That line… it reminds me of something… Oh yeh! The “WoW is dying” profecy that has been touted a thousand million times, and somehow WoW has seen an increase in MAUs, sales and subscriber growth even during 1 of its worst expansions and during a content drought.
Wich kinda shows that WoW is either a zombie or a game that attracts bad prophets.
WoD a success? No. Quite the oposite.
But tell me, are you missing my point, or just ignoring the facts that it shows?
This seeing as it isn’t just MAUs, but also the amount of sales and subs.
And so what you are claiming about WoW has been claimed so many times, yet time and again WoW shows its doing great and is anything but dying.
Numbers should be way up at the moment, with a global pandemic going on this means many more people are at home and have more time, even if you are working from home that means no commute which gives more time available for the game.
Schools and colleges are closed or on short time therefore the game should be thriving, however it doesn’t seem to be.
I am in a few guilds on different servers and factions all of which are losing numbers or have folded. Communities that were maxxed out are now half full. I know that is only a tiny fraction of the player base but the general consensus as far as I can see it is one of disappointment and apathy towards the game in its current state. We should still be in the honeymoon period but it seems we are anything but.
I am not thinking of leaving as I have played since launch although I do think the game needs something more. Torghast was hyped in alpha and beta as the best thing going but has proved to be a huge failure in its current form, the fact that there is even a discussion as to whether it is worse than islands says it all really.
The word is extremely fuzzy. Casual - can have 101 meanings and interpretations. I raid mythic(sort of), run m+ as high as I can…yet I still consider myself a filthy casual since I dont have CE or rio 1.5k or something
Well everyone has a different way of fun but not all of us are having fun the same way being competitive i have burned out of that style of play since i was 18 and the way I have fun now is exploring and doing some casual pve with my guild leveling alts and catching up to them as much as I can it’s hard since 0% loot drops but that’s my fun.
Well i consider myself a casual because I run normal raid with my guild did up to +6 and do LFR sometimes and level alts trying to catch up on them but with 0 luck because gear is scarce.
So I’m lost on the meaning of casual,but my idea of elite is anyone who runs mythic raiding or does 15+ keys.
Which is close to impossible to do. “Casual” meaning can range from peps who just lvl up to lvl 60 and do pet battles to peps who raid mythic, do M+
We can pretty much paint the whole(well 99% almost. I guess most will agree that Echo, Limit and etc. are not casuals) playerbase as “casual” if we use every interpretation about it.
I read your post, don’t worry. Even the edits.
It’s just that ‘calling yourself something’, doesn’t make it true perse.
I agree, but there’s a different types of hybrids between a casual and an elite. It doesn’t go from black to white straight away; there’s shades of grey in between.
I do not consider myself a casual. I like casual type content overal.
But I play like a hardcore player; in time spent, effort, being knowledgeable etc.
So I’m a weird hybrid player, who get’s affected by game changes in different ways.
Like with the covenant sets; for a true casual gearing up this way might be okay because it will take them some time to get a complete set all upgraded to the max. But for me; I’ve had it completed for quite a while; I grinded anima like a madman. Because that’s how I play. And now I’m ‘done’ and bored.
I kinda enjoy the xpac so far because PvP gearing is pretty decent currently but I see the frustration. Three things which WoW needs to change in my opinion:
The insane vertical progression and the powercreep
Get rid of all the timegates and the weekly chest, go for weekly caps (like the conquest cap) if you have to but don’t punish people for not playing for a week
Get rid of the rng, give pvers a vendor too, maybe even make the pvp vendor more universal
Gear progression in general seems to be too difficult for casuals. The gearing process should be fun and casual friendly and not only cater to hardcore players. Currently you’ll have a really hard time to get good gear as a casual and all we see is that boosting services are reaching a whole new level (at 1,7-1,8k rating in arena I’m seeing a booster in every third game for example which is just sad, it’d be better to just give everybody welfare gear than this pay to win crap).
Some elitists will disagree but WoW is only successful because it used to cater to the casuals. Making games which are accessable for everyone is what made Blizzard popular and the current iteration of WoW feels so incredible anti Blizzard. When classic released WoW was the easiest and most accessable MMO on the market and now I can barely find a MMO which is more hardcore than WoW. Something needs to change here imo, I just want the game to be fun and as popular as possible.
yeah, i kinda feel sorry for the devs a little, how DO you please this crowd?, WoW has been a victim of it’s own success since BC…sure it’s changed, but so have people, so have gamers…Ion has promised big changes in the Spring for Shallowlands, i don’t see it being any different to how it is now because those that actually know what they want all have a different idea.
people wanted content, they have that to their ears now, what i want is LESS content and more depth, quality over quantity…
That’s what every normal player wants, but it seems that blizz can’t understand this. Very simple, high quality pve and pvp, high quality class/spec design. Time, creativity and effort should be invested in these things, in the core parts of the game, and not in stupid, boring and cheap systems. The story, plot and zones are generally a matter of taste, but there is no need to experiment too much in that segment either. Brand new but interesting characters are always welcome. But all this (story, zones, chars etc) is irrelevant, because if they make high quality pvp, pve, class/spec design, then they can send us to Neptune or Disneyland and it won’t be a problem, because the core parts of the game are great.