Things you Dislike about Mists of Pandaria Remix

Yeah i was not notice that because i never levelt from scratch but holy

The Talent tree is just the old spell book it took the most stuff and know you need a point for it, want aoe or a range ability you once got standart for free you need too wait until you can unlock the talent

95% of raid groups in the group finder are “frog farm” because apparently it’s more efficient than actually playing the game. This smells like bad design in terms of time/effort/reward.


Well, in the old days [Waves walking stick around], we’d also get new skills as we levelled, but i can’t remember specs feeling so incomplete as they do now, maybe i’m too used to playing level capped characters with procs and spell interactions, but a levelling character just feels so dull to play, it’s sometimes difficult to believe it’s even the same game.

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bronze drops for completion of achievments and zones is a compelte utter joke.

it shoulnt be 400 and 1000 only 40 000 and 100 000

bronze should be much more abundant too - the event is very short - we should be able to progress at much much more rapid pace


thats actually a true ganuine mop experience though :smiley:

you never farmed frogs back then for coins ?

i remembr spending whole evening on guidl discord just farming frogs.

reality is once you make hc dungeons drop your desired stats blue gear get your rings / trinkets there is just farm of bronze / thread / gems :slight_smile:

It was promised Ordos would be reachable with the max rank cloak of endless possibilities you get once you reach the XII achievement.

Nope, not possible clearly they forgot to implement it there’s no way they’ve tested it.
The toys awarded meant to replace the pandaria legendary cloak do not help with crossing the bridge and should you get over anyway with the help of the treasure statue or other players you’ll get ported away just like in retail.


There is a spread sheet floating around on the net. You can downlaod it from google docs and tick off what you need and then see the tally of how much bronze you would need. Pretty useful if you have the majority of the toys and mounts already.

As for your original question my annoyance is also with popping and unpropping gems.

The Vale is pre-broken before we get there :pensive:

Have Blizzard literally lost the original map?


As mentioned in another thread, not being able to play the Pandaren starting area as a Pandaren bothers me. It might be a small thing, but I understood you cannot go back there to complete the quests afterwards, so it’s something that would always bother me on that character. Not sure if you miss out on some achievements or something else by not playing the starting area though.

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I dont like the thread rng. I’ve seen people talk about how they’ve got +30 xp gain at lvl 25, yet others only have +20 exp gain at higher levels. either there’s some way to farm threads that I’m not aware of or the threads rng is the usual ‘this guy got 30+ exp gain at a lower level than you!’ and is trying to encourage people to play more and more, despite some people already hitting level 70 on day 1, which again is kinda cruel considering in the uk and majority of europe I assume, we got access fairly late in the evening, while in america they got it in the late morning, and would of had the whole day to play while we only got a few hours before the majority would end up needing to go to bed.

I agree. had a demon hunter on a horde realm for the event, hit level 25, had a rough 5,000 bronze. couldnt really actually buy anything as alot of the sets cost a high amount, that’s not reflected in the bronze drops. even doing dungeons feels lack luster for bronze.

Well the fact that you pretty much need 1.6million bronze if you want everything, so about 16k bronze everyday to farm. Definitely just gonna skip on most, just get the things I really prefer to collect which is mounts.

Scaling 70lvl in scenarios some “dominance offensive” story really painful.
Boss can one shot
It’s big joke. WoW cant be like Dark Soul

Also Sunreaver Onslaught’s scenarios “to the skies” now huge bugged. I cant finish it

Cant wait next week Web reset and blizz fix bugs

Bad scaling.
After level ups you are actually weaker and lose stats until you upgrade your gear to highest ilvl possible.
Especially noticeable from 60 to 70.

Then just as usual and we have for years, scaling in dungeons. Lvl 10 character literally plays in God mode while 60+ does less damage and gets onetapped.


The scaling at 70 seems WAY off. Me and my partner just hit 70 recently and the plan was to start doing heroic dungeons/scenarios to get the achievements to unlock the rings.

First dungeon we entered at 70 (i’m Guardian Druid btw) and I was nearly wiped out by the first 2 mobs. Luckily we had a low level shadow priest who could nearly solo the entire dungeon. Now we feel like we can’t run heroics to get those achievements without farming a TON of bronze to upgrade gear which kind of negates the point since it’s primary function is for transmog/mounts.

Also, the whole cloak nerf thing is an absolute bait and switch. It was definitely marketed as being a system to progressively speed up your next alt and make them feel much stronger, but having the stats capped for alts takes away the whole system that was promised.

I don’t really know what to do on my level 70 atm other than carrying on getting the campaign achievements and hope that blizzard patch some changes in.


Basically the same post I just did before you. But way more detailed. Thanks :blush:

That I can not flag a character for remix and level some of my old alts .


Yeah the cloak nerf for alts is dissapointing for me. Was gonna level up a few chars but won’t bother now

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This. Massively this. This makes me entirely disrespect the very idea of what they’re doing.

Scaling is also very noticeably wonky, and I’m only in my 30s, since I am not motivated to play much. It’s not like Blizzard ever got scaling right, but this is pretty blatant even for Blizzard. And reading the examples and screenshots of scaling and gearing disasters at 70 makes me determined to get the two pets I want, and get out. I never did like Pandaria mogs anyhow.

I had thought from the info provided that it would be a nice way to level another character of two (as if I needed more characters! :stuck_out_tongue: ) but it is very, very not. If you just want to level another character, talk to Chromie instead.


Do normal raid pugs. You get +12% experience buff per boss. I don’t think the game is making this clear at all though, so it’s a bit too easy to slowly solo your way to max