OK. So that is the issue here. There is a misunderstanding there.
Next week when you open the vault, the item that will appear there will be 1 item from the loot table of ALL the bosses you killed in LFR.
So the LFR raid drops 584-587 ( rare chance to get a 600 Ilvl neck ) and the vault will give you 584-587 ( rare chance to get a 600 Ilvl neck ). Depending on what item you “roll” on that loot table.
Also applies for Normal, Heroic and Myth raid by the way. And it was also the case in SL and DF. Nothing has changed on that regard.
I was referring to the vault on the piece you quoted.
But either way, you are overthinking this “heroic dungeons” thing. Let me present an extreme example :
Suppose they change the ilvl that drops on Heroics once again to XXX value 1 month from now. One month from now, most of us will have 4 peice tier set and be atleast full Hero 6/6.
Who cares at that point ? Does it invalidate your progress in any way ? NO.
The only people for which that matters are people that came to WW late, and alts. And that would be a catch-up mechanism. Which is fair in my opinion !!!
So complaining about Heroic ilvl drops while you are doing M0 is pointless in my opinion. It dosent affect you, and it helps people that need catch-up mechanics. Its 100% a WIN in my book.
And then, most importantly this :
Dont do this. Its 100% the limiting factor to increasing your ilvl early on in the expansion. You cant ignore it in your assessments.
If they do this M+ would complain massively. If they allow Myth track gear drops in M+ then Raiders would gear up like that for raids. Which presents a problem, because then Blizz has to tune the raids assuming people will be full Myth when they do the boss.
Which generates even more pressure to gear up in M+ for those of us non try-harders.
Its a problem, sure. But not something relevant to this topic.
They do patchnotes for that. 4 days before reset.
For example : Class, dungeon, and Delve tuning that will happen on Wednesday. If you don’t read it, don’t blame blizzard for not being clear about it.
Im just being honest here.
You assume testing will fix everything. Of course they tested it. But dont forget, Blizzard is not a company. Its a collection of human beings that, as you, make mistakes or overlook things.
Be reasonable here. You cant hyperfocus on 1 specific thing that did not work and dump all the blame on that. Overall, the game has very few bugs. So overall its 99% bug free. That is the results of the testing they did. So its good.
If you developed software (of any kind) you would know that eventually, the thing stops working. And when it works, nobody knows why. Its an industry MeMe…