Exactly my point it has nothing to with you ;)) Else you wouldn’t have even bothered answering to his comment with such a statement in the first place.
Gonna edit here rly quick to not derail this threat: you didnt get my hint apparantly, i was refering to you as a “bully” since you went out of your way to harass someone in a blitz threat. Not once or twice
You have a nice way of killing a bunch of threads in the rated section. Dont do it here tho.
Do you even play e-bgs regulary, if i may ask?
Don’t worry the flying spectral tiger will take care of any potential loss.
Please do. I heard less Randoms queuing/bothering with that bracket makes syncing just easier for them and therefore plays a bit into their hands.
The problem were how they implemented it I believe.
I would rather see, like I believe I said before, a system where you get equal premades on both sides.
Example on epic BGs:
If there are 2 5man premades on Alliance there will be 2 5man premades on Horde (rest is filled up with randoms)
This will make it so if people are syncing with 3-5+ groups they will always get into an epic bg with the same amount of premades in the other team increasing the likelihood of other syncers.
If theres not enough 5man premades, they will have longer que time. That would be alot more interesting to see if it will have a negative impact or a positive one overall for casuals.
(same would be with 2man, 3man, 4man premades.)
Then a system with some form… of making it fair on gear difference etc. Scale gear up so a freshly dinged lvl 80 wont get one shot every single time and if that person is a healer, have a high chance of making it a loss.
Theres quite alot of things they could test out, not sure why they havent thought about it for years. Blitz scaling for example is not bad. Would be nice to see if its good even in casual BGs.
stop cvompl,aing ab prem,ades if tghey vban them pvp will be dead and with emnrtfvc up mode up U CAN GO merc and doeg no more exucses bowl driunkers i miss the fiends i pushed away from this sity mode
today joined into a Larkusafk prem again on Ally side, which i obviously instantly left, then checked 1 time with how many he was queing. 4 groups .Most likely everyone in there was also forced to watc the stream seeing the number of viewers, as it must be the most boring content on there.
Next game Ashran Drex prem. Since we were playing with a friend we didnt want to leave again (but queued only normals after…), so farmed artifacts instead. But holy crap what a boring game, farming pve mobs, then fangraal, completely overkill, running back n forth and stretching the game unnecessarily long.
i dont like to play rated. I like to play casual bgs, epics or normals. Today again made impossible by delusional ppl like you and drex, and all of your puppets.
Or maybe you should with all your groups.
You sit there and stream everyday how you are half dying from boredom.
Maybe its your standard expression no idea, but never saw something like that from other people except they were about to fall asleep.
What is even the appeal to bringing this many players? It’s massive overkill.
You reduce the chance to lose to 0% and by that also the chance of anything interesting happening in the round. Ever.
You get win rates near 100% that mean nothing because you have obtained them by bending the rules and you bore everyone in the round including yourself. Is that worth it?
If you want to have your friends in the round, the limit of up to 5 group members is more than generous enough.
Epic bgs are casual only content. Any lobby that has a sync premade is a ruined match.
Hm. I like play casual content. Everyone like play causal content but you wanna play hard mode. If you want hard mode then go play rbg. Epic bgs for chill mill with beer
Ask your opponents how chill it is for them to face your sync premades.
It’s not chill.
It’s super sweaty if you try to fight.
It’s extremely frustrating because you can’t win no matter what you try.
It’s totally pointless, because most opponents either desert or watch stuff on Youtube to kill time while they sit through the unwinnable round.
Even the players who end up in your team but are not part of your premade are bored, there is literally nothing to do. I hope you stopped camping graveyards for HKs at least.
For solo players and groups up to 5 players ,you deliberately circumvent the restrictions and make the game worse.
What I don’t understand at all is why you sync in the first place. I know you aren’t bad at the game and you can lead random teams with just one group.
A few months ago you were playing with 1 group and faced me in Alterac where I also had 1 group, you lost, but then you won in Ashran a few days later against me, also with 1 group. Those were close games that were fun for both teams.
I told you in twitch chat it would be nice if you always played with 1 group and you said you can bring as many groups as you like. Yes you can get away with it, it just makes the game boring. If you played with 1 group of up to 5 players, the rounds with you would actually be fun. Players would have a lot more respect for you.
Solution might be just die and don’t respawn. Bore them out of the game…ofcourse they still get free honour/conquest and waste your time but maybe you can ruin their enjoyment too.
Problem is, many people don’t see it that way, some people recklessly tunnel through the enemy team thinking they have a chance, completely unaware of the situation.
The fact you’re not even embarrassed about your way of playing is ultra cringey, pretending to be big enough and old enough to drink beer, haha good one.
In all my years of playing wow i have always had the attitude not to log off a bg and continue to fight even when youre loosing. But now, these waves of premades vs randoms, CC-spam, lag and players loosing morality after seconds into the game have totally killed the joy of playing PvP.
Then i go to this forum and see many ppl feel the same, but also those who completely fall into some kind of philosophical argument on the subject and bring up Blizzard’s rules as a defense that this is by the book, no rules broken. Well, that doesn’t change the fact that more and more PvP players are quitting PvP in WoW due to these problems. If it’s not against the rules then it should be. Blizzard should change this and make Random bg for randoms. Let premade groups fight other premade groups, why isn’t this logical for Blizzard?