This expansion has been a hot mess. Constant unscheduled maintenance. Hotfixes rushed and untested. Players don’t know what they want

Look, I was okay with the downtime being an American Imposter playing on EU for friends. I knew around dinner time once a week we’d have downtime. I volunteer on that day so no big deal.

Queue this expansion. Every week there’s unscheduled maintenance and secret hotfixes that are untested and break something. Blizzard didn’t stress test the auction house when it made it region-wide. Delves were either too easy or too hard for everyone. People were mad about being locked out of higher difficulty content.

Constant maintenance with very little communication or heads up. Everyone’s frustrated and gathered in front of the auction house in Dornogal all moaning about their weekend plans being delayed or non existent for maintenance again. I can relate. Seriously.

Can anything go right yet? I just really wanna play.

Stop using players as BETA testers all the time.

Also players: “We want harder delves!”
Later: “No no not that hard.”

More rushed fixes…


Just got TWW. Woke up at 5 am the only day in the week Im not actually waking up for work and I get a server shutdown lol.
Whats the estimate downtime?

An hour? Not sure. Most people think just an hour but it’s getting frustrating having this done constantly.


Well the delve hotfix was rushed but other than that I like daily hotfixes. I don’t want to wait 3 weeks between tuning and hotfixes.

Just wish there was communication up front and not after. There are just so many things they change and don’t make sense at all.

Example: at this moment you get vault rewards for LFR - heroic and delves

LFR req Ilvl is 567

  • Drop Ilvl 584-587 ( rare chance to get a 600 Ilvl neck )
  • vault reward Ilvl 584

Heroic req Ilvl is 567

  • Drop Ilvl 580
  • vault reward Ilvl 593

This makes 0 sense and it would suprise me that there won’t come another hotfix for this aswell. Only reason this is here at the moment is cause they just changed the loot tables and requirements for heroic dungeons which was also not communicated up front and left people doing heroic back in randoms to get their gear.

This change is also a stab in the back for people who actually did heroics, upgraded their 564 Ilvl gear to 580 ( no crests required only valorstones ) for now to just get the 580 gear dropped and yet again no communication/compensation for the loss in valorstones. To make it worse, they changed something so that you don’t get the valor discount ( which is warbound ) so yet another valorstone sink which will only be hotfixed next maintenance.

I do agree with this tho :slight_smile:

This too. And no refunds for valorstones for people who did all that work.

Also I would be okay with hotfixes if they were tested properly before hand to make sure they don’t break stuff. But that’s asking too much from the Billion Dollar Indie Company.

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It’s general issue.

Fake coffee, fake teeth, fake boobs, fake facades on building. Everything these days is either fake and or single use disposable.
Nobody is doing fine to be inherited things anymore.

Games are not an exception.


Welcome to TWW beta were nothing was tested and everything changes everyday.
The worst expansion release and so much incompetence.


I think this launch experience has been good. The AH issue was resolved quickly. And the only thing that crashed was that. Much better that than the whole server and 30 min wait times to connect. Which was the norm in every expansion launch.

This. 100%. I really, really want you guys to stop complaining about this. Because even the Delves hotfix is good.

Guys, think a bit of the alternatives here : Blizzard waits weeks “gathering data” to do a hotfix… because they fear you guys complaining about it ! …

I prefer that they have the balls to do what must be done ASAP with out fear of repercussions.

Example : I prefer Delves to get a +200% damage buff now and rushed, tomorrow a -100% damage, after tomorrow a +50%, … until it reaches the “correct” value it should have…

Than to wait for 3 weeks for Blizzard to gather data and realize its exactly a 127% buff they need.

So no. Please. Rushed hotfixes anytime of the day. And more of them. ALL the time.

Its not blizzards fault if you guys did this.

This is what blizzard said : You do heroics only for a week. And then on Wednesday Delves that give 596 and M0 that gives 596 opens. This was known for months.

What did 99% of people do ? They farmed heroic dungeons. Raised their ilvl to 580. And then moved on to M0 and Delves.

Why are you still doing heroics ? I don’t understand … I feel the issue is with you here.

This… is known since Shadowlands. Dungeons give vault rewards 1 tier higher. The raid dosent.

Why ? Its complicated. But essentially its this :

Blizzard since 2004 has this policy where they nerf content over time to allow more players to experience it. Because naturally, not everyone has the skills to walk into a raid/dungeon with 30/40 ilvl less than intended and succeed.

So. What does Blizzard do since 2004 ? They use gear (or ilvl) to slowly buff players so they can overcome challenges.

In the raid, you have overlaping difficulty. So for example, the last boss of the Normal Raid is harder than the first 3 bosses in Heroic, because first 3 bosses have fewer mechanics.

So people can farm those easy 3 bosses of heroic, get gear and then do the last complicated boss of normal when they are a bit more over-geared.

You cant do that with Dungeons. With dungeons, they need to give you a way to do higher level keys that reward more ilvl… you cant.

So they give you 1 tier more in the Vault. And that way you can over-gear whatever key-level you are doing and succeed.

But there is a limitation to this. Because Raiders for example found out that its easier and more convenient to do this process by doing M+ instead of doing the first 3 bosses of heroic. But that is another story, and a different problem.

The vault is the way it is because of that reason.

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OK. So that is the issue here. There is a misunderstanding there.

Next week when you open the vault, the item that will appear there will be 1 item from the loot table of ALL the bosses you killed in LFR.

So the LFR raid drops 584-587 ( rare chance to get a 600 Ilvl neck ) and the vault will give you 584-587 ( rare chance to get a 600 Ilvl neck ). Depending on what item you “roll” on that loot table.

Also applies for Normal, Heroic and Myth raid by the way. And it was also the case in SL and DF. Nothing has changed on that regard.

