Dude, i know you think highly of yourself, like “omg these noobs at the battleground, how dare they not be as good as my 1.6 xp’d me, next round ima resort to cheating, im such a strategist i should be wining everytime” but and again im sorry that i gotta break your little bubble, but you’re a pretty obvious Duning Kruger.
Dude how long you gonna pretend that people who join these BGs are not mostly new to the class or the game ?
Then dont premade and do something else. By the same token.
I am not the one destroying bracket?
No i can literally link you the way you discribe other players and how you view them and i based my opinion on you on your shallow understanding of them and I paired it with your lack of experience and how little it took for you to resort to cheating, low understanding of your own biasis, paired with the Duning Kruger side of things.
You can even notice exactly when I started viewing you negatively, when you started beating around the bush with some nonsense excuses for your behaviour and when you started viewing yourself in an elavated way to put it lightly, viewing new/casual players negatively, when they’re in their right to be in that bracket, as it is the beginner bracket if all else.
what are they betting on how much people will leave when they see them?
How long the first teamfight will last, they cannot be betting on wins since its a prescripted win.
No idea what he’s talking about, I find it highly unlikely to actually be the case.
Especially since some of these community members cross over to “spy” on the other side, to avoid hitting into their BGs. We had a whole night trying to deliberately Q into Zado, because he was trying to avoid Qing into us.
You can try Merc mode if it is available to you in the afternoon and do a few Epic BGs as Alliance, you’ll see that we face Z and L premades very often. Then you can try turn the tide against them with the advice you have given.
I can only use my experience as a reference point, but before the holidays things were fine, now every 3d BG is one of these two in the afternoon.
What can Alliance do, other than either avoid Epic BGs completely or pointlessly vent here and comfort yourself how syncers are awful players with low rating and a bad personality (I don’t mean you specifically doing this).
We can join Drex and make it harder for your synced premades to win. The downside is, that now your PUGs have about as much fun in Epic BGs as Alliance ones currently do.
Yeah, its also always very interesting how Ze x La will barely meet unless one has a clear upper hand. Its pure magic
Its 23 / 7 horde so no,but with the new patch system he should be able to bypass that by getting an invite from alliance player or did i misunderstand something.
I’ve seen the Horde one a few times. He was up I think about 3 hours ago today I think. But yeah, mostly the Alliance one is up. What you say is true, you can inv someone from the opposing faction and they can join your BGs.
Funny enough, I often see him in the same BGs as Zado, but not always. Maybe there’s some co-op going on there I’m not aware of, didn’t care to join the community after Zado just sh4t on everyone for a loss, gross fella imo.
Yeah I mean, if people wanna go at us all “you’re ruining the experience” I can see why people think so, but I’d still rather be in a community than PUG into bad games constantly. At least we reckon the challenge and seek it.
Horde premades wanna stomp, Alliance at least seeks the challenge.
Yes,they queue together or land suspiciously (very)often in the same bg,is that not the case, he(za) queues in 1 group with perso heal and that zam Hunter+ idk. And in those few Bgs they are dependent on the randoms to play along and do their part,if that is not the case their group leaves cuz muh winrate. Or if a troll doesnt wanna pass lead
Lets rephrase that. They both seek the Challenge of stomping
I know some people here wanna make it out like we’re 30 people ganging up on strangers, but in reality we’re often no more than 10, maybe 15 sometimes, but nowhere close to what people think in here.
We’re not exempt from having to rely on our randoms. I guess they just listen better, because Drex doesn’t sh!t on people for not following orders to a T, or throw in the towel after a few rough patches, as I’ve seen with the Horde guys.
I also wanna reiterate, I am not in the community because I like to stomp. It’s just my best chance of having quality game time, with the hours I got and the time I have, personally.
Some will get that, some won’t. It’s all good fam, beats getting flamed in PUGs for the umpteenth time while I can’t make someone’s schedule for RBGs.
Yeah thanks for clarifying that,appreciate it,my last words with the people from that community kinda said its 2-3 groups and 1/4 bgs a premade,not saying what they consider a premade,could have been emeg+fans could have been zeni+clowns. + When they queue mostly.
I’m always curious as how things progress from joining new members,people waking up,people rerolling and what not, its interesting. Was thinking with the decline in Maps lately that u might face more Groups or less.
At least on Alliance side a lot of People are honestly just more and more mad since they have the Honor of playing these Bgs the most,knowing its a waste of time.
I also had a nice Conversation with Drx a few Weeks ago,never had anything against him and wanted to hear his reasoning,as someone that queues with him would you say you stand a real Chance against Zeni Grp yet? Like just analyzing the dmg / healing done from Bgs were you faced resistance. An honest answer would be very kind. I also miss some of the People he sneaked away from my Pugs
yes you said you have two hours or something like that,its fine most People will understand it to a point yet a lot of them also just have limited time.
The Op of this Thread wrote in another one that he queues 3 Hours so ofc he gets mad when he sits them out in Dornogal. Let him cool down,you do the same no need to go at each other.
I barely see it and if i see it,its most certainly a halfnaked exgladplayer on his 15th corpse playing a nonsense Specc and malding because he hates bgs.
