Clearly theres a new wave of Premades in normal random battlegrounds, not only in 40vs40 but in 10vs10 battlegrounds too.
I struggle to understand why this keeps happening but apperantly we gonna wait til PvP entirely perishes before something happens about it.
On a side note:
Something tells me this will either way work in Blizzards interrest, since they dislike dealing with PvP problems anyway, so they will watch pvp communities destroy the scene from afar.
Judging at the way they were labeling us pvp players as “PvP Andies” and how theres a massive wave of studios openly hating on their player base. Im down to believing this wont get fixed.
Sadge, we are robbed once again.
Venruki is covering something kind of offtopic, since we want premades out through the window regardless if its done with or without an addon but:
https:// com/ watch?v=P8ONdxmv_7Q
Just confirms how far these people are willing to go just to cheat.