Theres a new wave of premades

Dear wiplala he wont change ,he loves to wreck everything . I guess u know no king rules forever ? Ppl on horde side are very much fed up with all this nonsense . I for myself wont play anymore pvp. It is not possible to play anymore cos we face them every single day for many hours. Pvp now is not fun anylonger ,it became stressful and a game should NOT being stressful.


Wow, did they just remove 2 of Alessthra’s threads completely? Guess Saneko had a really bad day again.


We are Drex , Drex is everywhere8

Let’s be fair, it got derailed to the point it became an argument between two players.

havent met u in a bg this xpac


Are you talking about the multitude of topics that were very similar?
You, who seem so strict about the rules, don’t appear to have read the forum’s regulations when you signed up. Unless you’re so desperate that you’re trying at all costs to use anything to your advantage, even if it’s pure bad faith…


yep. I told you hes just waiting to do something like that.


Zeni and other premades are low, only noobs, the evil in person, need to be punished . . .
but Drex syncque with 3-4 grps (and yes i joined your community and saw it by myself) is the new hero super star, even the holy fistus premade community want to play with you . . . best joke 2025 yet. This year will be super funny.

Nepha tryed that years ago against Pezan (if i remember correctly even a blizzard employee was willing to watch the wargame to see if it runs bug free) and the result was they dont got 80 player together to start the wargame.
But they faced eachother on an AV that tooks multiple hours and only got won by one side cause random player start leaving the BG.

Player are not interested in wargames cause:

AV: both premades will sit in IB GY and SH GY and it will turn into ressource fight, who have the best rogues going for mines. Boring
WG: Impossible to beat a defending premade. Boring
IoC: one Premade will got beaten and have to play base defending tactic. Boring
Ashran: one premade will got beaten and have to play base defending tactic, the other premade wont enter base cause they will get farmed. Boring

You have to play a very boring BG with 0 rewards. No gold, no honor, no conquest, not even a chest. But you have to pay gold for flasks, pots, feasts, repair armor.

And the non toxic way is?


To tread along with the rest of the unorganized PUG crowd, don’t you get it?

When they’re miserable, we all need to be miserable.

Crying in the forum.
I mean theres plenty of things one could do get obs and record your own queue everyday for months on end,showing how often you face these rigged prelost games.
But we both know Blizzard wont watch any of that.
The other thing you could do,is to animate everyone to leave the bg when you see them which will not happen either sure 10 ppl will leave at start another 10 after frist stomp,but you will never be able to gaslight 40 ppl into leaving.
Whats left? Join these Communits and become part of the problem,or leave every rigged game until you realize you play 4 -5 Bgs in 6 Hours at best.
You’re at the hand of a Company that has replaced all halfway decent employees that cared about this game to replace them with Artists and People that only want to Milk it till the last Drop.

The only Person that can fix all of this is the Person who opened P*ndoras Box in the first place :stuck_out_tongue:

So if we’re gonna admit there’s not actually anything we, the PLAYERS, have any power over except non-participation, can we stop getting personal on each other for no other reasons than “my feels, uh”?

I joined this discussion to give a different perspective, not so players could take their frustration out on me for no apparent reason.

Keep a sober tone and discuss the topic, instead of getting heated over differing opinions.

I was the one that told you to not engage with Aless/to stop the discussion till you both have calmed down since it was getting a bit out of hand :wink: So the same goes for you and the Trolls pretending to have never seen a Premade whilst having never played a bg without one.

I keep my calm fine, I don’t resort to personal attacks in discussions about games I feel unsatisfied with.

There’s a lot of people in this thread that take their feelings out on those they see as the problem, though. Instead of looking at the actual problem, at its source.

Legit just look further up, I came in here with nothing but good faith to give a perspective, but people still think I’m a PoS. Even though I am not personally responsible for any of their sufferings, I just suffered like they did, and now I don’t.

Don’t hate me for trying to find a solution to my problem.

There is addons they are using. Still works and it’s not a chance of getting into que for it. Blitz is more random then random battlegrounds today.

they use Battleground Commander and the addon use auto-que and its legit (like every weakaura or arena addon since 2008)

Random Battleground means random maps not player, thats why you can choose between specific battleground and random battleground


What community?
I check my FL and see who’s there, invite 1-2 players and hit queue, or they invite me and then we lead an EBG as a small group by writing strategy calls.
There isn’t much more to it. This is what I do when I play epic bgs.

Btw, I am not interested in joining the community to play in sync premades to stomp pugs, I look down upon that kind of thing. I want to see if I can get some war games organized.

It’s a friendly match, you can agree to a set of custom rules, such as you may not camp at your graveyard and close the icewing / iceblood pass, you must fight open field, if a team fails to capture an objective within a certain time, they lose. Or: the team that has more reinforcements left after 40 minutes wins if the game is not decided until then.

Because it was only a game that was meant to take place between two communities.
My idea is about creating a community for everyone who is interested in premade vs premade EBGs.
Then you have a large pool of players that you can use to form teams of roughly equal strength and let them fight against one another.

Let’s say 500 people are in that community, 150 of them are online, 70 of them agree to play a war game on Ashran. Then you have a hopefully balanced round of equal premades and if one team turns out to be significantly stronger, you can swap around some players and do a rematch.

Previous attempts to organize war games failed because they didn’t have enough players in just two rival communities, but when you start with a large pool, it might work.


IDK. On the alliance side the win rate feels pretty damn high