What i see is the usual premade blabla everytime. At least People learn to look at the scoreboard before getting slaughtered,we are making progress. Doesnt help tho.
Edit: Had such a nice Sync game with drx,av stomping randoms into oblivion they didnt even have 20 kills. Just horrible. Nobody got dmg off they just died as soon as they engaged into combat,and ppl liked it thats the very disgusting part. The same people that cried everytime they saw zeni ya congrats you’re not different now enjoy.
2 wintergraps same stomp so much onesided fun is only healthy for this game <3
What I said is effective against random teams.
Against Sync Premades it’s always an almost impossible uphill battle.
Your written instructions will never reach as many players as a sync commander who talks on voice to his obedient premade players.
I understand the sentiment, but by fighting fire with fire, you become part of the problem.
Actually, all of this is the developers fault for not enforcing their rules.
If there were only five man groups at most, nobody would feel the need to sync to counter syncs. This problem stems purely from Blizzard’s disregard for all things PvP.
Today, I discovered that the official website doesn’t even display the correct R1 cutoffs for blitz, but the American cutoffs instead, where the ladder is lower and you need fewer points. I’ve grinded all these incredibly sweaty 3.3 MMR lobbies in vain because I will never finish the season with 3.5 cr.
You can clearly tell that they just don’t give a damn.
I am considering going back to PvE with the next season and only doing some epic bgs on the side.
I can have a huge impact on the outcome of the BG with just 2-3 players. The average epic bg player is so bad, that even such a relatively small group is an impossible obstacle for all pugs.
Now 1-2 raid groups of toxic premade alliance people just farming epic BGs 24/7. Everybody now the name of the leaders and Blizz still hasnt banned them for griefing and breaking TOS. What a pathetic shame
When Drex wants to go out of his way to snipe the horde premade leaders, let me know and i’ll gladly join and bring some of my best fighters with me. Seeking out premade encounters is respectable, preying on pugs is lame.
Maybe if things continue the way they are, they will implement the system tried in SOD, the downside of which will be even longer wait times.
Not holding my breath that Blizzard will intervene. People complained about premades since I can remember, its just now the BG playerbase has shrunk to the point that there aren’t that many BGs going on at the same time, so if a synced premade is playing, you are likely to run into them.
Sorry to hear that. I want to try BG Blitz as well, but I’m on holiday now and don’t have too much time to play. Will try in January, but the season will end around then no?
I play MM and in Dragonflight I felt like I do impact my BGs a lot. Now I’m always in the middle of the pack. But this is more to do with me, because I see some MM do huge amounts of damage, so the spec isn’t the issue. Don’t want to digress though.
But yes a few good players can make a huge impact.
The only issue is that one cannot 100% predict whether they end up vs a premade or not. So you might end up in a game fighting vs PUGs.
I also don’t find sync (us) vs pugs (them) fun. But it is what it is.
I think it’s safe to assume the season will go on for at least 4 more weeks and the end of the season is not yet announced. I think end of January to mid February is the likely end of the season.
If you want to unlock some titles and season ranks, the best time to do it is this season in blitz. The ladder is very inflated, ratings go crazy high. Everyone is around 600 points higher than they would be in a non-inflated season. 2400 in blitz is like 1800 rival in another bracket if you look at the level of play in these lobbies.
Its easier to reach a high rating and unlock an RBG title through blitz right now than it ever was and probably ever will be.
I talked to a friend I play bgs with on voicechat last night and she told me she is in Zennies community and Zennie is always happy to play other premades when the topic of sync premades came up.
Wouldn’t it be a logical step to arrange war games (friendly matches) between your communities? What is your opinion about the reasons as to why war games are so rare among premades? Do you lack the members to arrange a full team?
Indeed, I think this is probably my #1 point in this.
Communities give me the option to Q up with like-minded individuals, on my own time. If I could plan my game time 100% I would raid as well, but I can’t fit in with the schedules.
If your guild does casual as well as ranked BGs on a non-linear schedule at all kind of times a day, HMU with an invitation.
As I’ve stated above, my goal has never been “the Stomp”, but battles with better direction and players listening, makes for a miles better experience. Especially when there’s room for mistakes.
Would actually love to try and lead some BGs if I could be free of the abuse.
The mafia are also like-minded individuals.
Doesnt make it right.
Premades hold hostage an entire bracket thatr if you want to play undisturbed you have to:
dull your expectation of fun, because stomping people is not fun, just the same as getting stomped.
Join the mob
You can que at any time regardless in any bracket. I come home usually after 01:00 AM, cause im a bartender and i push every season beyond 2.2-2.4.
Is there a bit of more waiting at that time - sure, but it aint inactive.
Also just because YOU dont have enough people for 20 premade que sync, doesnt mean others dont have, its not a YOU thing. Infact if there was just your community doing it, nobody would even care.
The main issue is that its a massive increasing practice.
Dont you get it ? It doesnt matter what your individual goal is.
Everyone has a different view on morality when it comes to this.
Some premades as an example stated earlier push as far as the cave entrance of the AV and farm without doing any objectives. Keeping players stuck.
Now you gonna say “oh but thats not us , we are the good guys” doesnt matter dude, learn how principle and logic works, that why rules should be applied.