I was referring to the vault on the piece you quoted.

But either way, you are overthinking this “heroic dungeons” thing. Let me present an extreme example :

Suppose they change the ilvl that drops on Heroics once again to XXX value 1 month from now. One month from now, most of us will have 4 peice tier set and be atleast full Hero 6/6.

Who cares at that point ? Does it invalidate your progress in any way ? NO.

The only people for which that matters are people that came to WW late, and alts. And that would be a catch-up mechanism. Which is fair in my opinion !!!

So complaining about Heroic ilvl drops while you are doing M0 is pointless in my opinion. It dosent affect you, and it helps people that need catch-up mechanics. Its 100% a WIN in my book.

And then, most importantly this :

Dont do this. Its 100% the limiting factor to increasing your ilvl early on in the expansion. You cant ignore it in your assessments.

If they do this M+ would complain massively. If they allow Myth track gear drops in M+ then Raiders would gear up like that for raids. Which presents a problem, because then Blizz has to tune the raids assuming people will be full Myth when they do the boss.

Which generates even more pressure to gear up in M+ for those of us non try-harders.

Its a problem, sure. But not something relevant to this topic.

They do patchnotes for that. 4 days before reset.

For example : Class, dungeon, and Delve tuning that will happen on Wednesday. If you don’t read it, don’t blame blizzard for not being clear about it.

Im just being honest here.

You assume testing will fix everything. Of course they tested it. But dont forget, Blizzard is not a company. Its a collection of human beings that, as you, make mistakes or overlook things.

Be reasonable here. You cant hyperfocus on 1 specific thing that did not work and dump all the blame on that. Overall, the game has very few bugs. So overall its 99% bug free. That is the results of the testing they did. So its good.

If you developed software (of any kind) you would know that eventually, the thing stops working. And when it works, nobody knows why. Its an industry MeMe… :smiley:

I think it’s been fab so far

You have a very restricted vision of progress. Its not a list, and there are many overlaps in ilvl.

You are totally overlooking the TRACK of the item itself. And ilvl DROPS from dungeons also have a range which can be upgraded. And those upgrades overlap.

So for example, you get an item with 590 ilvl. It can be Aventurer 7, or Veteran 3. Veteran 3 is more valuable than Adventurer 7. But both are the same ilvl.

That is what happens with LFR gear.

So TLDR, that 1 to 7 list you got there ? Its an oversimplification. WW is not classic.

Here is a more accurate representation :

I repeat. It has NEVER been like that. Raid vault loot is 100% always been the same ilevel as the raid. ALWAYS.

And I even gave you reasons to WHY its like that. Just read them up.

That hasent been a thing since like TBC. And reason being : post like these that complain about everything with out context.

Or people whining about stuff with out thinking the consequences through…

Its not like Blizzard has done a brilliant job all the time for the past 20 years. But, it still has a better track record than the crazy nonesense people say on the forums.

Im just being brutally honest here…

Coming into the forums to complain “luzl wow zux cause bugzz” wont fix them. They wont even read them.

If you see a bug, you have a tool to report that bug. And when they see many players are getting this bug, then they fix it.

If instead of that you come here to complain, it makes their job harder. Do the right thing when you see a bug ! Report it !

The reason they fixed the warlock thing is because people reported it, not because people whined.

I will say this one more time. If you don’t read the patch notes, its on YOU. Not on them.

They do communicate. Its just that they don’t Private Message you specifically. Or literally respond to one of your posts.

I would say this is prob the worst launch of an expansion in wows history, its a mess, they should have waited a few months more and not rushed it out


You got a short memory…

No, i dont. name me an expansion where players lost millions of gold in an auctionhouse that eat items and blizzard are ignoring that issue, name me an expansion with so many game breaking bugs i could go on with the hundereds of other problems but i cba


This dosent ring a bell ? It was literally the norm for previous expansions.

Who cares if you could not access the AH. How about not accessing the game at all ! :smiley:

And then you complain about the AH ? What a joke. My buddies are making millions right now because people actually use the professions/materials for something. People begin to buy enchants, pots, and crafted items.

4 days into the launch of the AH nobody cares about the AH. And if you fell for the FOMO its 100% on you.

100s of problems ? Gamebreaking bugs ? So many ?

Name examples. Please. :smiley:

I can give you 1 example that proves my point : DF launch. There was a bug where you got kicked out of the boat. People could not even get to Dragon isles for 3 days. And you also got kicked out of the game as well.


They are not 100s. And not more than any other expansion.

“Worst expansion launch ever” … you got a short memory…

Here : I could go further back in time for each expansion. Want me to ?

Like I said months ago, TWW had shortest ever alpha-launch cycle by 2 months. Rushed expansion is rushed.


I agree with all points raised in the OP and would like to add their class tuning to the things that make me go ???. Classes who are subpar (ex fire mage) get little bandaids that do nothing, classes who are top dogs (ex enhancement) get further buffs, classes who are finally on a good level (ex fury warrior) are getting nerfed for no reason and classes who are close to unplayable (ex BM hunter) get nothing at all for several tunings in a row.

Edit: Oh and Resto Shamans who eat the other healers for breakfast already get massive buffs to further assert their dominance.

It’s a hot mess.


The problem with delves is what was always going to happened. They are both solo and group content but are also group agnostic which is a big problem for solo content.

Its a mess theyve landed themselves in and I dont see how to solve it.

Then you have the usual WoW player entitlement. I am entitled to bis delve gear from level 8 in the first week even though it is meant to be a feature for the whole expansion that wont go down in difficulty.


Nothing against hotfixes, would like to have one for the empty guild banks, waiting now one month for a solution.