There's no way armor tuning is real

There is, because you can’t play any PvP with those specs until TWW release. How about we just shut down PvP completely? Would you enjoy that?

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Where do you see it? I have laid out so many facts for everyone to understand that there is no change.

And some people get emotional and start to use words like clown and troll towards me because they are not able to discuss properly like a grown adult. Better not to reply to them at all…

Armor values are extremely high at the moment. Physical dmg dealers got their dmg cut by at least 30% due to these changes. You can also check ingame in your character profile how much dmg reduction your armor gives you now.

Why are you all feeding this random guy who’s obviously trolling.

Of course armor tuning is trash and PvPing as a physical DD is pain atm.


There is. You got to understand that people are playing now. Like today. And that costs subscription time, and money. The game shouldn’t be in an unplayable state for certain classes simply because of a change for the future.

The game is live now. These changes should’ve been implemented on launch, not 4 weeks prior, so people paying a subscription can test the game for you. Absolutely atrocious.


Armor scaling should absolutely be fixed as there is no way this is intended.

That being said, nerfing specs is pointless in the pre-patch. We’ll just have to suck it up no matter how far ahead of the curve Ele/DK is.

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Imagine any other game being near unplayable for a lot of characters in the game for over a month.

I don’t think so…

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Right now, I’d just be happy with armor fixes. MM feels completely unplayable right now and it’s so damn frustrating


Whenever it’s an expansion pre-patch, I get that the balance of PVP jumps around a bit.

Some classes get stronger, some get weaker, and sometimes the game gets super bursty or super slow (depending on how the end game gear translates with the new level cap).

But these physical classes being blatantly unplayable for a month is complete nonsense, I don’t remember it ever being as obviously dumb as this. It’s easy to say “just wait” but this is a subscription based game, and that “waiting time” is paid for.

I don’t feel the detriment of this armor issue as much as some players as I have lots of different class alts, I play PVE too, and I enjoy running raids for transmogs and other rubbish.

But for anyone who only PVPs and looks forward to trying out their reworked class or new talents, good luck. Its broken and its embarrassing. Just get it patched.


This is promising to be a very boring and slow first season. In other expansions dmg was through the roof pre-patch and so was the first season. At times it was over the top, but I rather have high dmg than very low dmg, long slow games. At least form a dps pov it’s way more exciting.

Or they have some weird idea to cater to healer’s complaining the pace is too high, and therefore want to try and get more ppl to heal, and fix the queue times and whatnot. After all, the game has moved hard to solo shuffle? But still, making the majority of the player base’s in-game experience dull and straight up boring ain’t the way either

They need to revert it. It is insane that people cant play the game for an entire month because 1,5 month from now my stats will be more normal. Who designed this nonsense?

And no, ThiS iS PrEpAtCh! is not a valid excuse. I rather have 1 spec OP, then having multiple classes unplayable.


Blizzard on a blue post.

Do you have an answer still ?

Also, IF you know what % physical damage reduction each class had before the latest change you can compare with the current values, and you will see that current values are - much - higher.

But that requires having a little bit of knowledge, and having checked stuff here and there in the past. Seeing your answers I assume you have neither of those things.


I know, you couldn’t believe because @Meghanmarkle was honest about hunter for the first time. Since his main is not hunter anymore, you didn’t want to take him seriously. I don’t blame you, he is crying wolf for sure. But unfortunately armor change destroyed MM right now. We can even understand the difference by looking damage of Aimed Shot and Wailing Arrow. Since Wailing Arrow hits shadow damage, it does 3-4x damage of Aimed Shot.

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Now it says its bad for the first time, finally its brain has clicked right. I just wanted to tell it that MM is good like how it has told us for a long time😄

I did notice how bad MM has become when I dueled some people. I havent done BGs because I know the outcome. I havent logged in either since wednesday and I wont do it until next month because of it.


Unless you suffer amnesia, you would know that it has increased just from looking at your gear.

I was playing my BM lateley, its normal too hit with average 20k killcommands thats numbers from 2 expension ago
Rly Poggers


I don’t notice any difference to be honest.

MM is fine by the way, you just have to work a bit harder. I do want serpent sting to be returned though.

It’s not about noticing or not, it’s a fact. It can be checked easily ingame by anyone.

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Well, I PvPed the entire evening, and I have not really noted a real difference. I think only warriors, WW and hunters are experiencing slightly lower damage, but, as a whole, there is very little difference between TWW and DF PvP in terms of damage/survivability - from what I can see.

My MM still did fine - though, as I said, I don’t like the random removal of abilities.

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Have you ever done 100m damage done as MM in a bg before pre-patch? 110m? 120m? 130m? I did. Of course average players with 15-20m damage done don’t feel any difference when they do few million less. MM is very bad right now. Armor change aside, new MM tree is much worse than old one. No need to mention Sniper Shot and Chakram gone. I don’t even want to login my hunter anymore.