Theres a new wave of premades

i did not say i blame you specifically for this issue?
just that you had the leader tag haha

You did accuse me of queue syncing

yes sorry that happened because you had the leader tag in the match
ok so you werent queue syncing but the issue is still there for some if not most people?
you were a good opponent in the last match
voidblade is one of my death knights using the dragonflight crimson gladiator dk set
btw just incase the DF conquest/honor sets and aspirant/conquest weapons
are on the valdrakken pvp vendors

the obsidian gladiator greatsword is just green tint ashkandur

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They aren’t merely “annoying.” They’re holding entire brackets hostage, in a part of the game that already is suffering from a stark decline in numbers.


He has. Drx . Had me smiling since it reminded me of a certain very likeable R1 Healer who used to stream and clown on the other high rated players who love to portay this wholesome owo image whilst being as toxic as a nuclear reactor.
The warrior tank from L’s community also has a boomkin which is in the com of dr#x.

Yes drx does the same always completly overextend and push back the backline spreading front and backline apart making it easier to wipe front line. In Winter they also love to run into Enemys before they can jump down,gives you more time to get the flag and therefore build catas.

Funnily enough someone from their community lately said hes missing a lot of boomkins/in need of more boomkins.

I either have a clownround with me being the only boomkin and therefore being the only dps and probably losing depending on the enemy healers or i have rounds with way too much boomkins which is an absolut overkill,making me think if i had 2 of them last round we could have won. It doesnt really have to always be a Sync-premade,but it is likely,it is also likely that 2 5 man groups have been put in one bg without aiming for it.

Most normal people, if you message them,will probably be honest enough to say yeah i’m in group right now sorry i lost this and that much rounds. In case curiousity hits you hard. You can btw also talk to drx unlike other leaders he will probably answer you and hearing his point of view might give you an idea why he is doing it.

Yes, i got confirmation from like 3 sources but can also say its not always or in the same perma timeframe like other people nor is it as much groups as others. Ofc it doesnt make it ok or better.

You are a very good healer and very smart i think you can without tilt/anger say ok this doesnt seem like they are just 3 or 5 people,its just analyzing scoreboard take out odds and remembering names and looking at your teams performance. And some math :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
You can also ask one from the lao/ing group they might see him lately more often since they themselves are also queuing more.

Lets see where his Community goes,maybe one day they can farm Z. Probably not tho. Doesnt change the fact that this Bracket is getting killed off slowly and it is bothersome. I would honestly give away all my Honorlevels if it means this Madness is getting stopped.

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Are you sure they are the same person? Checkpvp doesn’t list Drx as one of this prot warrior’s alts.

Imagine needing specific specs in mass to stomp casual bgs.
As if having one or two reliable and semi-competent friends plus yourself and calling the shots wasn’t enough to easily win up to 80% of rounds.

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i whispered this drex few weeks ago asking if he plays with multiple groups so i could leave. After game he sent me an inv to his comm. There I could see they were syncing and also ppl from other epic prem communities are in.


Yes,very sure he let himself some time to write the usual Triangle triangle capslockblablabla triangle triangle stuff but it was him,also same server. Not fullgeared so newish Char.

Timframe checks out with my 12 hour nolife sessions where he was trying again to build up that community,which failed the first time around or was limited idk,he had lots of People joining in same people that also joined L com. And you can trust me those People were not in Dire need of a Community,their Winrate was as good as mine more than enough for Soloplayers. Was also around the Timeframe Ze Group was queuing Korrak or Classic. So barely any competition.
Do you remember how much Groups it was at that time?
(My last Info was 2-3 Groups)
Do you know how much active People he has currently? Would be interesting to know if the Winterholidays made it harder or easier to actively “sync” for a smaller community.

If you make it like this. You can only premade que with 5 or 10. You wont be able to que as 4 in a grp. Bu hu, some players will say "omg I want to join with 3 friends… Well too bad then, cant make everyone happy. Find 1-2 more and join premade. Max 2 in a grp will be able to join “solo/due” que in bgs

I think we said earlier that this thread doesnt go against 5man premades.
We are talking about bypassing the system limit of 5man and quing as huge 20+ group into 1 single battleground.
Also huge communities can and will control who gets to play with them, so there will be casualties.
A game of monopoly if you will.

