughs last laughs the best, so let them laugh their own way.

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Lets be fair, It is Blizzard. They endorse Racism, they endorse Sexism, and they endorse someone who believes in Eugenics.

That is a pretty unholy trinity right there…

Why the heck should they listen to normal people?

At this stage I’m more interested how much further down the racist sexist rabbit hole they go, what next, they have a unit of troops called the ‘Proud Boys’ turn up in a quest?


Ion is super active on Twitter but he never uses his own forums. Really makes you wonder.

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you know whats the real problem here ?

these things dont affect me. i dont do mythic raids and i dont do mythic+ regularily. same with most players. most players just play the game the way they enjoy.
BUT, the complaints that come from the players who are self-proclaimed “good at the game” (as if being good at wow is a challenge…) affect all of us. giving us bad skills like ToD with 3 MINUTES COOLDOWN.

i dont care about all of those whiners. i do care about how they affect the normal players. and they do, badly.


A couple of threads down you didn’t even know that zones were revamped since Cata… lol your opinion is just as valid as you think the “whiners” are tbh cheif.

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ok. whatever…

and anyway, you play a hunter. probably every ww monk hate that stupid cooldown.

I also play shadow, enhancment, frost dk, destro lock and assa rogue…what’s your point ?

its pointless to argue with you. im done. dont try.

The fact that you see a question to a pointless statement, as an arguement, speaks volumes.


They’re right! The masses are basically just a dumb herd of sheep that hop on whatever bandwagon is trendy atm. Just look at how they screamed nerf DH for years, even though there are far more OP classes.


I’m sorry, but how on earth do you know what most players do ingame and how they do enjoy to play the game?
Just because you play one way doesn’t mean most players play the same way.


of all the millions who play the game. do you honestly believe most do content like mythic raid, the hardest content in the game ? mythic+ 15 is considered boosting !

do you know why alot of people do lfr ? because they have a job.


if my memory serves me right Xelnath made those forums and at the time it was the single best idea anyone within Blizzard ever had, moreso as its trial run was the warlock overhaul in MoP (reminder that was done with the feedback of 6~ players at the time with Xelnath as the lead designer)

The biggest misfortune is Xelnath leaving and then the devs getting a bit touchy over negative feedback but thats detailed in Magdalena’s tweets anyway

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No, I don’t believe that ‘most’ players do mythic raids, but I do believe that quite alot do actually, at one point or another into an expansion.
However I DO believe that most players run M+ at a fairly regular basis. That boosting you’re mentioning I don’t even understand what you mean with.

yo but i read the blue posts that magdalena lass shared on twitter saying the dev is rude and has a condescending tone and that’s a load of garbage.
that dev said nothing out of place and certainly nothing that was untrue.

i want to believe the story and the drama and i am sure the gist of it is true, likely they do use private forums and a handpicked lot, but when you think about it, if they spent time replying to each and everyone here who has an idea, they would have no time to actually work on the game.
and at any rate, they way the dev was characterized based on those posts leads me to believe that magdalena has a difficult relationship with the truth, is a through and through snowflake and attention-seeker.

let me be clear, i’m not saying the communication we get is adequate, that would be delusional. far from it. blueposts here are a miracle. equally delusional however is for anyone here to be under the impression that their “grand” idea is worthy of a back and forth with an employee of blizz, or that they should have a say about how a class/spec should play based on their 0 seconds worth of experience in game design.


uhm… ww monk here… ToD is always a long cooldown. it’s supposed to be a long cooldown because you’re not supposed to be using it every fight. why would you expect it to be shorter CD than that? I only ever used ToD in boss fights or rares etc. because it’s not worth wasting it on normal mobs. it is a ‘major damage’, it is not normal rotation.

Problems that don’t affect me aren’t problems.

More Wushuanda insights as we get them folks.


We have been laughing the entirety of BfA to the point im no longer into black comedies, if SL is s^^ty i would rather just go see a different movie.


The dice is cast , the saying and verdict will still stands, time is running and nearly up.

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