Things you Dislike about Mists of Pandaria Remix

Greater currency rewards.

I get them like… instantly.

Scaling is terrible, if you make the mistake of leveling above 60 you get randomly on shoted. Even Normal raid bosses are one shoting for like 2,7 mil.

Increase bronze gain. There is no way for someone playing casualy to fully upgrade all his items and buy all the mounts and transmogs.

Constant swaping gems is also annoying but at least that’s the case more while you leveling than at max lvl


I can live with gem swapping. I can tolerate the low bronze rate because I’m just here for the cosmetics. I can handle the slow leveling, because I actually kind of enjoy it… because of the one thing I can’t tolerate.

And that’d be the broken level scaling. It’s forced me to stop playing entirely because I don’t want to hit a brick wall on my first timerunner that stops me from doing any content at all because I get one-shotted. I can’t level alts either because they level up way too fast to keep up with the bronze grind, and will hit that level 65+ death wall even faster when all I want to do is to steadily build towards buying the Heavenly Onyx serpent, but I keep getting punished for doing just about anything that is not just mindlessly flying around collecting bronze orbs.

I just wish there was a way to stop leveling so I could enjoy the very idea of raiding at less than max level – it’s a completely new concept to me, it’s so weird and out there and I love it. But as it stands, I literally cannot play at all because the things I want to do will give my character exp, making me level up when I don’t want to, and then I will inevitably crash into the instant death brick wall at max level with no way to get around it.


-Scaling at level 70 is all over the place
-the cloak not transferring all of the exp bonus you have on your main over to your alts but instead caps at 100%
-the gear upgrading costs way too much for the amount of levels you need to buy to reach the cap
-tinker gems are just passives that do not change the way you play your class at all

I hope that they address the scaling issues at the very least because getting randomly oneshot at max level is not fun.

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Hello puny! Well…good lord from where i can start…

Having to unsocket-socket 200 tinker-gems etc every single good upgrade set of gear

Going from zero dam to 2 shotting mobs and then zero dam again with weird scaling

Getting hit for 1.4million dmg with BONEs up from rattlecage boss in scholo

Whatever Dmg happening on mechanics on HC’s to a point we playing russian roulete with AK’s .

Seeing Blood DK tanks doing 500milion DPS with “slay” tinker socket due to it being

And my favourite, Lvl 10 tanks (especially tank druid) doing 35mil dps on HC dungeons outmatching anything literally solo killin the whole dung with holding W

But lets be honest blizz did a shutdown and implemented a fix patch to such things right, I mean, #takescopiuminhale its fine.. I dont know why i followed a guide to fix fire mage spec with them tinkers and etc watching my screen literally a circus of dmg numbers yet im at 25mil dps and the lvl 10 tank due to scale has quadraple of me (lvl 70) cause, deal with it :smiley:


I agree on having to swap those gems constantly. They might as well have them either as heirlooms or as buffs where you can only have a finite amount of them.
Other than that i am having a lot more fun than i thought i would.

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Add the bronze prices for gear upgrades. I’m not really happy with it and there’s a reason why anyone that isn’t a raider hasn’t gone above 346.

At least for issues people have with the gems for example you can use narcissus, but no Narcissus can save you from these prices.


I just have small things about my starting experience.

First: I loaded in, and I saw a horrible crowd.
The minimap was crowded with overlapping icons I didn’t recognize, eventually figured it’s a new quest icon of fanciness. NPCs were all covered up by player bodies. I probably missed quite a few.

Second: the UI… well, default scale is like 50% so my eyes got tired in 30 minutes. I tried activating UI scale but then everything was overlapping and settings didn’t fit. I kind of understand, so many bag slots and action bars and space for add-ons. I prefer Classic UI. (Also, several minimap tracking toggles are missing: innkeeper, stable…)

Last: the first hour or two is overwhelming. The basics are fine, I appreciate the gradual learning process of building my character from 10. I’m still trying to figure out how to arrange the myriad of gems (of varying levels), cogs, tinkers, metas, and who knows what else. Already at level 12 I’m getting group content minmax tinkers - frankly, no idea what is useful at this point in the learning process. The consequence: either I will play this whole solo, or I’ll just open a website and copy cookie cutter.

