Third time unjustly banned (past ones got lifted). Support refusing to let me escalate properly

Hey there. Excuse me in advance for the long post.
I am a multiboxer and I have as of now 7 bnet accounts for multiboxing, 1 main bnet of non-multiboxing.

I got, in the past months, 3 full-team bans. I am proceeding now to list all the infos on all the bans/appeals:

First one: 3 months ago
Accounts were banned for RMT. I didn’t know how to discuss ban appeals and just wrote " My ban is unjust " in the ticket. -> They escalated the case to the analisys team and it didn’t get lifted. -> I opened another ticket informing them that I coudn’t RMT due to all ingame trades/mails/guild invites were between my chars only. -> They escalated again and the ban got lifted.

Second one: 3 weeks ago.
Accounts were banned again for RMT. I opened a ticket and wrote again that I coudn’t be RMTing due to trades/mails/guild invites happening all in between my chars. -> They escalated, I got unbanned.

One week ago, a player did " /who Highmountain " and found I my chars. He thought I was a bot just because of that, and started whisping my chars in order to right click the names and have access to the report interface from there. I was obviously at the computer when it happened. -> I tried to whisp to him, the game said he was ignoring me. -> I opened a ticket instantly, explaining what happened and precising that I was actually at the computer.

Third ban: Some days ago.
All my accounts got banned again. This time I committed a huge mistake: I didn’t check what the emails were saying, I given for granted that I was banned for RMT again, and appealed the ban giving informations relevant to RMTing. But, only AFTER this appeal went in ( resulting in changing my ban from perma to 6 months ) I noticed that the ban was for BOTTING.

From there, I have been trying to make them escalate again ( this time with proper infos), just as they did for ban#1, but they are instantly closing any ticket and refusing to do so.

The last gamemaster I talked with through chat was very gentle and he told me to write a post on forums to appeal from here, since he can’t do that for me anymore via tickets. The name of the gamemaster is Xyresyk. Thank you again for your support!

What follows are the informations I want to be escalated to the analisys team:

1)As Xyresyk suggested, I turned on my computer and opened all the programs usually running on the computer during my farming sessions. Then I created a MSinfo file so that the team can compare the programs they detected to be running during their check.
I can’t find a way to attach the file to this topic from the interface I am writing on right now, I will give the file to the GMs when they will ask me to.

  1. I had “Isboxer”, “Innerspace”, “Teamviewer” (and “Remote Desktop Connection” ), “Discord”, “Hamachi”, “Google Chrome” opened in my computer while farming. Nothing more than that.
    None of them provide automation. TW or Remote Desktop weren’t used for " cloud gaming " or other bannable stuff, but just to control my pc1 from my pc2, which is on the same desk.
    Before starting to farm, even months and months ago, I made sure to uninstall any program that could provide automation, including the ones that I never wanted to be running in background in first place, example being mouse softwares.

  2. “Isboxer” and “Innerspace”, provided me with " key-remapping". Key remapping means modifying which input the game receives when pressing a keyboard button. It doesn’t multiply the inputs received at all. It just means that I can make the game receive a list of buttons ( example 1, 3, 4, A, P, D ) by pressing SIX times a keyboard button of my choice. Key remap is allowed by Blizzard and doesn’t fall under the definition of automated gameplay.

  3. You can find chatlogs ingame of me replying and even starting full conversations ( not just " hello " or anything a bot could do ) with people who were around me while farming. This was a temptative of receiving the least amount of reports possible. Players tend to confuse multiboxers and botters.

I hope the support, exactly as done in the past, will be as humble, gentle and serious as both it and me have being to each other in the past. And grant me the right to appeal the ban with proper informations.
I get that you want botters banhammered out of the game, I want it too. I report botters too when I see them. But please don’t get multiboxers cought through while at it. If I were a botter, I would have restarted with more accounts already and woudn’t have kept appealing.

Here is a list of ticket numbers in case you wanna read them.

Ticket 70390977 -> Initial appeal of ban#1. Not unbanned.
Ticket 70673694 -> Second appeal of ban#1. Unbanned.
Ticket 72860977 -> First ( and last ) appeal of ban#2. Unbanned.

EDIT: The account from where I am writing is my main and is untouched by any punishment ever. The reason I am not writing with the banned ones is that it won’t let me open forum posts with them exactly due to the ban. If you wanna reach out for the emails of the banned accounts, please refer to the ticket numbers I gave right above.


TLDR: The gamemaster I talked with said that he is unable to send the case to the analyst team from his system ( I’m assuming because of technical limits ).
He then asked me to write here and post the MSinfo document along with all I wanted to add in the escalation.

I’m afraid that whilst you have given good detail here, Forum Customer Support cannot comment on nor investigate account penalties here on the forums. All appeals and communication need to be via ticket.

You can attach them to a ticket, or upload the information to a site like which will provide a unique URL for your information which you can include on your ticket and it can be viewed via the URL.

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Forum staff can’t overrule in-game staff, I am afraid.

