There's an Official WOW Private Forum?

Any idea how to get in? Apparently it’s officially hosted by Blizzard, and there are two forums, one where community theory crafters engage with Blizzard and the other one is influencers.

If you’re one of these two, you’ll likely get an invitation. Otherwise there’s not really any way to get in.


That sucks, would be nice to read posts from non crazies.


aight i would typically flag you for another vacation

but maybe… just maybe…


Yeah bro I totally get why there are private forums now with outstanding individuals like yourself skulking around threatening reports. Keep it up.


I think that private forum is called twitter, that’s where the drama unfolds


Nah it’s been confirmed to be an actual forum, two in fact, one for theory crafters and one for influencers.

There was some drama recently and someone Tweeted about it with screenshots etc, pretty funny. How do you guys not keep up with the news! :crazy_face:

I am glad you did cuz… er well that is what you meant earlier :р

Goes to show a company like Blizzard enjoys listening to what they want to hear


I know about it and have known about it for ages. 5 years? 6 years? Something like that.

I’m not in it. I don’t think I’ll ever be in it. And honestly, given everything I hear about it, I don’t want to be in it.

As it resurfaced I realised that I am wasting my breath trying to make Blizzard turn WoW back into an RPG. If they’re wasting their breath when specifically picked out by Blizzard give feedback, what chance do I have?!

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What? You’re not in it? NO WAY!

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Nice attempt to bait with sarcasm. Not going to be successful.

Exactly this.

These private forums are there to capture feedback, supposedly the filtering makes it better for them. But I don’t care about what’s better for them. If they want to capture my feedback, it’s their job to do it, not mine. I will give it wherever, eg, on these forums. If they fail to capture it, their loss.

Always kinda figured there was one but still… excuse me for not playing with a calculator and a spreadsheet next to me or with a camera pointed at my face :unamused:

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But then the crazies misinterpret what they say and spread false info over here. :stuck_out_tongue:
I wasn’t aware of a private WoW forum, but upon learning about its possible existence then I see it as only a good thing.


The secret forum you ask for? hehe, its one hell of a party, not everyone is invited in.
You could never find this forum, its just full of lemonade…and parties.
Don’t even bother trying to google where it could be, as I said.
I have been invited in after my above reproach behaviour, serving “the old folks” :wink: Sometimes life gives you lemons, at the party
dot org

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Pretty much any forum I have participated in has secret section for staff and moderators, this news did not really come as a surprise.

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does make ya feel like any feedback we normal players give is just ignored and they only listen to the “special” people

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Point a calculator at your face for double-chances of getting into the secret forums! :grin:

I mean, was anyone really surprised that Blizzard seek feedback from a more specific audience? It makes sense to get feedback from theory crafters if half of WoW’s population are going to be using the guides those people produce to select their talents gear etc. Similarly influencers can get feedback and opinions from their large audiences and pass that on.


They’re just making an echo-chamber. They are picking out people that already like the game exactly the way it is whenever they are picked.

The hilarious part of this echo-chamber is that they made the game extremely simmable and then made it very hard to succeed without those sims by making a very opaque gearing system, and now they’re complaining about it all the simmers they’ve picked only giving feedback about simming and making everyone follow their sims because they’ve designed the game based on simmer’s feedback. xD

And when I point out they did this to themselves, I got a vacation - although it was short and likely an automatic thing because they wanted to delete the thread since it got super toxic a few posts down.


If they don’t wanna hear it, I can’t force them to. TIme to go fll Twiluna. Actually, maybe half Twiluna.