There's an Official WOW Private Forum?

the influencer one is a Discord, not a forum

you just called yourself stupid… but as long as youre cool with that its okay

but youre right, too many EJ ppl at blizz and look where we at… everything is based on maths such GREAT design

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we needed a 5th thread about this ?

What are you trying to articulate here?

its above your daycare level, dont worry about it


Uh, try me? Or are you just trolling?

Oh yeah would totally want to participate in a forum where the blizzard employees behave like children the moment someone disagrees with them as was proven.

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you are on these forums :wink: so

Yeah, never said I wasn’t a drooling pleb like the rest here my dude, would be nice to at least read the stuff they post on there, though.

Well you give it a rest with the insults i mean can you not debate in an adult and polite manner ? do you want a ban ? i mean really seriously get a grip and act better .

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Of course, this forum is most likely also used for feedback, and I’m not really sure why people think it isn’t. Over the last coupe of years, on here I’ve seen requests for:

Removing TF / WF - now removed for end-game gear rewards
Too much of a loot Piñata - to be toned down in SL
Rubbish weekly chest system - to be improved in SL
Levelling system not great - has been improved in pre-patch
PvP vendor needed - will return in SL
Too much pruning - unpruning has happened in pre-patch

So you could say that the Forum is actually a great way to give feedback. Just don’t expect your ideas or opinions to be picked up.

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:joy: :joy: it certainly is a cesspool

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Has been effectively ignored since years however.

Also took a good while.

Out of necessity. If they now adjust the XP after each xpac then we can mark this as adressed.

Also took years.

Still nothing compared to before and requested even after some unprunning happened in the past, and people will ask again for more unprunning in given time.

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But all these changes happened over a very short period of time, perhaps Blizzard are making an effort to take feedback on board now?


The MoP/Legion team? Most likely.

The WoD/BFA team? Bwuahahaha.

Their tone changes drastically dependent on what team is currently working ontop of it, which is highly amusing


Yes, but you have to spam forums for months or even years daily. There are many things that blizz ignored, mostly due to their pride (we created - you must play it no matter what).

Is this “different team” theory your personal headcanon based on extreme assumptions or actual reality?

“extreme assumption” is what you may call it. However its a theory in many peoples heads and been ongoing for ages at this point with people hinting at many things that makes it believable. It also makes utter sense from a business perspective ontop of it.

If that is true, then there are two thing I get from it:

  1. These people have a business and are totally dependant on blizzard for it, and all they get for communication is some crappy discord server whre everyone can write at once. That must suck.
  2. It seems many influencers that preach on all their channels how “blizzard isn’t listening!” are actually lying. Although that doesn’t surprise me. They are basically the equivalent of televengalists in the wow community by now.
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