I’m gonna go out here and catch some flak, but here goes:

I’m in Drex’s community, we don’t actually stack boomkins, we just gather whoever is online and Q.

Most times we’re only two groups, sometimes more, but composition isn’t as important - we just gather whoever is online at the time, and Q up. Sometimes we’ll face the Horde PUGS, but half the time it’s another prem (Zado/Zenie on Horde) and then it actually feels like a pretty decent battle.

Problem with soloQ’ing EBGs is that the chaos can drag on for a looong time, and the reward is bad. You can lose a BG taking 45 minutes and you’ll only get p*ss honor for it.

At least getting stomped hard takes only a few minutes, and then it’s just “Re-Q, go next”.

I did join the community out of a need to get more reliable games, but also less frustration from flamers and people that straight don’t use or read chat at all.

It gives the feeling of being in a battle, with a proper commander giving orders. Not the headless Whack-A-Mole that is PUG EBGs.

Doesnt matter- if you wish, you could, oposite team will always be a random amaglamation of skill/gear/communication and you will always have an advantage over the that as a premade, even a lowkey one. Though lets not pretend most premades dont go full in with flasks , consumables and so on.
First you got time to discuss strategy before the battleground itself
Second because joining a community already means that you are of a certain motivation and probably skill and even gear and are more likely to resort to also consumables and stuff the casual Joe is not even aware of.
Third You actually got an already established higharchy and also the chance of having people in your premade group who do not listen to the lead can result in consequences (being kicked ,blacklisted and so on)

There many other factors embeded into this, these are just the basic ones which already make a huge difference.

Nah bro, we just listen to Drex when he uses /RW.

You’re making this out to be much more elitist and complex than it is - we’re literally just guys/gals wanting more direction.

No need to go all out on consumes or - LOL - discuss strategies pre-Q. We literally just check the community for who’s online and Drex asks if ppl wanna join. It’s much more disorganised than you make it out to be.

I don’t have time to plan around organised war games or RBGs. More importantly, the community is actually really good, no negativity towards eachother, or blame games.

Beats getting into a PUG with 7 guys going: “You all suck, delet pls” “Average -insert faction- losing all the time” “Why am I the only good player” etc.

Why tf would I deal with that over a proper community? Might as well just raid then, fk PvP if I have to participate with toxic A-holes.

I know you think the communities themselves are the toxic A-holes, so you must find this ironic. But we’re friendly to each other, and graceful in defeat.

On Horde-side Zado calls people dipsh!ts and losers for not following him, Drex is all about the “Next try soldiers, can’t win 'em all”.

EBGs wouldn’t need communities if people didn’t believe they were Superman, not heeding to strats or playing as a team.


I get you but sadly it doesnt matter, you got advantage against the enemy and thats simply a bad sport.
I get that Drex is a cool dude and all that.
I give you that, i believe you.
But it doesnt change a thing.
And im also not trying to be rude, i understand why you joined a premade,
i was compelled to do so myself.
But it ruins something we all love-> PvP.


I understand all the frustration about syncers. Maybe you guys only play EBGs and don’t play RBGs actively enough to understand just how frustrating boosters are.

I think we can all agree that the game would be much better off if neither boosters nor syncers would be a thing.

Yes, that seems accurate.
At least from what I can tell facing him three times.
Thanks for confirming my suspicions.

Blizzard’s design philosophy is that epic bgs should be joined with groups up to 5 or solo and not in raids, they are just too lazy to enforce their rules properly.

If anything, the syncers should be the ones to leave the bracket.
Syncing, that is bypassing a limit set by the game, shouldn’t be a thing, period.

Who are you trying to fool?
You roflstomp pugs 90% of the time with the occasional premade sprinkled in.

You can have a proper commander giving orders without cheating the system by syncing. Join with a group of up to 5, take care of important stuff with your premade squad, write instructions for the random team members to mobilize them towards important objectives.

This is how I handle stuff, and I am quite successful in leading random teams in epic bgs with just a handful of friends.

