Theres a new wave of premades

Until Blizzard writes a blue-post statement about what is permitted, and what is forbidden, we work with what we’ve got until it happens, until then we should not argue about this 24/7 every single day.

I bet half of you people don’t even write the feedbacks about this problems and issues in the support tab, you just assume a forum rant is going to solve everything.

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And you are here to tell us what we should post about? Obviously sync premades are a huge problem for majority of playerbase, and forums are a public place you can discuss this topic.

If it’s just a forum rant, why are you so against it? Just don’t open such topic and move on if it doesn’t concern you.


The last blue post with a statement we got is from 2012, where blizzard says what they want for casual BGs and for which kind of players RBGs got implemented.
Look at post 13 in this thread.
At this time there was a literal outrage from ppl abt epic premades etc.
Now there are so less ppl playing epics, that even if all of them would complain blizz would still not see it as important enough (money wise) in comparison to PvE.

Read my first reason why I write here something, I dont think I am alone with it.
If you dont like to argue abt it or read the same stuff from different ppl (or us) again and again, maybe you should just not read it.

Many people I know do it, did it, and now quitted PvP or the game in general cuz of it.
Blizzard got hundreds or thousands of suggestions for what they could change, it all comes again down to the money sh*t.
Ergo it will bring nothing to continue spamming the 100s time the same suggestion.

I dont and hope that most people come here also just to let it out, there is nothing wrong with it.


Valdrakon is right, we must unite for battle! We will fight on the battlefield to the end!
Who will lead us?

Maybe start fighting on the battlefield instead of pugstomping whilst jumping from one group to the next. The only credit i give you is that out of all the “Tanks” you actually can keep aggro of a pve mob. Maybe teach the others :stuck_out_tongue:

To hard for this individual, we are still here:


I understand Jay, you will never forget that disgrace on IOS, too little time has passed.
By the way, it’s a toy and in any form I look the same, I thought you were smarter :wink:


AHAHA, I have screenshots from farming all of you, the difference is I killed you alone and you NEVER killed me, you need a whole BUNCH of apes to kill me. :rofl:

Since your memory is same bad as your skill ingame, you were on a mount at docks, having me in target while I came to you for over 30sec, backpaddled like sh*t while searching on your bars for your bear form and died in one hoj.

But thanks for showing me your bars and confirming that you cant even bind your buttons! :+1:´

Edit: Last time you were one time not with your leash holder Larkus and we met in an Ashran you lost by me killing your boss, because you need all your attention to find the buttons on your bar.

Hahaha, so sad you have to point this out so much. Y’all know it’s so hard to kill Jay and u show here only that u even need a sync premade for it. hahahaha fail


idk what you’re on about XD

It wasn’t synchronicity, that’s why you kept playing, isn’t it, Jay? But the strongest always wins, and that fight was no exception.

Yes, in battle you were weaker as always and to win in PvP you needed to kill a PvE mob. By the way, maybe in PvE you will be stronger and that is what you need?

Dude stop embarrassing yourself even further, its hilarious.
Fact is, every single BG we met and you were not syncing, you lost. :slight_smile:


Btw thanks for confirming without having me to search and post the screenshot from it now, that you only can press W forward without thinking and thats why you have to sync! :slight_smile:

We both know the truth, Jay :wink:
That’s why you’re mad. For me it’s just a game, for you it’s the meaning of life, I understand.
You’re a good opponent Jay, but too emotional.

Love you all :heart:


Exactly, and everyone here also. :wink:

Ahhh, makes sense, since YOU are the one who has to sync every single day because he is otherwise to scared, bad or instable to lose.

Emotional yes, the only right thing that came from you until now! :slight_smile:


fvisuts u literally invited all known premers in to ur new communty thats why i left like u p[romosed to organize prem vs prem but now with everyone (premer) and their mother in thast grp its again prem vs random go fist you are self


Bro please take some english and grammatical lessons, you’re barely making yourself understandable.

Like I can make sense of 30% of what you’re saying, but that’s it.