I have feeling that The War Within is a worse copy of Dragonflight, everything is the same.
I already discovered what 11.2 be like etherals invasion to Deepgrove (new location just below Hallowfall and left side from Azj-Kahet , they will investigate to the Elun’Ahir roots and leading a way to the new expansion
One more thing I don’t like is very slow lore progression, with my spoiler reveleaed we can tell that nothing really happened in this expansion except adding 10 bundles in-game shop. I really hope the Midnight will not be Dragonflight 3.0. Please do something new and fresh, even borrowed power and other expansion features are more interesting than building every new expansion based on Dragonflight schedule.
When Blizzard gave us borrowed power, everyone was complaining and whining about it. Now that they’ve taken it out of the game, it’s all, “We’re bored, bring it back.”
M+ hit a new record on low attendance.
Delves aren’t in a better situation …
And lastly Raiding despite the 20% buff on dmg/healing show even less number from Df… yes…and you are still 62 lvl playing older content
They were dead on arrival and turned into a weekly chore for vault slot immediately lawl.
DF m+ was worse imo.
Raiding has always been dead content to me so i couldn’t care less, but yeah the random character the forum chose for me is what i play on all day :DDD are you special?
I exclusively play m+.
M+ is what my entire opinion is based upon and how easy it is to get from capital to the dungeons.
I am sorry… this expansion is the continuation of what happened in Legion 8 years ago. Everything in-between has no bearing on the lore of this expansion.
If it lore takes less than 8 years to advance its already better than that.
I think the WoW team runs so tight an operation that the production overshadows the creativity of the product.
If you look at the roadmap for WoW, then Blizzard are basically committing to their 8 week content cadence – probably because they’ve figured out that any duration of content drought beyond that loses them subscribers, and this is the only solution they’ve come up with to try and ensure retention.
But you can’t make radically new content on an 8 week schedule, so a lot of the content ends up being old forms of content that’s re-imagined, or existing forms of content with a new appearance.
It does make for very identical end products – formulaic as some would say – and I’m not sure if the game direction is sustainable in the long run. I think players ultimately get numb to getting more content when the content is always more of the same.
Yeah it has the same kind of content release cadence.
But in terms of story, themes and whatnot, I really don’t see much similarity.
Sure, I can agree with that. 11.0.5 and 11.0.7 didn’t really push the narrative along (except for the tiniest bit). And the lore we got prior to .7 was grinding drops and turning them in for a boring conversation. Not really my idea of interesting story content.
They both have 4 zones of roughly the same size. You progress through each zone in a linear fashion by means of a main campaign with attached side-quests.
Every single zone follows the story of there already being someone in the zone that you need to make contact with, who will then present you with problems that needs dealing with alongside the main narrative of the campaign that follows you through each zone.
The gameplay experience of each zone is roughly of a similar length, the tasks you’re being told to do are roughly of the same design, and the types of characters you’re interacting with are roughly of the same type.
The systems design is roughly the same. You get 10 more levels that simply amount to shaking the class design bag a little, and you progress through the same profession design and the same renown design and the same reputation design. Even the collectibles are placed and acquired in similar ways.
There are 8 dungeons and 1 raid with 8 bosses.
There is a new race instead of a new class - but that’s often ping-ponged from one to the other in expansions.
There are events in the outdoor world with timers for when they begin.
There is a world boss in each zone.
Delves are new. There are also not so many dragons.
Both expansions start out because of something caused by Azeroth.
Both expansions revolve around a plot with the World Soul and the Titans.
Both expansions have an evil mastermind (Xal’atath & Iridikron) who plays out minor villains like pawns, that the player then has to put a stop to in the content patches.
Both expansions introduce new unexplored islands with native races that have lived there for thousands of years and who are in an ongoing struggle that we have to assist with.
Arguably, but some less so than others. Dragonflight and The War Within are definitely way more alike than any other two following expansions have ever been.
Sure, and that’s what I said in my prior comment. That they run so tight an operation that there’s little opportunity to pursue creativity in favor of production output, so the final products end up being increasingly similar.