these are the 2 main changes i’d like to see to pve:
-removing ALL affixes from m+.
they don’t make dungeons more challenging in a fun way, they feel like just an annoyance that’s there to hinder gameplay. if you want more challenge, you can always get it thanks to the already infinitely scaling nature of m+.
-making dinars (SL s4 loot targeting system) permanent so that we have a deterministic way to pursue character progression through gearing goals instead of just relying on drop and vault luck.
no current affix provides any benefit, only the seasonal ones did and they’re gone.
there is nothing fun about having to press a button to dispel an npc just to not be debuffed on haste to an unplayable level or having to stop dps to get out of entangling or to avoid stacking and refreshing bursting. same with all the other affixes, they just hinder gameplay and that’s why they removed some like quaking and explosive, but they all do the same thing. they are ALL gimmicky,out of place and way too punishing, sometimes overshadowing the actual mechanics of dungeons. They add no flavor because there is no underlying theme like there was in seasonal affixes, they dont make the dungeons “fresh”, because if they’re so impactful then it takes a while to adapt to them and by the time you get the hang of it they’re gone, and if they’re not impactful then they’re just pointless, at best.
This is unnecessary as long as there are no specific raid items that are way more OP than everything else.
so it’s always necessary.
there’s always items that are way better than others for most specs and it’s not a tuning problem, you’re suggesting that loot should be omogenized, which means making it all the same boring identical stat sticks. why even have more than one trinket per role, or new ones every season/tier.
that’s not the problem, variety should be there, but it’s just so much more engaging to work towards those items knowing that you can and you will get them instead of just having to pray and hope and still potentially never getting them or getting them too late like one or two weeks from the next season.
No it doesn’t, it just adds frustration. There’s not a single affix that I consider fun or making a dungeon fun. In fact, there are weeks I just don’t enjoy playing at all, like incorporeal, entangling, spiteful, and storming. With incorporeal I constantly have to pay attention to where the dumb add spawns and hope a ranged player CCs it. I can’t focus on the fight like that. Entangling just sucks because it’s forced movement on top of all the other things. Spiteful is just absolutely disgusting and destroys any rogue spec because it prevents stealth. Then there’s storming, which is probably the easiest around, yet still somehow obnoxious.
Spitefull ignore them cc them easy to handle. What i see is this people kill them i’m like why its a waste of time. Entangling almost every class has a way to remove it. Or dash away. Every affix u can encounter it.
often a mob is dying faster than others and if it happens to focus me as a melee healer, I have to move away.
CC is not available for a mob because most cc is needed on the pack itself.
I have to move out of melee, I lose a lot of my healing.
Besides obviously not killing the spiteful add, it leads to me being never ever being able to drink between packs. And hurdur groups never wait for leaving combat even a second before engaging a new pack.
I prefer incorp, afflicted a lot over spiteful and storming.
Volcanic is fine but storming is not. You have to dodge it multiple times and the more adds you pull the more storming comes out apparently. Just obnoxious for melees
At least for resto shaman in Season2 - both BiS trinkets for m+ was from raid. And for someone who didn’t raid at all - I had no way of getting it. Well there was super small % chance to see it in Heroic box from dungeon weekly quest.
Dinars would be nice to solve this, for both sides. I know some people need to re-do single dungeon 40-50 times to get m+ trinket for raiding. But at least getting into m+ key is much easier than getting into mythic raid, and good luck if trinket drops from later bosses. Then you need to find a raiding guild, commit 9h/week during evenings for raiding, etc. I prefer spending these 9h in m+, not in raid.
We need dinars back, even if it takes like 6-8 weeks to get a single targeted item - I would still be more than fine with that.
I disagree with you about your 1st point. I think having affixes makes the dungeons more diverse, because each week there are different things to think about.
1st week was tank’s job to deal with sanguine and group’s job to crowd control incorporeal
2nd week healer’s job to deal with bursting and damage dealer’s job to not just tunnel vision or they would get stunned bu entangling
3rd week is Spiteful making the group to use slows, cc and if the group is smart to position the mobs in such a way so they are behind and the group can directly go to the next pack.
In my opinion having affixes is a good thing. I changed my mind about seasonal affixes. Would be nice having them back if they are not something like Thundering. This is awful affix.
