Ok, i will spoke about things that could be fixet, that not requires balance/desing/technical stuff for doing it.
It would be a simple things, that wouldn’t change warlock gameplay.
It would be:
- Tooltips.
- Pet models.
- Animations for player character.
- Animation for spells.
Tooltips - why this is so important?
Well let’s just dive into demonology spell/talent list and see one basic spell.
Summon Dreadstalkers - Summons 2 ferocious Dreadstalkers to attack the target for 12 sec.
This tooltip doesn’t give you much info, outside that you will summon two demons on your side. This tooltip won’t tell you how much damage they will do, nier what they actualy do.
With same level of effort you may write:
Summon Dreadstalkers - Summons 2 ferocious Dreadstalkers that will bark on the target for 12 sec.
When actual dreadstalkers could do:
- Inflict dreadbite - first attack on the enemy target that deal moderate shadow damage .
- Attack target - with low but fast physical attacks
And ideal tooltip would look like
Summon Dreadstalkers - Summons 2 ferocious Dreadstalkers to attack the target for 12 sec.
Dreadstalkers will attack your target with Dreadbite dealing (put damage number here) shadow damage, and then chase your target dealing (put damage number here) Physical damage.
And that’s it, you clearly can see what this spell does!
With similar problem we have spells/talents like:
- “Summon vilefiend” - reading tooltips we don’t know what this pet will actualy do.
- “Grimoire: felguard” - tooltip says that his summon range is 40 yd, but it doesn’t say that “axe toss” has 30yd range, and on top of that tooltip doesn’t says that felguard will try to use “felstorm”.
- “Inner demons” - we don’t know what demons might get summoned
- “demonic consumption” - tooltip doesn’t say how much damage buff will tyrant get per consumed imp.
- “nether portal” - this is really crappy tooltip for really sloppy talent. we don’t know what demons might get summoned, and tooltip doesn’t say how this talent works. It doesn’t say to you that “nether portal” summon one demon per cast that spends soulshards, not demon per cast, per soulshards.
Pet models. - There a few demons that still use TBC models:
Shivarra, Fel-imp and observer.
Blizzard announced before BFA prepatch that their artist team has grown significantly. And that they will remodel old animal models and visuals. And in pre-patch we saw a new models for crabs for example.
But there is the question, Crabs and other criters are not important in gameplay perspective as models of creatures and demons that uses by classes like warlocks and hunters.
Yes hunters can use crabs, but with wide variely of animals to tame, crabs don’t look so special for hunters like observer for warlock. Hunters litteraly had a list of hundrets animals to pick, - diffirent models, colors and so on. But warlocks are limited to 5 basic demons and 5 that can be aquired trough glyphs.
Warlocks can’t say “well i love wolfes, but this one that i tamed in westfall is sucks, i will tame diffirent one from stormsong valley”. I for example like shivarras, but my shivarra has TBC model, while in game we have severals updated Shivarra models.
Animations for player character. - this is simple one…where is our battle stance? Why whe forced to share Mages battle stance?!
Animation for spells. - With green fire in game, it is crime from blizzard that a lot of fel retaled spells has some weird spell animations and effects.