They only buffed Chaos Bolt tooltip?

Is this confirmed by any devs? Cause dmg is still very low…

Can’t find any information on this, but it could be just the dummy that’s bugged. Has anyone had the chance to confirm this in actual pvp?

I went into a random bg. Highest I hit a guy for was like 90k, which is the same as before. Meanwhile I hear on twitch chats some people been hit for 120-130k… I have full conquest gear, playing all the right talents, damage is literally same as before for me. Definitely seems buggy.

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yup, this happened last time as well and then it got fixed after few days, it’s weird.

Sometimes I worry there is something as “per character” / “per account” bug… it shouldn’t be technically possible and yet…

I can 100% confirm that my dmg is exactly same as yesterday, same min/max/average… only difference in dps seems to be minor Incinerate boost.

Fakegodxx I second this

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I didn’t see this thread before hence I posted one below.

It’s not same as before sadly, it’s actually 15% lower. :smiley:

I did, tested naked in duels, -15% lower for me.


Haha, gg blizz. Guess my lock is benched until this is fixed. Tried to report it but I’ve no idea how. They just direct you to US forums, but unfortunately EU accounts can’t post there. :smiley:

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My experience is target dummies are pretty hokey right now. For example on my shaman you cannot cast primordial wave at the pvp dummy in Valdraken, it’s just broken - but you can cast it at all the pvE dummies. So you literally can’t run your pvp rotation at all.

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Don’t think it’s bugged for everyone tho as I have been hit on several occasions for quite higher numbers than before the patch.

Did another round of testing Today, again duels and dummies too. Still around 10-15% lower than before the patch for me (in pvp).

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Bin mir unsicher

Yup, it’s completely random across accounts/character, horrible kind of bug

So I’m definitely not the only one… If it was before patch I would say it makes no difference as you would rarely cast Chaosbolt but now after havoc nerf (firx or whatever) it’s actually necessity to get it of few times and it’s actually nerfed. :smiley:

Testing on the PVP dummy concludes:

-Avg chaos bolt crit dmg 63k
-max crit 95k

To compare, here’s my incinerate stats:

-avg incinerate crit dmg 79k
-max crit 111k

So yeah, as a near BiS pvp geared destro there’s something foul going on, hoping for a quick fix…

However, I do remember doing up to 150k chaos bolts in BGs, so who knows if it’s just the pvp dummy being bugged.

It’s bugged in duels and arena too. Tested it on several occasions but it appears to not be bugged for everyone (which makes it even worse).

It’s super easy to test tho if you just test on a fully naked character.

I’d argue that it’s not too easy to test with the chaos bolt damage being dependant on several procs.

Ofc it’s easy, you compare damage on PvE target without any procs and on PvP target without any procs. Ofc you always take Chaos Incarnate to eliminate mastery randomness and test naked.

Super simple. For my lock Chaos Bolt hits about 10-15% less on PvP target (duels + pvp training dummy) than it does on PvE training dummy / PvE mobs. In theory it should hit ~40% more on PvP targets with the recent change.

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Can confirm this is definitely bugged. My Incinerates or Conflag/SB crits are way harder than anything from Chaos Bolt, which is bizarre.

Grateful if you could fix this ASAP Blizz!

Anyone heard any updates on this? It’s been well over a month and it’s still bugged for me.

Still borked, with full PvP gear opening Chaos bolt hitting for 56k on pvp target dummy. Honestly I’ve unsubscribed at this point, I have few days to go and I doubt they will fix it. If it gets fixed and portion of lock pop wont get screwed over anymore please let me know.

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