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I’m a multiboxer myself but with 3 accounts only, so I can feel the pain if you haven’t botted or anything. However I’m sure I read somewhere that these programs can cause issues with Blizzards anti cheat and Blizzard don’t like them running in the background. Someone correct me if I’m wrong?

There were rumours of it, however I did see a bluepost stating you would not get banned for the use of Teamviewer, it’s not cloud gaming and if you tried to play wow over a Teamviewer connection… well… it’s unplayable… I tried to check my weekly chest once hahahah. Many people have this running, including me as I provide remote support for my clients out of hours from home, it’s running as a service all the time, never been banned for it.


I wanna thank everyone for commenting. You in particular, Shammoz.
Your comment has led me to understand that what I want specifically might have gotten lost through my long description.

I will write it here in short:

The gamemaster I talked with said that he is unable to send the case to the analyst team from his system ( I’m assuming because of technical limits ).
He then asked me to write here and post the MSinfo document along with all I wanted to add in the escalation.

I didn’t came here in the attempt to have the forum staff overcome the support staff’s decision. It’s just that the support staff from the tickets is refusing to listening reason to me. This is also a cause of suffering to me during the moments I ear their messages. I don’t say that they are mean to me or insult me or anything like that, it’s just that I feel I am getting talked to like a police officer would talk to a robber.

I have even got objectively lied to, considering they told me in their tickets that they do not allow for more than one escalation while this has clearly happened both to other players and to me, and can be seen in Ticket 70673694. They also told me that my ban isn’t a consequence of the player’s reports even if the last ban-email I received clearly states: " Your fellow players reported you for cheating ".

I wanna specify, before I end the comment, that I understand that gamemasters are humans and as a consequence to that I bear no judgement against them. These things sometimes just happen.

The only thing I want is my accounts getting unbanned, given that they already TWICE verified that I don’t RMT, and given that no gameplay-automatizing programs have been used by me.

Oh I see, sorry about that!

Well, you could upload the information from your MSInfo etc to and provide the URL here, though I am not 100% certain that the forum staff here can forward it on, it is worth a try I guess.

Pastebin has been reporting that I have exceeded the maximum limit of characters. I looked on the net and found an alternative. Altough, this other website says that the document will be destroyed in 23 hours. I will re-upload it if it doesn’t get downloaded by that time.

Here it is:

Edit: While I attempted to post the link, the forum alerted me that we can’t post links. Using this " blockquote " function looks forced. Please excuse me in advance if I wasn’t supposed to do that!

You’re allowed to use that method to post links, it’s fine.


What it looks like to Blizzard is that you used teamviewer to remote control the game using a bot, the game was receiving input via teamviewer. Most people multibox on one machine. I have VNC open on my machine all the time so I can look at my laptop but I never play WoW on my laptop.

The forums are just here to discuss the ban with players, not to ask for the ban to be looked into.

Sounds like the GM in question didn’t know that, unless they were using it as a method to end the chat with you, which i have seen before.

You cannot get a game ban just because another players report you. The RMT is a completely different thing.

The GM already specified that teamviewer had nothing to do with my ban. I only named it here because it was a program I had opened.

The problem here isn’t why Blizzard banned me, the problem is that they are making impossible for me to properly appeal the ban. Which is my right and has been achnowledged to me various times already in the past.

I doubt the GM, after 1 hour and a half of conversation through chat would have told me to come on the forum just to dismiss me, because he specificed what I had to do to properly appeal the ban, which I explained above.

PS: I had WoW windows running on the other computer aswell sometimes. I coudn’t have hidden the program behind the other computer because they would have found it anyways. I bought my second pc exactly because the first one coudn’t handle the whole team and let me browse the web and stuff at the same time.

They don’t tell you the specific software that gets you banned, or that didn’t in my experience. I have seen the Blues here hint that if you use it in a certain way, they will look very closely at it.

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It’s true that they do not say what program triggered the ban. In my case it’s even more secure because there simply wasn’t one in first place.
I can confirm that the GM told me it wasn’t Teamviewer, at all. We discussed almost each program I had active on the computer.

Besides all of that: Do you really think that a guy who got banned and unbanned two times in a row, would toss the coin again and start botting?
Botting is already unusual if there isn’t RMT involved in first place, so just that should let me out of the cage 99% of the times. But for the rest, there is all the data.

I don’t believe it’s teamviewer either. Especially as you also have Logmein Ignition, as do I, I have both services running on my gaming rig all the time, never caused me any issues with Blizzard’s warden.

What they do seem to mention (from what I gather from your posts) is that they specifically mention RMT.

RMT (and forgive me if I am mansplaining… it’s not intended), is Real Money Transactions. Which is effectively, selling gold, selling boosts for real money… basically any exchange between another player that involves ANY kind of real world currency, not in game currency. Rarely are applications on your PC to blame for that, other than the obvious botting of herbs to sell on the AH for gold that then gets sold on…

Looking at your running processes, nothing really stands out… but I should also stress that although you metion:-

Anyone can be deemed innocent twice, that’s not to mean that on the third detection they didn’t do it… .Now… OBVIOUSLY I am not saying you did, but it’s not a line of defense, having your previous bans overturned is not a reason to overturn a new one.

