There's an Official WOW Private Forum?

I’m guessing the way you heard about that is through twitter’s recent outbursts of a certain player.

So if you read the whole thing, you’ll realize that they don’t bother caring abut people’s opinions in that forum anyways. So why do you even care about joining?

Imagine the forums without the Highelf thread… wow…


I can believe for theory crafting, and it makes sense.
As for influencers… that’s a joke if there is one for that, take a look at the influencers in the real world, causing more havoc, than good influence.

Free advertising and any publicity is good publicity.
There’s a reason why anyone with a somewhat known YT/twitch gets free copies of games from developers and are the first to get alpha/beta access.

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Until one of the influencers gets exposed for being horrible, I guess? then it isnt good publicity. :smiley: Imagine staking your reputation on a ticking time bomb, I wouldn’t ever. Phew.

Was it ever an RPG though?


These people threatening to flag remind me of those bootlicking kids from when I was younger.

“I’m going to report you to Mr. Blizzard!!” :rofl:

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its the only way to get through to blizzard… and the type of players who are infulencers are the exact cause as to why the game is going down the toilet slowly.

they should delete that forum if they know whats best for them and start listening to the people who play the game for fun and not money.

Might be a good point, but how do we know this isn’t just some impotent jealous rage?


Was anyone under the impression they took normal forums seriously?

It’s prolly that secret forum that had the idiotic idea of giving locks soul shards as a resource

They do similar things in OW where the staff host a Discord chat servers for the ‘Pros’ to advise the devs on to balance the game etc.

The feeling of being left out isn’t fun, but Blizzard do seem to like having special feedback channels.

If WoW fits your bill for a RPG where you have no choices, well… ok.

You did, though. You could choose a great deal of things in vanilla because it was completely open-ended. If there was a quest that would be bad for a character of your moral fiber to do, you just didn’t do it.

But more than that, WoW is a different type of MMORPG. When you are in Azeroth you are anonymous - except your character is not.

Your character becomes how people know you, and your character gets an identity based on your soul and its looks, and it allows you to engage with other people in a completely different way, and that is why it is important that you invest a lot in a single character instead of many - to keep your nailed to your character’s identity. This is what MMORPG’s can give that nothing else can.

But WoW loses that today. You don’t have to invest very much in each character, and the only thing that’s constant about you is your class. Everything else can be changed, often for free, constantly.

Sure, this is not Neverwinter Nights. It’s a completely different beast - but it is (well, was…) an RPG just the same.

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