This action is currently restricted


I am a new wow player, i joined a classic era server and everything was fine in the first 2 weeks of the game, but after that the server suddenly crashed and i was and still am unable to use the auction house or trade with other people. Most of the players from the server don’t have this issue, so it’s really frustrating to me trying to lvl up with no potions or elixirs .

Maintanance was last night and i am still unable to use the account properly.

Is there something that has to be done from my side ?

all new accounts cannot use auction house or trade in season of discovery for 30 days .
Account restricted - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (

well the issue is that i am not playing season of discovery.

They made this bluepost on US forums to clarify further and it’s intended to work on both Era and SoD at present.


Now I wish they would apply that to Retail too. That way ban waves for Bots would be even more effective, because they delay the gold transfers and such by 1 month entirely, basically crippling effective bot buisness for a time.


I hope so too .that will atleast put some dent on bots and their business

It’s also a step more to the (rather extreme) suggestion from me years ago to just remove trading to fight the bots. Obviously trading will never go away in WoW, just too useful. But limiting AH and trading so bot runners have it much harder to run longtime buisness is a good step in the right direction.

I still think, the way how trading is handled in Warframe could be the best solution. In Warframe the trading is limited by the amount of Mastery Ranks you have. So if you have MR 3, you can trade 3 times a day, with MR 24, 24 times a day, etc.

Now, this would need to be altered for WoW, but take it for example like this. You can can trade from player to player unlimited times. But Auction House purchases are limited to 10-20 times per day from your character/account. That way Bot sellers that, i.e. sell Herbs for gold generation, can make a good profit every day because the amount of purchases are limited.

And by limited purchases I mean not players buying, but players being able to buy FROM YOU on the Auction House.

Imagine it like an “infinite vendor stock turning finite due to sell restrictions”.

when i cintact suport they gave me this This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Terms of Use can be found at

Game Master Team
Blizzard Entertainment is this only for me or you guys have the same problem

Sounds like security measurement to block RMT in the game.