Things you Like about Mist of Pandaria Remix

What do you enjoy in Mists of Pandaria that you think they did well?


I actually really like that it’s my Retail build/abilities etc that I’m using, that I didn’t have to go back and dig out what we did in MoP itself.

I like that unlike Plunderstorm this doesn’t feel disconnected from World of Warcraft and I am at least playing a character I made that is on my realm and will eventually join my other characters.

This is a nice fun thing to do during downtime for me, although I’ve had to sacrifice Cata Classic to do it. That would normally have been my downtime activity at the end of the current Retail expansion.


Tinkering with gems to find the most absurd combo ever, and the fact at max achievement cloak you get insane stats on a fresh alt

150 mainstat
750 stam
150 vers
100% more exp

Which to put in numbers my newly created resto sham could 3-4 shot heroic panda bosses


No repair costs, no transmog costs.


I’ve yet to find anything I don’t like :slight_smile:

It’s a much more fun way of levelling alts imo, and I might finally get round to levelling a space goat so I can get the heritage armour.

I’d be quite happy if they eventually reworked Chromie Time to be like this.


Number 1! The noise of looting the bronze. It’s like when you run over coins in diablo… I love that noise. I hope that someone makes an addon for retail of that noise when you loot, I find it very soothing :laughing:

The beautiful mount you get for free at level 20.
The shado-pan sets, finally!
That the ensembles are using TWW’s philosophy (and probably some trading post technology).
Loot all the time! Trying out different tinker combinations, gradually building up my gems to get phatter and phatter!

Getting rewards for doing content I like, finally an outdoor world person is being rewarded. The fact they have achievements of “Do 2 of these activities” with something for everyone and not forcing anyone into something they hate is… so positive.

I am going to do Loremaster on my monk I have made and all the scenarios and all the dungeons and all the raids… then do some alts.
Oh and the alts. I want to play ALL the classes and see what tinkery madness I can come up with for them!

Thanks for the positive thread Puny :sweat_smile:


I enjoyed spending 2 hours in 10 min scnario just because blizz have never heard of the word scalling. Whitch sucks cause this is cool but the cheeky exp nerf before release and the crminal scalling after certain levels definitely leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

Go post in the dislike thread then :frowning_face:


Leveling raids! It’s a wonderfully weird and bizarre idea for me and I love it!

Scenarios, too. I love having more variety for instanced content than just dungeons.

I love the Meteor Storm gem. I love the visuals and the fact that it’s a huge AoE stun.

I love the ability to make characters that’d usually require going through an overtly long intro questline or a slow grind to level 10 just to get into the world at large. It takes me longer to decide on my character’s race/class combo and visuals and transmog than it takes to get through the Pandaria Remix intro and I love it.

And speaking of transmog, I love how it costs nothing in Pandaria Remix. We need this in retail too.

All in all, Pandaria Remix is the most fun I’ve had in the game and I wish the scaling issues would get fixed soon so I could get back to having a blast in this game mode and not have to worry about leveling too fast or having to spend all my bronze on item upgrades instead of the mounts I want.


Really like that raiding is an integrated part of levelling. Cleared a Mogu’shan normal and gained 75% bonus experience gain to carry forwards, in addition to some better gear. This is enough to make a noticeable difference to the rest of my day.

I don’t think that the game is leading people into it very well though - LFR is just a waste of time with no experience OR experience gain buff. It could do with giving maybe 3% per boss so that people think about going for the next level with more rewards.

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I like that fact that in Townlong Steps there is a quest that is bugged since ancient times (Devastation Blow), were the npc you need to kill is already dead and will not respawn. Effectively blocking you from completing the campaign in that area. And were quests=bronze this is a HUGE problem. But i do like the fact that Blizz new about this bug and still they released this event. I love it…

I like the fact that at lvl 70 with 346 ilvl gear and dps gems you feel weak AF and you need to upgrade your gear first before farming for more bronze for mounts, toys and transmog.

I like the fact that HC dungeons are overtunned to the point were you spend more time doing that then farming for bronze.

I like the fact that if you do want to get everything, you will need around 1.5 MILLION bronze and another 500k bronze for reaching the maximum gear upgrade. And if we only have 90 days left, you need to farm 22223 bronze per day!! I just love it…

I love MoP Remix so much …i wish i had a panda to punch me in the ***** for 5 straight minutes…

As someone who thrives on classes with good movement, being able to swap in other classes’ movement abilities is entertaining me. Sadly roll doesn’t animate properly for dracthyr, but heroic leap does - although a lot of the time trailblazer is just a good pick as a healer since it’s pretty much 30% base speed.

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I can play full on storm enhance shaman which is not viable at all on retail. And every ability I do feels like windfury procs 10x at one. With every hit.
That is fun.


Again, there is a thread entirely for disliking it.


I like the music. Not really a remix thing but it is really nice music and quite chill, to be able to experience it properly rather than the 5 seconds it takes me to level in retail is nice. Not quite what they wanted though I imagine :rofl:

I also like that reps are going super duper fast!


Having grumbled in other threads… I like that LFR now gives 7% exp gain per wing. Only once per week, but frankly if you go get yourself those bonuses as soon as they are available, it will make a massive difference to your overall leveling pace.

Should have been there on launch, obviously, but good that we have it now.

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The rep grinds are so fast, well at least so far.


I like that I get the chance to play what in retail is dead content (scenarios and raids) because I wasn’t around during MoP.

Blizzard could think about ways to make these available on timewalking events, and not only for Pandaria content either.


Game modes in game is very clever idea. I must say, the guy who came up with this idea should get a bonus. It opens a door to everykind of game mode and I’m happy about it. I look forward for different stories and maybe a pvp oriented game mode could be fun as well. I will have more fun in Remix but I gave a break and waiting for how this frog stuff will be handled. Maybe we might get a buff :slight_smile:

Being able to collect the Garrosh heirlooms I missed back then. I missed 3 of them, just bought one with the currency needed.

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