On top of that, the questus interruptus because I need to learn dragonflying and whatever else may come. The whole reason of classic leveling style is to give time for players to gradually expand.

The fact that we were lied to.

I was super hyped that I can level multiple priests and paladins of different races for TWW at a much faster pace, but realistically I can lvl them faster on retail…

I’m still enjoyint MoP remix, but it kinda soured my experience.


You could set the leveling speed up on alts with the cloak buffs and raids do give a 12% increase. it’ll get faster…maybe

My main is capped, and even my alts at 240% atm feel slower than retail.


I lose agro easily on brewmaster. Normal attacks dont give agro. Only taunt button i can use, on one mob. While i press that button on one mob, i lose agro on others. Than ofc once im able to press taunt button again… i just lose agro on previous mob already. I dont even care anymore, as theres nothing i can do about it.

Gem procedure. I dislike i need to remove all the gems and things when i equip a new item. I also dislike the fact, that our bag is full of gems stuff and things. Its a mess.

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What bothers me is that the cloak on alts only work if you maxed out the achievement before creating the alt. I created 3 alts almost at the start and they received 2% bonus xp on start. but when i create a new alt now it gets 16%. So thats also really bad imo that it doesnt register if you improved the achievement or not on existing alts. Can’t imagine that being intentional.

Mostly the blatant lie on the cloak
I don’t want my cloak capped on an alt, it wasn’t advertise, therefore it shouldn’t be here.
“Oh b-but it trivializes leveling and it’s ALREADY really fast even without”
Don’t care, the whole skit of the event was “Level alts” “Get cosmetics” now the cosmetic part is nailed.
Second problem, not being able to pull alts, once you hit 70, sure you can grind 526, but why?
When you’ll get back to retail you’ll be 424 anyway, I suppose the event is good if you don’t want to grind some mounts / mog.

Remix isn’t a bad idea, hell it should be the default way to level even without gem sockets.
But I thought I could get a lot of alts up in no time and I feel like I got lied too, I’ll admit, raids are an amazing way to level in normal + so I suppose this is kinda mitigated by the fact that you can just grind to 60, and do normal raids till you hit lv 70 as the exp given by bosses is a fix percentage I think.

I heard that you need to unequip the cloack in your alt and equip it again so the stats are recalculated with new achievements from your main.

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Zoom Zoom tanks hepped up on goofballs thinking they can pull the entire instance then shocked pikachu face when we get oneshot.

Been one shotted several times by outdoor mobs at 70. The scaling issue is really disheartening and I am starting to not want to play it.


Didn’t play it enough to give more feedback. Currently, I am level 36 and taking it slow, just by doing zones and dungeons and scenarios when they open for my level range. I did dungeons during TW events, but never did scenarios, so it’s quite new for me, and it’s interesting. Not rushing, since I don’t have big goals for it, mostly to obtain few cosmetics for my Mage and few mounts that I like.

So far, Remix has more goods then bads. I love the cloak, reminds me on Heart of Azeroth necklace which is my the most favorite item, don’t know why, but it gives me such a nostalgic vibe from childhood. Also love cosmetics and how they separate then around the zones.

The only thing that I don’t like is applying gems and tinkers every moment, it’s really annoying.

For the first time I am playing Arcane spec and really enjoy it. Whenever I wanted to try something that is not Frost, I felt anxious because what other people will say. Here, no issue, I just do it because I don’t care. Not following the meta builds, just putting my talents where I want to and exploring rotations. Also would like to try fire, but maybe will make another Mage (thrid one, lol) and start from level 1 after I am 70 on this.

Bonus points on top of everything, I play Gnome Arcane Mage! :slight_smile:

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