This expansion will crash harder than any before

This truck called shadowlands is burning with 1000l loaded up, packed by blind blizz devs who cant read that the stuff they fill into it is nitroglycerin instead of fun.

I cant tell how hyped i was for SL, laughing at people who cancelled preorders and thinking this might be the best expansion to DATE.
And then i fell into the darkness, my shining hype light trying to push back the inevitable darkness of boredom, loss of creativity and CHORES.
Then around christmas it vanished like a lost dream. I checked my speed limit which was full on hype the last time i checked and i was shocked how fast it dropped. The speed indicator crashed on the little plastic at the end and plastic flew into my eyes making the pain so much more real.

Most people dont realise that the biggest crowd supporting wow are the casuals. And this expansion has been catered to the hardcore crowd so much more than ever before.
We are in a very similar situation as back in WoD. Raid/PvP or DIE. Now we have M+ but we all know that as a casual you have no place there.
But you know what WoD had for itself in comparison to Shadowlands? Which kept me in there as well during that time? It had a compelling, authentic world. The best questing experience up to today and a true warcraft feeling. Great zones, all connected. It just lacked the content to be filled with.
But shadowlands has nothing of that. The worst world design ever, disconnected zones, flying through voids of nothing. Diablo 3 Shadowlands would be a better fit. Nothing in there feels warcraft like. It is a Diablo Disney fantasy land.

Remember the Overwatch map called “Blizzard World”? A theme park. And thats how SL zones feel. Extremely overdesigned and super harshly seperated from another. A rollercoaster on big as* rails. The last breath of the “World” of Warcraft is gone in this expansion. Something that kept players in.

Its burning and the flames go higher and higher. Soon when the subs run out and a huge player drop happens their wind of slapping doors saying goodbye will flare up this fire and burn its core to the ground.


As soon as I finished with the campaigns of all the covenants one with my main and rest with my alts, I somehow just… stopped.

I have barely logged in after that. I saw no reason to. Atm I’m thinking unsubbing until next patch or when something interesting happens.

Before that I cut out all parts I didn’t like doing. Maw? Stopped when I got venari rep done. Torghast? 1 legendary is easy to get so my alts have that, but for my future alts, I probably wont bother. The content I do does not require legendaries.

I simply can’t find any reason to do anything.

Then again, it is what I expected. There was nothing to look forward for in SL. I knew it since the moment blizz had announced SL features. There was nothing. So now that I have collected all the easily collectable mounts, mogs from covenants, seen dngeons. Done lfr a few times. I have seen all there is and want.

I was intending to collect all the covenant armor sets for all armor types, but nah… anima is too slow to collect and it annoys me and so, just like maw, just like torghast and all the “relevant” content, I simply cut it out. Now I don’t really even log in.


I feel you. After I skipped BfA because my clairvoyance skill warned me about how bad it will be, I was more than hopeful about SL. We decided with the friends to start playing it, we even got a new guy into the game to run M+s.

Then… the leveling started… I can’t describe how much I detest this linear levelling they introduced in SL. I already wanted to drop the game in Bastion and Maldraxxus almost broke me… Who’s ingenious idea was to force players through those terribly written and pathetic story quest lines?!

I said to myself, calm down, the end game will be better… It wasn’t. They broke a perfectly fine spec (Assa) with their “unpruning” which is actually their lack of understanding of basic class and spec design, so I had to change from the spec I enjoyed for years. Then I had to choose from 4 covenants which are so unbalanced that even I’m more stable than that… ON MY PERIOD. So my meaningful choice was actually made for me already if I wanted to be somewhat viable and not a hinderence for my team.

Then the drop rates… It took me WEEKS to get a decent offhand weapon. And at the end my husband got fed up and PvPd with my toon to get me one from the vendor… (My PvP skills are just as bad as my English, so you can imagine)

And I didn’t even mention Torghast and the Maw… Which could be used as IRL torture devices. As a rogue, they are the least fun content I’ve ever experienced in this game.

I unsubbed. Sadly, this expansion suffers from core design problems that cannot be solved by hotfixes. The disconnected world, terrible lvling experience, melee-unfriendly meta, and the cherry on top: uncaring devs who think they can solve the balance issues with aura % buffs…

I curse my clairvoyance skills for not warning me about this xpac, too. 10 days and my sub runs out, but I don’t even feel logging in for those remaining days. My friends also unsubbed, with the exception of my husband, but he’s also considering to leave. As one of my friend said: This expansion is like an M. Night Shyamalan movie. He has a good idea, then writes a terrible script from it and manages to direct it faithfully to that. Same here, just with flawed design documentation.


Yeah yeah yeah. It will crash, die and etc. Like all the expansions before. Tell you what OP. There has been at least 245356354 threads about on how Wow will die in expansion X.
So you are so sure that the 245356355 post will finally come true and WoW will die?