Maybe tell Drex to abide by the rules and go with only one group? See how well you do?
I also believe you when you say he is a chill guy, but keep things fair.
Everyone can be a great commander when they command disciplined soldiers and face a disorganized rabble.
Spontaneously organizing a random team and make them fight effectively while playing within the rules, now that’s challenging.

Sometimes I wonder why there are so few noteworthy examples of leaders who do not need a private army of multiple groups behind their backs before they dare to step up and lead.

It’s literally the best way to play epic bgs.


Because too few people give a damn for team play. I’ve tried several times to gather like-minded people and attempt to do plays - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Adding people is useless, no one ever has time at the same points of the day, if they don’t just ignore you because of social anxieties.

It gets discouraging fast when people in the BG start flaming or straight trolling when the first strategy maybe doesn’t work out 100%.

I don’t Q up to get shot at with people’s sh!tty behaviour, if I could guarantee that half my raid were people of similar intentions and drive, I wouldn’t wanna do communities at all.

But that’s not what you get. 50% don’t read chat, another 30% are “R1 Multiglad Heroes”, 10% straight flame, and if you’re lucky, you get a whole 10% actually wanting to try out your strategy. If you’re really lucky, that is.

I’m not in a community because it’s the best way to play, it’s just the more optimal for having fun.

PUG-only EBGs would 100% make me only Q for Korrak’s when it’s around. Many people are toxic as hell, thinking they’re the hero to turn the game around, and everyone else are losers, headless chickens only fit to further their own ego.

Worst is many of these people don’t even come up with a strat, they just expect the team to play flawlessly, no comms, and proceed to flame the whole game until it’s lost.

Another reason to be in a community, people just aren’t dicks.

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People just leave to fast

I feel like you’re too ignorant or arrogant to understand that some players are new and being new in a game like wow is more than just confusing, mate.
Hell, even being on a new class or spec has the same effect.
Its not new players fault that you expect them to be this productive, what i mean is each of them are there to practice a different thing, some they keybinds- other abilities, rotation and so on.

Look, i spam bgs everyday for 3 + hours sometimes.
There are certain individuals but judging by what you’re saying they’re a lot more somehow with you, rather than with me.
How does that happen?

Its like you call people bad when they play bgs and then i look at your xp and i dont see you being a shining light to put it lightly. In more context: Id assume such strategist as yourself would at least have some decent XP in Rated BGs or Blitz ?
You call people on being toxic and then i see how you have low tolerance for other players, act selfish and arrogant.
You clearly like battlgrounds but you rather see them dead in a couple of months than to admit you’re wrong about your ways.
And funny thing is - i totally see you having at least twice as much fun if you drop that attitude of yours.
It sounds to me that all of your problems with others start with you.

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Where’s the fun if all your plans work 100%?
Then every round is the same.
It gets monotonous very fast when you just win every fight on player quality alone.
The best epic bgs are those rounds where you manage to pull off an unexpected comeback like a successful counterattack on hangar or backdooring the boss in ashran while your team is losing.

With sufficient contacts, you can always find someone to join.

What can I say? I just write “Need 10 players for Iceblood tower defense” after the gates open in Alterac and sometimes I get 20 defenders. :grin:

I write that I need people at the road flags in Ashran and players go to the road flags. I tell them to storm the mage tower and they do. I tell them to fall back and regroup and they do.

You don’t need every single player to listen to your calls and execute them flawlessly, you only need to mobilize a critical mass of random players to accomplish the currently important objective. If a fraction of them listens, it’s enough.

Feel free to join me and I can show you how I do it.

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You like to make a lot of assumptions about other people based on a very narrow understanding of them.

Yeah, I’m such an arrogant prick for believing people joining a battleground would want to communicate, work together and play as a team. Such unchecked arrogance.

I’m not the one that quit the game because of EBG syncers, anyway. I reckon there’s a whole lot more to offer in this game, and EBGs are only a tiny fraction of that.

It’s pretty clear by now, that you just attach a lot of negativity to people that simply don’t agree with you. I really went into this with a civil mindset, but you don’t want a discussion, you just want confirmation - if you don’t get it, you start a fight.

Which I’ll leave you to, have fun with whatever games you move on with.