There's no way armor tuning is real

There seems to be a post that the changes to armor are intended. I mean…how and why, hello?

If this is gonna stay live, just remove any physical dmg specs like WW, warrs, ferals. Not a single point to play them.

Game slowing down even more than it already was last ssn is so incredibly boring


Armor tuned for level 80, not 70. Remember, we are not max level anymore


No phys melee cares about this … when ure unplayable for 4 weeks. I have games where my average ms hits for 64k on 2 mil hp. F this …


As you level up, armor dmg reduction will scale down. Theres no need to be that dramatic about this.


The armor definitely went up, I think there will be adjustment starting from next reset when they have wider data.

On Blood DK in PvP I am almost armor capped, same in PvE. I am basically immortal now. I can imagine this is same for others as well.

I submitted nerfing armor a little as suggestion because such avoidance hampers the gameplay loop for Blood, possibly for other specs as well.

They alrdy got a hotfix out where they nerfed BM for no reason, if they would use there brain for a sec they alrdy could have fixt armor and recerse it when we hit 80

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It’s like this every prepatch, you’re not supposed to make assumptions on how the game is going to be during the prepatch.
We’re not max level, we don’t have hero talents etc etc.

Just wait like everyone else

My aimed shot was hitting for 150k max hehe. Meanwhile my ele does 240k insta casts xd.

0 point playing physical dmg class for 4 weeks


Been playing since 2008 and can’t remember a prepatch where multiple classes could not be played.


Same here. Usually it’s the other way around, dmg is through the roof pre-patch. My rising sun kicks hit for 60k on plate

How can armor at lvl 70 be “tuned” for lvl 80? It’s a bug!

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Imagine releasing a game that’s meant to spend your free time on. Imagine further releasing that game in a summer holiday, when a lot of people have off and thus free time to spend. Some people would like to play the game during that free time, but now you have a bad time because the only specs you played are just bad.

I don’t need to be more sarcastic to get the point across.

Even if it’s pre-patch, pre this, pre that…it’s still a game that’s played for entertainment purposes. Having to wait weeks to enjoy it again (AFTER the holidays when free time is limited again) is just plain stupid from any customer’s perspective


Lmao imagine being a phyz dd guy that have to play 1 month this garbo prepatch and suffering just because armor is tuned around 80 lvl :joy_cat:


Tbh every prepatch is like that, some stuff are omega broken and other borderline unplayable.

I guess the worst spec in this game has to be outlaw now, didn’t try it but as it did low dmg before now with this change you probably do same dmg as a lvl 30npc xD


Outlaw only really did low dmg if you didnt know how to play it which alot of outlaws didnt know.
If you used weakaura that told you what to do your dps increased alot.

And hey if armor has been increased now: damage will be high in War Within. I can quarantee it.

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It’s true for every spec, I feel like outlaw is more annoying in term of utility than usefull to score kill.

Most of stream I saw it was really big dampening game, not that much dmg to kill, there is no 300-350k hit like the other spec.

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Instead they have the utility, tankiness, mobility and CC to compensate for not being able to deal high amount of dmg.
Outlaw were one of the most who suffered with how people badly played it, they needed the correct buffs which ppl if they dont know outlaws buff icons can easily override which is why the weakaura told ppl if the buffs was good or not.
I watched venruki play outlaw and he were terrible at it at first, did no dmg etc. He got the weakaura and started to actually perform since it was a big part of outlaw he did not have to think about.

Where are you getting your numbers? Or are you making things up?:clown_face:

MM is exactly the same as it was before the patch. I see no difference, and the other hunters I asked dont see either.

You making low dmg is because:

A) Its a skill issue
B) You picked the wrong talents after the talent tree was reset with the patch

Good luck…

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Outlaw is rng dependant but you don’t need weak aura to do good.

Also venruki despite being an old blizzcon champion he isn’t very good at the game anymore, it’s not a good example.

Drdaggers is a main outlaw, better watch him to understand how outlaw work (and it’s state).