Keeps rogues in combat, so effectively hurting our DPS quite some because we can’t stealth for the new pack. That said, the problem isn’t the end of the pull in terms of CC, the problem is that there’s no reliable mid-combat CC for them. They frequently get stun DR due to AoE stuns, and random hits breaks blind/root cc. As a melee you’re basically forced out of melee range all the time. Yesterday I had a scenario where I died because I had to pick between dying to a mob mechanic, or dying to spiteful slapping me. It’s just not fun
I use my Kidney shot CD to help out the healer whenever possible so he doesn’t get slapped too hard, so I don’t really have much available that really stops them long enough.
When did I say homogenize everything to boring stat sticks?
The solution is simple: Go to WoWHead or IcyVeins. Look at “BiS” gear for your class.
Go to the trinkets section and check out all the “C and D” tier trinkets. They are WAY more than just stat sticks… but they all have something in comon: Undertuned, Undertuned, Undertuned.
And another thing they have in common is that they all HAPPEN to come from M+. Most of them. What a coincidence dont you think?
When was the last time you saw a balance patch that buffed trinkets?
I can see that. Its obvious. But you add nothing extra to the discourse.
YOU suggest changes. I suggest changes.
Stick to the point. Why do you disagree with my suggestion of adding kiss/curse mechanic affixes instead of just deleating affixes like you suggest.
Because I wil add more. We USED to have really, really cool seasonal affixes with kiss/curse mechanics.
Then Blizz messed up 1 seasonal affix with Thundering. Nobody liked it. I did not like it.
Then came people like you with really short memory asking Blizz to just deleate affixes all toguether, and now we dont have the ONLY kiss/curse cool affix everyone liked: Seasonal Affix.
So be more carefull when you ask in the public forums to delete stuff. Cause maybe, just maybe, one day they will read you and you will get what you deserve.
How about pridefull, how about shrouded, encripted maybe?
Nobody was complaining about those super cool kiss/curse affixes. If people liked those, what is wrong with adding more of those? Seems logical to me.
Its as if you just read the phrase you quoted and left it at that. read a bit more and think before you post my man. Or people will confuse you with a troll.
If anything, I want to nuke Tyrannical and Fortified out of orbit. Just tune the difficulty of the trash and bosses properly. I don’t enjoy long boss fights in dungeons, nor the odd “this week trash doesn’t exist and next week you get 1 shot”.
Imo the best solution is to have 16 dungeons in a season, no affixes, and then rotate dungeons each week. One example could be:
Week 1: Dungeon 1~4 + 5~8
Week 2: Dungeon 1~4 + 9~12
Week 3: Dungeon 9~12 + 13~16
Week 4: Dungeon 13~16 + 5~8
This way dungeons can be properly tuned, we still have rotation, and you can play the same dungeon 2 weeks in a row while still having 4 fresh dungeons
I do agree that trash sometimes can be annoying, especially on high keys.
But let me tell you, this is a L2P issue. Except certain pulls where you can get unlucky and get 2 at the exact same time that 1-shot you.
When it comes to PuG groups and healer meta, people bring Disc priest as if it was a frigging rock star, when damage is worth nothing if people don’t interrupt and the poor healer has to be casting flash-heal non stop.
Meanwhile, there is no dungeon where I dont interrupt atleast 30 times. Minumum. Im always top 1, sometimes close #2. And THAT my friend, is how you do fortified weeks.
Dont agree with this. Maybe tune it a bit, but nothing near removing it. Especially because technically it IS a kiss/curse affix. Big bosses, small trash. Or vice-versa.
Especially because many bosses are easy, its just: Repeat mechanics. If people cant do them, its a L2P issue right there.
And it makes sense. Its the 3rd week of the season. People wont know how to execute bosses at-least until the 2nd month. Myself included.
I doubt that this is a solution.
A) Blizz wont do it. So stop believing in miracles. You will get 8 dungeons, PERIOD. No more. So given that you will ONLY have 8 dungeons, what suggestions do you propose.
B) As I mentioned before, people in general take 2 months to learn a dungeon. Cycling dungeons that often would be a nightmare in general. Thats ONE extreme. The other extreme is having 8 dungeos for a whole expansion with out changing it.
I think were in a nice sweet spot now with dungeon cycling. The best “average” that nobody likes, but is “good enough” and better than the alternatives.