They actually FREAKIN did it

I think you came to the wrong thread, sir… >>>

This is the healthy and calm one.

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You’re saying that like it’s a bad thing.

Thanks! Just in time for me to have lunch with my entertainment

There are like 7-9 comments waiting for people to be unsatisfied or complaining about it - for every 1 unsatisfied high elf fan.

Most of the comments here and on reddit show that people are mostly content. You’re being more insufferable than the people you whine about


Au contraire mon frére. They need to double down on the Void/Holy dichotomy now to further differentiate the groups and Entropic Embrace is one of those things that help do that.

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Someone’s been triggered.

doubt that would go against the reason the split happen in the first place then again blizz writers are incomptant so i don’t expect much

Well, I did not mean for such a cynical thread (not that I’m against it). I just wanted to show some love for the high elf lobby for winning, even if I disagree with them.

Its a symbolic victory imo. If they can force a change like this, it bodes well for other demands to change the game. Well, the reasonable ones at least.

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Finally getting Forsaken Druids in next expansion pack. Maybe Tauren Rogues too.


Tauren Rogues are already a thing they are just so stealthy you never see them

They look quite visible for me.

Oh, so you can’t wait for people reasonably asking for something being more complete.

I think you should find a hobby that helps you not to be in such depressing state of boredom.


Damn, can’t be said better.

You think I’m depressed because I made a joke about the influx of high elves taking over the void elf race?
Ok buddy.

Of course. Everyone is depressed, because the world is so god darn horrible and terrible and there is nothing good in life… At all.

… Meanwhile people in the real world don’t let the bad things cloud their judgement and still find a reason to be happy.

Well, we’ve had to suffer the whining from high elf fans for years.

I’d say it’s fair game.

Oh wow, a joke. Worst excuse ever.

And no, I didn’t said you were depressed, I said you were exagerately bored.

So yeah, reading comprehension skills: 0/10

No, a 1/10, I feel generous today.

Why did you call him a constipated dinosaur with half fingers?


Funny thing is that you kind of described a Zandalari.

You said I was in a depressing state.
That’s akin to being depressed, lets not be pedantic.

I don’t really know why you’re trying to be some tough-guy forum troll character, I’m sorry you took offense to my harmless comment.

He is mad because helves flew away and he is stuck with velves now :joy:

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