There's no way armor tuning is real

Yes, as I said, I don’t like the random removal of abilities. Removing chakram and serpent sting is 100% unnecessary. I dislike not having options or anything fun to do.

I have seen some do the usual 50/60m damage.

Have you played mage? On my heal in soloq i find it terrible too heal mage the only specc that HP bar still plays ping pong amd goes down like crazy

Logg anythink else and you will see that physic damage is a joke

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Can someone tell me how i supposed to kill warlocs on phys dd? Like i hit like 100k-150k crits, while warlock has 2kk hp + 2kk shield + lots of healing such as healthstone and passives. Nice job blizz.


a 200k damage difference is not slightly.


yea, it feels precisly like mage for the entirity of season 3-4 of dragonflight :smiley:
i cna totally feel right now that im basically on par with the current hunters… like, they hit me for 100, i hit them for 100

this is a first in a long time… usually they hit me for 800, and i hit them for 100.

130 in a normal bg is out of this world tho, as arcane i think i capped at around 30 while padding, while i avg around 10-15

epic is another thing, ive seen dks ending with 600M… idk how…

Arms is real garbage now I cope with fury.

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Was watching some snupy stream where he blast on ele in a Bg Blitz the numbers a crazy 200k 250k 150k pop up every sec on multi targets Lava LAVA lava

On my BM hunter with a cleave build i see like 20k 25k 10k maybe a 70k crit with luck thats a lot that missing on my numbers too be on the same page as Ele

wailing arrow hitting for 500-600k crits

meanwhile aimed shot hitting 200k

just play wailing arrow

It shouldn’t have any relation with Trueshot and should proc 2x faster for sustained damage. They just design it wrong.

So is the game being in pre patch excuse the fact that it is unplayable ?
Aren’t we paying for game time here ?
Dot’s (witch ignore armor) are doing double the dmage of other abilities because of this armor nonsense.

Are the devs really tell us that the game will be like that for a month ?

It’s been few days now, we beta tested your game because they clearly lack any competent testers, now we wait for the fix.

And the most unbelievable thing of all - we actually payed money to test the armor change for them, we pin poiinted the problem AND i believe more than half of the people who write here can find the line in the game code that can acually fix it !

How is this customer service in 2024 ? We should not be paying for the game in the current state. Either allow us to pause our game time until it’s fixed or refund the time spent. Or allow us to help you fix it if you can’t -_-


We live in the age of stupidty. You shouldn’t question too much. Keep paying your sub, be a voluntary experimental object and generate data for your masters.


They won’t learn from their mistakes. I’ve said it over and over through the years. HOW can you balance things out when you make the game more complex, and keep adding spell modifier talents, and whatnot. The more crap you implement, the harder it is to tweak.

But I do think they want to move to a slower game, to incentivize more ppl trying healing, and reducing solo queue times, since the game is moving to a near only soloqueu style.

But that will make playing the game as dps extremely boring. Noone wants to feel like you’re hitting like a wet noodle

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I see no evidence of this. Damage is just as high as it was during DF, or even higher. The armour changes are fine, too. I barely notice a difference.

You are quite correct. Speaking as a main outlaw, anything that’s plate, mail or healer/tank, I can’t bring lower than 90% hp

Some fun stats for you. in DF s4 in solo shuffle eu there are 259 outlaws above 1800 rating and 2247 assassins. in eu rbg, out of 4919 ppl in the leaderboard, there are 14 outlaws ( 12 of them up to 1690 rating, 2 up to 1960). At least according to the pvpleaderboard website

Outlaw was a literal God when it was introduced in Legion. After that, in BFA, SL and DF i can’t even get into rbg groups at any rating unless I’m making them myself. I’ve been waiting patiently since then for a fix but no one cares tbh. There are 0 posts in the pvp forum about outlaws.

Even if outlaw-pvp gets 200% overall dmg boost, will still not be able to compete. it’s THAT far behind.

I played in beta with the hero talents and I expect it to be one of the same.

I didn’t payed attention in S4 how many armor did we have compared to now.

Anyone have some number of before / after ?


Can’t say what I had before, but as a Bear playing Blitz I hit armor cap with 1 or 2 fur up :smiley: it’s really dumb when I can solo stall 4 melee players and they barely move my HP bar :smiley: casters however hit like nukes, when I see elem + affli my hp bar just goes crazy

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:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Come on already, game is unplayable if you are not the correct class ( ele shaman and so on ) !!!

If you are not gonna balance the game give us back the game time ! If you are going to treat the pre patch as beta or alpha testing or whatever why are we wasting our subscription on this ?!


I don’t mind the current state. DK is going wild! whoohoo