Things you Dislike about Mists of Pandaria Remix

What things do you dislike or feel need improving in Mists of Pandaria Remix? What do you think they could have done better?


Well, it’s not really about MoP remix itself, but levelling a class from level 10 on in is (In some cases, like Fury warrior) incomprehensibly boring, with so many of a spec’s basic rotational skills tied into the talent trees (And as such, only received fairly late in levelling), in some cases it’s painfully boring…


I’ve only just capped but the levelling was slow to start until we built up some XP gain, then it got better at 20/30 onwards only to feel sluggish again when you hit 60-70. As I’m not interested in using this as method to level up an army of alts, I feel the levelling experience should just have been better from the get go.

I am so sick and tired of having to unpop my gems/cogs etc to stick them in the next piece of gear, this was ill thought out IMO. Would have been better to give us heirloom style gear that just levelled with us and let us put the cogs in once. Or swap them round for content

Some mobs have very strange scaling, and some dungeons. Heroic scenarios seem to be the worst doing bizarre damage. Considering this was some of the easiest content of the expansion, something isn’t quite right.

60 seems stronger than 70. Some classes seem more powerful than others.


The only thing that truly bothers me is the scaling issue, nothing else gets close


Right now ? Just the scaling at level 70

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I am a little concerned by how much bronze I need to grind and how I’m going to keep track of all the things I need to acquire, but it’s only been two days so I will see how practical it is.


I saw this last night and it’s worrying, we should not have to gimp ourselves as a workaround:-

Too late for me anyway, I already capped.


For me its mostly like, doodoo that oneshots my GUARDIAN DRUID thru Barkskin+SI+incarn.

Thats 30% max health and a 70%dr.

Fix that ? And i am a happy happy bear

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Tanks seem to have an exceptionally hard time atm. It’s nuts. A friend tanked for me last night and his health is like a yoyo between alive and dead constantly.


Thats why I kinda love it lol, but then again, im built different (incorrectly).

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That’s totally fair but equally (for me) for a fun mode that we’re farming currency in, a little less near death would be lovely :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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If you don’t know death, how can you ever know if you’re truly alive ? :dracthyr_sweat:

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For me, it is that leveling is slower that retail. In retail, with no perks or xp buffs, I can get to level 60 in about 10hrs. I’m currently lvl39 on remix and /played is 13hrs. Even if I take out 2hrs for afk and looking over new gems etc, it is way slower.

I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong as people are level 70 already and were on the same day but it just isn’t my experience. Also, dungeons and scenarios are harder than retail.

MOP Remix should be at least easier in all aspects whilst compared to retail as it is a limited time event. I’m not suggesting I need to be gifted a fresh lvl 70 on login but again, it should not be harder than retail.


-Scaling on different levels
-Bronze not being account wide
-Cloak not being account wide
-Trinkets, rings, neck not being account wide after completing achievements
-No shirt vendor
-Hitting level 70 feels punishing, because you need to dump all your bronze into item upgrades to do any decent damage

Other than that im satisfied with Remix, love it - hate it


Eyes shift around as has found that levelling past 60 suddenly sped up more and things are just dying near instantly

I only dislike the system of changing gems and tinkers. Also the upgrading system seems to be inconsistent with ilevel.

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Campaign quests for “collect 6 meat” or “kill 24 nameless mobs”. These are not worthy of being campaign quests.

On the whole, I’d expected a more curated, streamlined, and focused experience that cut back on fluff, but it doesn’t seem to be. Haven’t felt the remix party yet.

Also I really wanted to be an evoker, and my choices were level 1-50 on a new realm before starting MoP, delete my main, or pay to transfer an unused 70 to somewhere I could make one. All three were terrible options. And now I feel 2 days behind everyone else because I hesitated too long in the hope Blizzard would put a fix in place.


Not enough FLIGHSTONES, I mean Bronze.

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I just wanted to chill on one character, do all the quest, maybe make them SUPER POWERFUL.

…Get weaker as you level up.


– I don’t like how the cloak works. I guess I misunderstood all the YT guides which claimed the stats carry over from one alt to another.

– The levelling is slow. Old quest design is painful at times.

– Classes are not made equal. My mage feels super squishy. I feel weaker every level.

– Doesn’t seem alt-friendly. For best results, you have to commit to a single character.

– Long queues for dungeons, raid, etc.

– Lots of useless gear and gems.

++ Extra spells you can add to gear slots are neat.
++ MoP music is stellar.
++ Free transmogrification.

I really hoped it would be more fun. :expressionless:


Constant gem swapping. It’s so tideous.