Something terrible dawned at me tonight.
Considering that the game is in general slowly declining, Battle for Azeroth may be the last expansion where faction identity is front and center. Even if there will be another one like it, by that time the game will be even more of an ancient relic than it is today: it will not make a big difference.
That means that, in the two big expansion where faction identity was put front and center, the Horde was evil, and there will never be a chance to rectify that ever again.
So I hope, I pray, that the second half of this expansion will bring some changes. Have Anduin turn evil. Have Sylvanas be overthrown but have the war continue because the Alliance is hungry for vengeance. Have her turn good, for all I care! Simply enough, there won’t be another chance. This is the last hope for the Horde to go down in history as heroes, fighting a cruel oppressor, as in Vanilla and WC3.
And failing that? Dismantle the Horde. Remake the faction system completely. There is no point for the modern factions to even exist if their identities are so muddled. Blizzard wants an evil faction? Have us play as the Black Empire! I would volunteer gladly to spill blood for the Old Gods. But do not make the Horde into the Black Empire. Do not spit on the legacy of old lore.