Oh yeah that’s so true !!
I really don’t see how, Legion and WoD are thematically miles ahead of DF, this is like a very tiny step forward.
Undermine is bringing lots of reused Cata assets from 14 years ago and driving that’s gonna be a stutter fest since this engine can’t even deal with sky riding, much less a faster version of it on ground where asset loading is even more challenging since you can’t go high.
Imo you can judge an expansion within 1-2 months since 80% of its content has already been released. I’m personally not excited about Undermine since I don’t care about goblins to the extent that we have a whole patch about them in an expansion that’s already 6/10 story-wise and needs to go hard.
Personal preference I guess. I mean, I agree with WoD, but Legion was not my thing at all. In fact I hate the whole demonfest so much that I instantly quit as soon as I finished leveling and never looked back.
Perhaps I will give it a serious try if there’s a remix.
Nothing wrong with that. There’s lots of cool stuff that deserve to be brought back.
Never had issues with skyriding as far as performance goes. It’s pretty smooth honestly.
That could be an issue, it remains to be seen how they implement this. Still, the feature looks cool on paper.
Legion is a very loved expansion although I see major issues with it during the first months after release. BFA has a similar story.
WoD was great in the first months but because of the lack of content later on they remember it as a bad expansion. So I disagree with your statement.
It seems like people tend to have a short memory once the latest patches that fix everything are released.
So far TWW is hitting the spot for me. I haven’t pulled an all nighter in a game in a very long time but somehow I’m hooked. I can’t really pinpoint why but yeah.
its your average forumer logic:
“Every current expansion is the worst.”
same here i think people don’t know what exactly they want,
in my opinion : would be great again to have somethink like legion and BFA mixed up like all out war while maybe two forces attack void and fell and light steps in at the end with life and death to help out - get borrowed power ok …maybe more in type of soul conduit - make delves heroic and mythic + for single players to challange them self and then get stuff there for that
Did my first Theatre Troupe yesterday as the weekly quest nudged me into it.
It’s basically Superbloom. Didn’t really enjoy Superbloom and I didn’t enjoy this either. Nor did I get a reward (though I still need to do another WQ for the weekly so that might give me something).
I’m so done with “chores” (for want of a better word) that I’ve not killed a World Boss in TWW yet. I’ve not done any of the other events. The weekly check-list of things to do got so tedious in DF that I just can’t anymore.
The only thing TWW is doing better than DF is story. Although DF was so bad at story that anything would be better. I’ll go through the story quests. I’ll probably do the side quests too.
The development resourses devoted to systems that are only around for a few patches were beyond insane. Azerite posers, Conduits, Essenses and whatever else. All took time and effort to add to the game. These resources could and should have been used adding better content to the game that wouldn’t be just thrown away after a few patches.
Then there was the loss of the borrowed power after those few patches. That felt horrible. You lost that cool Azerite Power that healed you when you were in Ghost Wolf or that conduit that did some other cool thing. And you were a gutted character that felt horrible for 6 or 8 levels until they started giving you some other temporary power that you’d not bother to even learn the name of since it was going away in a few month anyhow.
Gear is totally different. You keep your gear until you replace it with better gear.
Granted the game does Stats in such a way now that once a new expac comes out you feel weaker anyhow since stats no longer offer the same level of power as before and you need to gear up again just to get back to where you were.
This seems to have started around WoD or Legion. Where you feel stat weighting worked in such a way.
like siren isles ? thats few hours at best of content and grinding ? and then thats it ? no thank you i’d rather have azerite gear or … a type of gear you could wear most of expansion instead upgrading it every day. with better gear…
But just because current use of resources isn’t great doesn’t mean wasting those resources on throw away powers (how many powers could they come up with anyhow? Another expac or two and they’d be recycling the same old powers with new names and slight tweaks).
They should have (and still could) invest some resources into Order Halls. That was one feature of Legion that they really should have developed further.
They could have innovated some Player Housing by now if they’d bothered to. Not a feature I’m particularly interested in but I see a lot of threads by others asking for it so I think it might be popular.
I think Delves should have been merged with Follower Dungeons so that we recruited and leveled up our followers (instead of Brann) and did dungeons together instead of Delves. This would have given us more dungeons and a better evergreen system, as these followers could be based in our Order Halls (would need some thought on how to give every order hall tanks and healers but I’m sure some way could be found).
So, because what we have now isn’t great is no reason to go back to failed borrowed power systems.
We can and should get better.
I hate how the sentiment in the forum and in other places turned into.
“Well we have seen something like that already so blizz is a lazy bunch that don’t want to give us new stuff”
Yes we had goblins in cata like a very very very tiny bit of goblin stuff. Does that now mean we can’t have goblin stuff anymore cause it will reuse older goblin stuff.
By that logic blizz should cancel midnigh very fast cause we have more then enough elve content
We did? Didnt we just went to their base of operation and Seal Team 6-ed it? Sure, we had a couple of fights here and there briefly, but I wouldnt call this war.
Well we are just very good at war I guess.
Look I know it’s not well written but it was trying to be a war. With the spider being in dornagol and then with the arathi
I will say that since the end of Legion, I have become very bored of end game.
BfA was a half-and-half for me: loved the levelling, didn’t like the war campaign, hated no tier sets, quit for 3-6 months due to gatekeeping quests, hated mechagon, loved horrific vision stuff.
SL I just logged out on day 2. DF I did for maybe 6 weeks then stopped until new content came out, just like I am with TWW. I’m just playing old content right now.
Legion was the best expansion imo and since then nothing has been as good but I do still enjoy the expansions… just not enough to stay in them for end game farming or running alts, which I did with Legion.
Yes? It’s the only content I play and it’s better than DF.
Just cuz lowbob dog players dislike this expacs m+ doesn’t mean I have to agree w them, that’s why it’s MY opinion.
BFA needs a big gap because it’s the best expansion we’ve ever had.
This includes how enjoyable the classes I play were and how forced raiding was.
TWW dungeons are really subpar but my classes feel nice and I don’t have to raid for BiS so