This expansion will crash harder than any before

Legendaries by design were 10x better than now. In SL we get mostly boredom legendaries, just like the expansion feels. Only the acquirance shouldve been improved from Legion, but not 100% crafting. A currency we had in 7.3 worked perfectly.
Swapping weapons sure, but a small thing.
Set bonuses are much more interesting than just something gear slot that increases crit by 1%. Also people had something to work towards with these set bonuses. Without them, raids feel worse.
Class design was better in legion than BFA or SL. Borrowed power has been a problem ever since and they should make it another talent tree or baseline.
Artifact was no longer op? I dont get it.
AP could just be tweaked. Atleast it was farmable from all content and had hard diminishing returns and catchup. Was bad for the 0.1% hardcores but nobody should cater to them at all.
Dungeons were far better in Legion than SL. SL dungeons are terrible.
I prefered TF before SL loot system which is truly terrible. Atleast it didnt make WQs and other lower difficulty content completely pointless. The solution wouldve been to keep TF but make TF an upgrade system that you can get if you farm valor points from all activities.

They went from class halls to covenant = terrible decision. Has nothing in common what it made special.
Suramar >>>> Maw (worst zone in the history of wow, all agree even streamers)
Boreghast is terrible. Preferred islands and warfronts and they werent good either.


Man, Iā€™d pay to have Legion dungeons back again, and Suramar, and Class Halls.

Legion Classic when :'(?


My only issue with the game is they pushed the gearing system into elitists favor and thatā€™s going to damage the health of the game long term making a change which literally caters to 1% if not less than that cause of how badly they scum gear their characters for mythic prog.

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oofā€¦ I hope you donā€™t mind waiting ^^

Now ask yourself when and why they are going to ā€œpull the plugā€

I hope at some point in the near future they decide to open up classic servers for every expansion, have been hoping for that for a decade now.

If they do plan to go above TBC/Wrath, it would be insanity to have the same timeframe as the expansions had when they were being launched. That would mean MoP Classic 2027 and Legion 2029 lol.

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I soooooo agree with this thread, this game is dying, I cant wait for it to all burn down, the devs have lost their ways and they dont know what the word ā€œfunā€ really means, their content designs is a failure.


yeap, this time around I didnt even managed the first monthā€¦ Zones are the worst ever, the same chores of boring weeklies and dailies. Professions useless, unless you are one of those guys who controll the market. Dungeons useless again, except the ā€œe-sportsā€ mythic+ that I am not interested at all.

My last hope was to spend some time get transmog from Legion raids (Heroic/Mythic) but you know this not ended well with the new squishā€¦ I guess its ok, they have classic now and soon TBC so they will keep a good subscription number. But dont they feel ashamed that they have so bad expansions in a row? I mean, do they even play the game? Who designes that game? Mythic raider?


Dont forget its your own opinion only, so should specify that. Many people dont share same view and actually enjoy the game.

Agreed. I was in a semi-hardcore raiding guild, we got CE as well, but no one felt the need to grind like a maniac (except me, but that was my own insecurity, not the gameā€™s fault :smiley: ) I miss Legion :sob:


100%. The thing is that in the legion we didnā€™t have to farm legendary items. You just play the content you like and they eventually drop. They were all good and useful, so whatever you get you will be satisfied. I didnā€™t bother with it at all, I just played what I had the most fun with, and after a while I had everything I needed, even before they added the currency. Now legendary items are locked behind brand new and untested content and gold plays a big role. It is insane to expect that everyone will like this new content. Legendary items should be obtained through standard content, pve and pvp, and gold should not be a factor.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying, Also another important factor is that you were eventually guaranteed legendaries in Legion for doing nothing but playing the content, and even bad legendaries were great stat/ilvl sticks even if the actual effect was bad for you.

in SL you gotta waste gold in addition to farming Torghast and weā€™re gonna be doing that throughotu the expansion. I remember having a lego set in Legion for open world, raiding and dungeons with different legendaries. Much more chill all around.

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The art department is carrying this expansion yet again, every other design is a failure, my sympathies to the art departmentā€¦

Then stop caring about a game you donā€™t care about (move on. Donā€™t check anything related to the game. Find a different game etc)

See thatā€™s where opinions differ, which is fine.

Too me, Shadowlands is not World of Warcraft Lore. Itā€™s not new Lore. Itā€™s a storyline put together without a thought on where the base of the Lore ever came from. Then itā€™s taken a load of character names, and thrown them in mostly out of context just to bring peoples interest in it and whack a World of Warcraft stamp on the label. It just isnā€™t in anyway related to Wow. I dread to see how the Arthas/Lich King storyline is going to unwrap, theyā€™re going to destroy it.

At least BFA was recognisable as a World of Warcraft game in location and story. Donā€™t get me wrong, I enjoyed the Campaign the first time through. But, I just donā€™t recognise any of the characters in Shadowlands. Itā€™s just not World of Warcraft.


Not really.

Cataclysm had been part of Warcraft Lore, MOPā€¦ hmm okay, Iā€™ll give you that one, Draenor covered the history of Orcs and Draenai (I didnā€™t play this expansion, but thatā€™s what I get the gist is), and Legion, well when hasnā€™t the Azerothians been fighting Demons.

These expansions were all building on storylines and lore already engrained in World of Warcraft.

Shadowlands doesnā€™t do that and it was never targeted to do that. They said it was their opportunity to try and come up with something newā€¦ and well they stepped so far away from World of Warcraft lore than it stopped being World of Warcraft lore.

What I would to see in a future expansion is a step back in time to see and play the early history of the Lore, pre-Warcraft 3 lore. That would be amazing to see build upon.

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Im having fun.
Must be because i play to have fun, not to be ā€œcompetitiveā€.

I must be weird. :face_with_monocle:


I wasnā€™t talking about SL. Wakening essenses were introduced at last patch of legion where it was way too late.

Exactly this. I have waited for them to unprun and redesign classes to become closer to what they were before WoD and Legion only for them to pretty much throw some random abilities at us with no thought process at all seemingly.

Beyond lazy.