Retail is basically reset progress every month or so now lol soon it will be every week or so.
BFA is nothing but a bad taste and never ending joke now.
Why even bother, going back to doing older content, raiding with guildies, leveling alts and playing on my alliance realm…so glad I stopped min maxing mains on M+ and Visions months ago as we all saw this coming.
Insane catchup mechanics way way too late, insane RNG for way way too long, then nerf BIS items and add specific ways to target specific corruptions after forcing everyone to play the lottery for months…
You couldn’t make this up anymore, it is laughable.
BFA can get rekt. BLIZZ you have miss managed this entire expansion from design up…seriously, LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES.
I was personally thinking they wouldn’t nerf Gushing Wounds, apparently I was wrong.
They probably thought upon it and decided that Gushing Wounds stacking is too dangerous for health of especially PvP but they are still giving a week time to those WoWtoken p2w players to abuse that corruption as a consolation.
Yeah? Well I… um. Er… yeah can’t argue with any of that really.
They are clever.
Blizzard kept the carrot in the stick dangling for the rest who did not have said corrupted items for a long time.
Now that 8.3 content is done by the “elite” (read - for those who spend 50.000 real life dollars to get a world first. As well as actually have the endurance to keep pressing keys timed to a metronome for 20 minutes) the items that got them there are nerfed to the ground.
Source please.
Yes this is true, but we must not be foolish to expect that Shadowlands will be different. The same team that brought you this sh1tshow will bring you Shadowlands. DONT EXPECT DIFFERENT RESULTS!!! REPLACE THE TEAM FIRST!!!
I understand that thinking perfectly. I quit 2 weeks into BfA release. Now the plan is to level a Warlock in preparation for Shadowlands. The level boost is waiting for the exact moment my character hits BfA content. Hopefully not too many days of subscription left after that moment either.
Is a warlock worth for SL? I heard Blizzard still did not plug the holes the class has in M+ performance.
It was obvious they would nerf GW if they put a vendor in… It would trivialise everything including the raid which they have to protect so yea. I was hoping it would be after like a month but fair play, they did it quickly.
I havent exactly gone the Warlock route with some min / maxing in mind, so sorry I cant properly answer your question. It’s more the fact that I’ve never got far with a warlock, and basically no other class currently intrigues me enough. I rather wait and see what options I have for my alts, like this Paladin, with leveling after Shadowlands hits, with its revamped system. One character through the BfA story line is enough. Not doing it again.

BFA can get rekt. BLIZZ you have miss managed this entire expansion from design up…seriously, LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES.
Man they will never learn anything its all planed they want it like it is
to many sheeps that buy this sh it as HOLY FIX
For me Shadowlands Will be the same sh1tshow as Bfa.
Will give it a try, but don’t have any expectations.
Waiting for TBC. Hope they don’t screw it.
You can always rely on the legendary ability of ActiBlizz to epically screw something up, in the exact way that will make it totally not fun and cause players to rage. In Classic they managed to screw nameplates up AND port it to BFA. TBC… oh boy, so many good things that could go wrong… professions? Flying mounts? Heroic dungeons? Basically make a list of things that you can do in game, then check them all, this is what Blizz can screw up. Personally I’m waiting for Wrath, but have absolutely NO hope of them clowns getting ANYTHING done right, not after that %@&$ show they just did with Corruptions and BFA in general.

You can always rely on the legendary ability of ActiBlizz to epically screw something up,
Who would have thought that 52 layers of RNG would be unfun? Never, ever seen this before.
Yeah, it’s like they have a serious gambling problem and try to displace their addiction by forcing it on us, so they see more people gamble and the poor wretches feel better. Hazzikostas’ main is carried HARD by his guild, and he keeps saying he likes playing slot machines. No connection whatsoever, right? Perhaps Shadowlands will have a Random Activity Queue. Or Random Group Finder. Randomized flying path system. Random talents. Random everything and its mother too. I’d like to see a Darkmoon Faire game “Do Something Random & Very Unpleasant to a Blizz Dummy” in Hand of Fate Nazmir WQ style, would be just the thing to unwind after suffering all this RNG.
Good thing we have a private servers then.
Ludicrously powerful Corruptions acquired by total RNG in order to keep people chasing blindly followed by a blanket nerf when everyone is able to acquire them by their own means. They don’t even try to hide the hamster wheel anymore, it’s actually quite sad.
Gushing wound was always counterbalanced by being rare AF and scaling with ilvl.
Now that you can guarantee it on high ilvl pieces, it’s a buff in comparison to other corruptions, and therefore it got a nerf to compensate for that.
Imagine stacking 7 gushing pre nerf in pvp, you would literally do over 100k damage over a few seconds every time it procs.
Yeah they thought gushing wounds was too good for PvP meanwhile pepega mages hardstacking mastery warlocks hardstacking haste rogues sprouting tentacles on their faces doing 200k dps is completely balanced and fine.
Actual 3Heads are running this game these days.