There's no way armor tuning is real

You dont need the weakaura if you are rly good at outlaw (usually outlaw mains) where you know the icons of the buffs of which are good and know what to look after.

I never said venruki is the best gamer. I said the weakaura helped him being able to play outlaw better since he did not know what to look after in terms of buffs etc.

Its current state can be bad, I have no clue about it.
But I also know that people used to talk down on outlaw even when it had the highest % in terms of wins in higher ratings.
And this is just not for outlaw, but for other specs aswell.

The armor value of all classes has been increased by a total percentage. Since aimed shot is physical dmg, it does way less damage than magic.

If you see no difference, maybe open your eyes. Everyone notice it.

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No, it’s not even close to what it was before prepatch hit.
This is just an example from a match I did earlier today

16 casts of AS to do a total of 2.46M damage, and it’s not even the worst case scenario, since this was on a clothie.

MM right now feels mostly like a wet noodle with its damage

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i dunno man, i feel pretty strong

You’re not even MM

Im not saying we are a weak class. Im just saying the damage difference is noticeable.

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the only thing they need to fix is dark ranger being absolutely pointless, i have been on the beta since release and it still sucks

explosive shot is great now though , at least there’s that i guess

So, when you say you feel pretty strong, you mean on beta at max lvl, on pvp, as MM?

yeah, without saying too much and bringing too much attention
 i dont wanna get it nerfed

Okay, but we’re not on max level yet, and it’s senseless that we’re rendered useless for a whole month and pay for it

pre patch is always this way, ALWAYS, season has ended too so it doesnt matter.
you are at no detriment

you cant nerf a class in pre patch to then only buff it again when expac goes live in 4 weeks

thats a complete waste of time

remember when evoker was in prepatch 1 shotting everyone 

Theres another patch on beta than it is on pre-patch.
Rets and Enhancement dont even have the correct talent tree on pre-patch compared to beta.
So they should be able to change things in pre-patch without touching the actual beta patch.

Now I am talking about small changes, not omega big changes.

But the rest was still playable. Now nothing outside of magic classes are playable. War, ww monk and rogues cant do anything. Especially Outlaw.


Can confirm that. I have 1 ability that does more then 50k dmg on average. Its unreal how bad arms warriors are.

Who says armor has been increased? Some random people from forum say it and you automatically believe it? So your a herd thinker and not an independent thinker😂

Really I cant take people like this seriously. At least show some proof and dont spout out non sense stuff.

And I checked your talents. You have many wrong talents and some of them are BM stuff that are not meant for MM which you have picked from the hunter general tree

I find it hard to believe you had to cast 16 aimed shots to kill someone. And the numbers are just too low. Did you cast 16 aimed shots on a training dummie on a low lvl hunter?:smile:

Come on
 for me even 16 aimed shots is enough to kill blood dk or bear druid, just be honest Dumbledore.

Its good that your holding your cards close to your chest. I would have done the same.

You are a clown.

You can go ingame and check the value yourself? Stop trolling.

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This armor thing is mad frustrating. You know Aimed Rapid Aimed KS doesn’t even get off a mages shield now bruv

Nah mate, sort it out pls. Can’t eat mages so i’m starving now.


Bruddah my armor went from ~35% to 60%
 Do you never check stuff???


it is not about how the game “will be”, but what it currently IS. People want to still be able to enjoy balanced content from now till the expansion and hiding poor balance behind a pre patch and writing it off as “always has been that way” is just an awful excuse