Theres a new wave of premades

Sorry I thought it was clear that I was referring to EBGs.

sadly way to often people are afk from beginning or after taking objectives

an example: IoC, your team have 1 healer, opposite team have 10 healer. Will you get hangar? 99% no you wont. How can you get Hangar now? right, get demolishers and siege to hangar (healer and tanks get way more dmg from vehicle, Siege can ONESHOT player) and wipe them. Especially the siege is the gamechanger, but you have to watch a player driving them into the enemy base cannons an dying in a few seconds. While the whole team spam on chat to bring them to hangar.
1 Guy wasted the last chance for the whole team.

Is a fail design. But even if you want to run your quest, dont waste AA or bloodlust for it. Again you wasted a chance for your whole team to win this BG.

i dont know how much EBGs you play, there are alot of fake calls about enemy incoming, enemy positon, or the typical “big inc boss” and 1 hunter with 30% hp dying to boss but full raid went back to base and lose the front

Balinda/Galv is an option for a ressource fight, if you can get towers down and push to base there is 0,000 reason to kill them. You have a personal mission to kill him/her? cool do it but not at the start where every person at the front is making up the decision.
Best is seeing people running into Balinda/Galv while the graveyard next to them is still on enemy hand. They run in and get wiped again and again and again.

again, sorry i thought it was clear that i was referring to EBGs.

This is one of the most failes i observed. First clash, horde win and push alli into there base and lock them. Alls is cool, 148vs60, nothing can get wrong now . . . “Mage Tower is dying” full raid turn back just to safe 30 points and get locked by alli into our base, gg. Win throw away.
Same exists on alli side btw.

Honour is one good reason to kill them. Denying the AV buff to the enemy is two.

Its not bad design, its players are whiners and can’t understand AV was not made to be won quickly it was a long battle that used to last for days, now people cry if its lasts 30 mins. Its not badly designed, its not made for what it has become. The others are mostly world events adapts to be EBG’s. Isle of Conquest which is the only one designed for how its played now. Frankly I think Isle is the worst of all of them.

Sorry I thought it was clear that I was referring to RETAIL EBGs.
There is no more honor bonus for galv/balinda on retail and 2 min 20% HP buff but losing the front and the BG in the end is a bad (wont use the sh word) trade.

No one of the premade wants a fast AV and the typical way to play needs 15-30 min, all cool.
The exception for a boss rush is the blitz achievement, its the 6th AV in a row or the opposite team have no healer/less player.

For what do you need collecting fragments in ashran? Summon Fengaal and Kronus. How often have you seen them WITHOUT a BG leader/premade?
Is a premade going collecting fragments at the start or are they going to the RoC after the first zerg and collecting defense items+fragments, that takes 2 min?
Its a bad design send players away from the first important fight for a quest. Why cant we get the 1k honor for killing 10 players like in wintergrasp?

Premades vs random is killing the joy, if youre not in a premade.


No, it doesnt because i dont gatekeep and as you see my understandings do not do the bracket a disservice as this guy who outright thinks he knows stuff and partakes in destructive practices like Premading and blindly defends it, tip toes around , pretending his a victim and so on.
I also used to do a lot of Rated Bgs and never gatekept players who had the rating for the team assambled.
example : we are at 1.8 (if you are of 1.8, you can apply) ,as in most teams who might play at even lower rating but request of you to have a minimum of 2.2 xp.
I also did not rating- bash him.
It was a comparison and a core objective point of the argument.
He was complaining people in Normal Random bgs arent skilled enough for him while he is also a beginner.
Again. It wasnt rating bashing.
Im bashing for his lack of self awareness and his lack of common sense.
Theres a clear difference you somehow intentionally or unintentionally refuse to see because you expect me to be the bad guy, for being so direct and intollerable towards a person who insists on being a part of a conversation without having any successful argumentation.
And ill say that im sorry but i think premades are way more harmful than alleged “rating bashing”.
Ill try to be softer next time.
though my position remains the same.

only the map is random. the players are not necessarily. it would be time to accept


Give players a high honor reward for not going to the fight and letting their team fight outnumbered, what could possibly go wrong? 50 artifact fragments is the most troll quest design in the entire game.

And to make things worse, the things you can get for these fragments are also a complete joke.
The quest encourages you not to play the objectives and letting your team down for purely selfish reasons. It should be deleted or replaced with something useful like capture solar for your team.

To give y’all a quick update: I’ve talked to Dreadx from undefeated forever yesterday.
He said he planned to do an open pvp event fighting over the open world objectives in outland last month, but the horde guild he wanted to do the event with didn’t show up.

I think most events of this kind fail because they are arranged just between two communities or guilds, then something unexpected happens and one side doesn’t show up and the event / war game can’t take place.

To solve this problem, I would like to build a community that includes every player who is interested in this type of PvP. If we can get hundreds of players of both factions to join, we will be able to start events regularly and even when some players don’t show up, we can quickly replace them with other players who are online at the time and willing to participate. This means, the more players we can get into the community, the sooner we can start hosting war games and events.

If anyone is interested: You can join the community called “War Game Central” in the community finder. If you would like to join the community but can’t for some reason, please let me know.