What I find most odd, is that you have more than one account, and it’s just one of them that seems to be coming across this issue time and time again… so here’s the part where you need to think…

What do I do differently on this account?
Is there someone that I may have offended or otherwise inadvertantly caused another player to repeatedly report me?

And finally… and dont answer this one here (because it may not be wise)… does anyone else have access to this account?

I feel for you, but sadly on the forums there is very little that can be done to help. The ticket system is the ONLY way to discuss this and I realize that this in itself is an issue given your previous responses. But sadly it is the only response I can give you too.

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I completely agree with you on the fact that just because I got unbanned two times doesn’t mean I am innocent even this time. It should mean, tho, that what I said isn’t generally false and I should have the right to have the ban appealed properly with correct data given in the escalation. Expecially if, another time, I needed exactly two appeals because at the first appeal I didn’t express proper information on the case.

Regarding RMT and the ingame economy:
I never touch the auction house. I never open trades, send emails, invite people to my guild to withdraw ecc ecc.
RMT involves people paying you somewhere ( say paypal ) and then receive a sum of gold, or item, or anything, ingame. Which has never been done, not even between my characters since I don’t want to falsely flag the system.

There isn’t even the possibility that I bought some m+ / raid boost and paid with a larger sum of gold, because I never god any boost and I never, literally, opened a trade with a character. Ever.

In little words, there is no ingame signal that my gold ever left my accounts.

To conclude, I am not hoping that my ban gets reviewed and overtuned through the forum, or using this post as a ticket. I am hoping to actually get listened by someone.

Quite literally, if I open a ticket or a chat right now, the GMs talk to me like I am a robber and close the ticket or the chat without even saying goodbye.

What I am hooking to right now is the fact they can’t do that. At least, not yet. I got ban#1 appealed two times, and I want this ban to be appealed 2 times aswell. Simply because I didn’t give them things to escalate. Again, I thought that even this ban was for RMT, I didn’t read the emails, and so what happened is that the appeal went through as an attempt of RMT-ban appeal, while it should have been a botting-ban appeal.

PS: I know there isn’t " different kinds " of appeals per se. I am just refering to what I write before the escalation.

I personally feel like you are caught between a rock and a hard place. I’m sorry I can’t help or advise any more than I already have. I hope you find a way to resolve it.

Will the gamemasters of the forum come to this thread and reply to it, eventually? That’s all I care about. I don’t know how forums work… I am extremely sure of the fact that if a support member reads my case, he will forward it to the proper analisys team.

The sole reason my case isn’t already there is that no one is wanting to listen.
I know it’s sad to read ( it’s even more sad to live it, but I mean, the world can be way worse right? ) but it’s what is objectively happening.

If they reach out to me here, the things will be solved ( can’t say I’ll 100% get unbanned, but at least my case will be reviewed ). If not, then I’ll have to keep opening tickets.

The blues who moderate this forum, whilst have some influence with a large number of issues, they do not and will not override the decisions of the ingame support team ( I believe we covered that earlier). Whether they can draw more attention to your case from your posted MSINFO I do not know. There are basically limits to what the forum team can do here, so no promises either way…

They may likely reply, though I would brace yourself for what we have also had to sadly convey, and that is that they cannot and will not discuss account penalties here, nor get involved in such via the forums. Mainly and foremostly because the forums are public, not private and account actions are very much the latter.

I wish you luck.

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I always thought RMT was transferring gold between two different accounts, if they are both in your name then there shouldn’t be a problem.

You haven’t said, at least I cannot find it, the reason they gave in the email for the ban. It would say something like abuse of the economy if it was RMT, 3rd party software/automation is the general botting reason.

You are correct. I have just came back to read and I didn’t specify the reason of the ban ( botting ).

So let me repeate it real quick:

Since the ban #1 and ban #2 were for RMT, and since when I got banned #1 and #2 I had just finished moving golds into my guild bank, I thought that this was the trigger of the ban and so, on the ban #3, I didn’t check what the email said and directly appealed it by giving them a justification against RMT.

Only AFTER the ban was verified ( and overtuned, but only to six months ) I noticed that the reason of the ban was for botting and not for RMT. Which lead me to immediately contact the support again to explain them how I farm and let them escalate those informations for a second appeal.

They never let me do so as of now. Tho. This is the problem itself basically.
If they let me escalate again, with the infos I gave here, they will almost surely unban me.

So what I am wanting ISN’T exactly for the forum GMs to overturn the ban, not at all. I just want them to report this to the analisys team, accordingly to the rules.

After that is done, they might contact me via ticket, or email, or whatever. That matter doesn’t have to be discussed here ( this is to reply to Shammoz ).