I played a bit of vanilla, leveled few characters and raid MC.
I enjoy this version of game, I enjoy things that later game versions removed. However there are few things that I don’t enjoy.
I’m not looking at fixing it, but just thought it would be interesting to discuss it.
Layers. I don’t know better solution, but I still hate them. I don’t want to install addons, I don’t want to layer hop, I’m trying to play the game the way it was designed. And I want other to do so. If the layers are the way to play the game, give me UI to switch the layer without addons.
Overcrowded server. I’m playing on Spineshatter and it is very populated server. I had to abandon my thoughts about leveling profession. I can round few circles in some zone and mine zero ores. I can log in at night to check for Broken Tooth and find 20 hunters running around. This is frustrating.
Broken tanking. Right now most tanks are warriors, wearing few leather pieces and running with two one-handers. I’m playing WoW since original TBC, I played tank most of the time and that’s not the way I envisioned vanilla tanking. I want tanks to spec prot. I want tanks to wear full plate and shield. I want DPS players to watch for threat. That’s not happening, that’s not the way the game was supposed to be played.
Some addons feel essential. Retail WoW made a lot of changes that allows one to play without addons. Vanilla WoW provides API for unit health, for precise threat values and playing without this information is severely handicapping yourself. There should be option to display unit health in standard UI. There should be option to display target threat value. Also bosses should be reworked to incorporate better visuals. For example Geddon puts a debuff that you are supposed to run away with. This debuff is almost invisible and hard to notice without addons. In Retail WoW these things usually provide better visual feedback, so you can perform basic raid mechanics without any addons. I’m not talking about reworking whole fights, just a little improvements here and there which won’t affect most people anyway, but would affect those who prefer to play without addons. I also would add that AH is just unusable without addons.
Broken gearing. It is wrong that warriors stealing leather from rogues. It is wrong that holy paladin wants exactly zero of T1 pieces and instead fishes AH for +healing greens which are somehow BiS for many slots. Tier sets must be BiS for corresponding phases. Classes should want to use their armor type. One easy fix would be to add +100% of primary stat if one wears all plates, and Intellect also should provide +healing. May be there are better ways to fix this issue, but that’s the issue nonetheless.
Broken Dire Maul groups. I don’t know exactly why that happens, but I just can’t find any groups in DMN non-tribute run. Actually I have problems finding ANY groups in DM as a healer. LFG tool filled with healers. I don’t know why DPS players don’t want to go there. It is fun dungeon and it contains some nice items, but I struggle to find groups for it. I didn’t have that problem for any of other dungeons in game. Sure, tank shortage is understandable, but with enough waiting I usually was invited sooner or later. That doesn’t happen with Dire Maul.
Raids are too easy. At least for now. I never saw Ragnaros sumerging and I’m raiding MC from the third week of its release or something like that. I never saw Onyxia breath. I probably didn’t see many other fight abilities, like Shazzrath is supposed to do something, right? I’m not looking for hard raids, I’m looking for adequate raids with original fights, I want to actually experience abilities bosses are supposed to use. May be things will get better with later raids, we will see about it.
World buffs promote toxic behaviour. I actually like world buffs, they are nice RPG sprinkle. But the way they work is when raid dies, everyone extremely unhappy. Not just because they have to spend 10 minutes running from GY, but because they can’t parse anymore. I don’t know a good solution for this issue, but there should be one. I literally saw people bullied enough to leave the guild because they blew raid on Geddon once. I played mythic raids in retail, I endured hundreds of wipes, I endured weeks of wipes and I never met such hostility towards one’s peers. It entirely caused by the game design. May be make world buffs not having expiration timer or something like that. Like you got the buff and it’s there for the full week, no matter what.