We are at a very early stage of organization, the objective rn is to recruit as many players as we can. I would be grateful if many of you joined and also took on the responsibility of bringing more players into the community, spreading the word. I can give you leader or moderator status if you want to be an active recruiter.

Players of both factions and any skill level are welcome, players from existing epic bg communities and players who aren’t in a community as of now, but would like to try premade vs premade epic bgs and world PvP events. The only requirements for now is
being interested in war games and being respectful.


This can only come from some1 who doesnt play epics and because of this has no idea what the problem is.



Yeah it is annoying to find out after checking your map in Ashran that 5+ players are farming fragments. In Classic Ashran the fragments at least have a purpose. In the standard version I don’t think I’ve seen the NPC be spawned and for good reason - it isn’t worth it.

Oh, sounds cool. Would definitely be up to something like that.

Sounds like fun. Will join on my Hunter when I get online.


Ashran = World event
Winters Grasp - World Event
AV - Brilliant in classic when it was made - Wolf/Ram Riders and the Ice lord/Ancient were common if not every game.
Isle of Conquest - Only EBG that was designed (fairly) recently that is made for the way people play now. Frankly its probably the worst, least pvp of all of them.

Tol Barad was also a world event
wonder why that didn’t make EBG status?

So of the 4 only two were designed as EBG’s and one is extremely old and has obviously dated but that doesn’t make it bad design, the game has changed. Which leaves Isle of Conquest 
yeah I don’t like it.

Can’t speak for Ashran but in Old AV you got no honour for that. You got honour for killing and objectives such as Galv and towers. However having the ram riders for example was very helpful back in classic. That dude out there doing that was losing out and honour was very competitive back then. Honour was competitive especially at higher levels and it wasn’t set scores it was based against other players if you got the promotion.

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Although the map is the part that is random, you should still expect to find mostly random players in randoms. The place where you should truly expect to find formed, organised, geared and skilled teams is in rated BG’s. Sadly though, the vast majority of those playing in premades, who think they are the mutts nuts, won’t play in there due to (insert any feeble excuse) not being able to kill their opponents so easily and make them look like half decent players.

if thats the case,you shouldnt have any issue to deal with em “ez win” for you big chad.

It would also be time to accept that holding an entire dying bracket hostage and forcefeed lambs to the slaughter is harmful for the game yet here we are.

Sure, how can he possibly not win alone against a sync.
Get into the queue and show us how you do it.

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I can’t remember it being much fun tbh^^

In general, I dislike most Vehicles and their role in BGs. It is super-boring.
Hop into such a vehicle and spam 1 button on a certain target for some time

As defenders in Tol Barad or Wintergrasp your goal is to wait until the timer expires (with or without using vehicles to destroy towers). Alternatively using also cannon-vehicles to shot other vehicles
 In Isle of Conquest you can choose your vehicle type and which of the 3 doors you attack
 :smiley: I know I am simplifying a bit here, but expecting players to be spaming 1 button in cannons/vehicles is not a great concept for PvP

I prefer the idea of spending resources (AV/Ashran) to spawn NPCs which help your side in the overall goal automatically (in theory). That could be done with vehicles too, IMHO
 The farming of those resources should not be something that discourages players to PvE somewhere in the map alone, as you guys mentioned, some quests here are absurd. Running back to the base to turn in resources also sucks (especially AV), in Ashran you have at least that drone-item that can help out.

I imagined some UI element where players can decide what/where they spend resources to spawn NPCs to help out based on the actual war situation. Enemy players could spawn “counter units” at the right moment and such
 I hoped Warfronts as PvP would have been such a thing
 poor, delusional me

Warcraft could do much better in many ways, showing players what is important without the need to install add-ons (e.g. tower timers) or require leaders to break everything down. I just don’t see BGs getting that kind of love from Blizzard :sweat_smile: I wonder where all our subscription money goes

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Couldn’t agree more.

I can deal with all of them alone, no problem, what I did also countless times.
But this is not the point.

Never said i did that xD dont twist words.
This is what you guys do “make up stuff and twist things to fit ur narrative”

I never said you did it i said you can do it and show us :)) All of us have literally won against most of these people when they did not queue with an entire wall of carry,just like they all won against us as well. As it should be. Nobody joining this madness ever had a reason to do so,they just wanted to evolve from the casual victim to the sole bullys,letting out their anger on innocent people over and over again,therefore recreating this cycle. Bully your tormentor at least.

Was a little bit interested in what that pala with the korean name said,with classicwow and the premadeinfection there,turns out he was right and the queue indeed was prefering prevspre,was very well recieved by some at the start but after some time the hype was over some blabla about gold and consumables as an advantage,the queue times were getting very long etc pp therefore the reboot didn’t have this prioqueuesystem anymore. Sad. Guess we wont get it on retail as well.

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at this point i dont know who asked you that,nor what does that have to do with me xD

If u asking me premades is just ruining the game atm there is no good that’s coming from em just more leavers every game nothing else and blizz do not care, it seems they just want peps to stop playing.

Less subs every month becouse of premades but hey its less money from blizz maybe they start caring later on.

I could make a list to fix the premade problem here but cba.