Aight! :popcorn: :seat:


and they are all right, ever expansion gets worse than the ones before and we lose more and more players


Yet Wow is still up and kicking …curious! What about the prophecies that Legion, BFA will finally kill WoW? Those did not come true? (and people where preaching like 24/7 that the end is near!)
Heck…the first doomsayers appeared late classic/early TBC…


I wonder why are you on the forums, reading our “whining”, when you could play this wonderful game instead?


Who says am I not playing it? And I didn’t knew that only “I hate Blizz. SL sux! Everything is bad! Wow is dead” opinions are permitted on the forums? :thinking:


I’m pretty sure Blizz didn’t integrate the forums into the game yet, so either
A, Not playing, but reading the forums intead
B, Alt+Tab out of the game during one of those wonderful artifically long flights which I forgot to mention as another reason why I despise this xpac.

And no, it’s not forbidden, but why even bother opening a thread that’s clearly about a topic you disagree with everyone else commenting AND you won’t be able to change our mind anyway? Then why the hassle? Or you just want to argue this badly with someone? Jeeesh, carantine must be bad in your country…


Its a nice way to spend the time commuting or on a night shift. By playing a video game. It doesn’t mean 100% at the PC monitor and gaming 24/7. When I am home I play it at my gaming PC. When I am away, I visit the forums. Not sure where you got the idea that forums and the game itself is something so isolated and separate from each other…

Well it is a forum. And like in any forum. A topic can be discussed by multiple people with different and sometimes opposing opinions. Its not an echo chamber where you write something and only your “yes-mans” answer…
And if you don’t want to discuss anything or read other opinions on the forums…then actually why do you bother to visit them? Looking for “yes-mans” to validate your belief&opinion?


poop wraped in gold is still poop


This is not a topoc for discusson, more of a goodbye letter/feedback for the devs and perhaps for other players who also not satisfied with the game just can’t put their feelings into words yet. What is exactly that you want to discuss with us? That we’re wrong to dislike the game? How do you want to convince me that Choreghast is actually fun? Or that somehow the terribly unbalanced state of the classes are somehow makes the game more fun? Again: Why are you here, in a topic which is about a game’s flaws which you clearly don’t feel like a problem for your fun? To argue? Because at this point, this is a pointless argument. We unsubbed, we’ll skip the xpac. End of story.

Huh? Did you even check to whom I responded and what I was talking about out? People leave all the time for many reasons. Both in-game and real life. And in-game reasons are usually a bit more complicated. Feature X can be liked by John A, but hated by John B. John B threatens to leave the game. So Blizz caves in and changes feature X. Now John A is not happy wants to leave…and we are pretty much back to square 1. Regardless how much people play WoW these days. Its still much and you can’t please everyone no matter what you do. There will be always people who will leave no matter what…

And the OP was not making some dramatic goodbye post. But another “the end is near” doom preaching. I showed my skepticism that the “end is near”…its been near since late Vanilla…


Well the end is near for some of our subs :joy:


10 char…

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tbh… it Is the best one of a long time

im confused realistically how. how is the game catered to the hardcore crowd more then ever… i just dont get it

yeah theres Loot problems, and yes it maybe alittle too rare… but im confused to realistically how it is… im not hardcore in the slightest and im uptoo running +12s now

i’ll prolly get to the +15s before the end of the tier sometime

the vast majority of the games playerbase does not play current expansion content at all… they do the previous expansions…

so how does SLs Position affect the majoirty of those who play WoW… because apart from the fact they need to fix old raids it doesnt.

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Oh wait, now suddenly I souldn’t reply to you because you weren’t talking directly to me before? I thought this is a forum where we can comment on any topic and reply to anyone. Strange.

Yup, if there are 1 A and 243234238 B then it’s a no brainer. These feedbacks are here to help them to see just how many John B are here.

The problem is that Blizzard keeps adding these unnecessary mechanics not to please US, the players, but for their shareholders. I’m sure you know that they don’t use sub numbers as measurement anymore since the subs are way below than what it used to be, which is normal. No game can be No1 most popular thing ever. Not even Minecraft or Fortnite.

However, they decided on an easy to manipulate metric system, which pretty much hurts the game: the in-game spent time. Therefore enjoyment is no longer priority for them, but to make things longer, to take more time to achieve anything. Like making flying longer, adding tedious world quests, ect. Who’s happy with this?

Funny, I didn’t encounter these end is near posts back then. At least my guild didn’t drop dead in a month… Ok, to be fair, I started in TBC, but still. Even during Legion, I saw less threads like this. But yet again, Legion was miles better than this. Well, during BfA these unsub threads were understandable, and so are now.


This is the first expansion where I’m logging about once a week and, even then, I’m not overly bothered if my subscription ends…I’m becoming very disengaged with WoW.

I do hope it improves but this expansion, so far, just isn’t grabbing my attention. :pensive:


Thank you, I forgot to add this to the “why I unsub” list.


Ye i remember the huge uproar over that xD

im still enjoying it… i mainly do M+ tho c: