This expansion will crash harder than any before

Nah just, erase the current fire design and go back to mop, and make some tweaks to better work in instanced pve perhaps. There is nothing good about current fire - not even inferno blast off gcd, makes it way too hectic. Heating up stacking was more intuitive imo and made set ups with shatter great gameplay.

For pvp mop fire mage was pretty much perfect. Solo play as well, out in the world.

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Yes but you canā€™t have both now can you xD thatā€™s too much work for them.

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Actually some constructive debates in this thread, rather than just pure hating or loving.

Anyway, to put the arguments of the presales figures in perspectiveā€¦ SL had 3.7 million copies presoldā€¦ while BFA had 3.4 million copies sold on launch day. Videogame sales have been up by 63% in 2020 because of the pandemic. Overal, keeping this in mind, I would consider the 3.7 million figure quite disappointing if I was an Actiblizzard shareholder, but thatā€™s what spin doctors are forā€¦

As for me, SL just didnā€™t cut it. I enjoyed for first 3 weeks or so, but after the gloss was gone, it just felt like version 3 of Legion and a worse itteration of it at that. I also agree with some of the others that it just doesnā€™t feel like World of Warcraft anymore, just something more generic. For me, as for many others, Iā€™m sure, this was current Blizzā€™s last chance to release something greatā€¦ they failed (purely subjective opinion, of course). It wouldnā€™t surprise me if the next expansion was the first one in WOWā€™s ā€˜modernā€™ history that sells fewer preorder copies than the previous expansion, but weā€™ll see in 2 years time.

Iā€™ll just patiently wait for TBC Classic, then hopefully Wrath Classic and then I think it will be time to put this piece of history to rest after 2 decades for me.


yep exactly
i will buy from them cata/mop paladin class design :smiley: cause this new design is terrible my abilities doing nothing outside of wings
but back in the day even crusader stike was satisfying to press cause it was good dmg and wings only buff your dmg.But nowdays wings is your only dmg


The old templars verdict animation was also great. Why dont they reintroduce such animations as glyphs? Proposed this kind of stuff many times, but obviously no response since I aint asmongold with 5k insta likes or whoever.

So much content for professions, but nothing done. Creative drought.

Yep and old sound of templar verdic was incredible too something like backstab and ambush i donā€™t understand sometimes why they change things like this :smiley:

i made 2 googles:
Statista suggests that World of Warcraftā€™s player count is around 4.88 million as of 2020. They also suggest that it is going down at a rate of roughly 140,000 players per year. Blizzard may be able to change this, though, if they manage to release some huge new content updates or expansion packs.
The segment has about 128 million monthly active users (MAU). Blizzard , more than 25% of revenue, delivers content through retail and digital channels, including subscriptions, full-game, and in-game sales, as well as by licensing software to third-party or related-party companies that distribute Blizzard products.

seems like blizzard has 128 mn customers to listen to, (123 when wow goes up in flames)

Cata pally was great in general imo. I really enjoyed Ret and holy back then. As you said our filler abilities felt meaningful. At current my CS outside of wings will on a non crit deal about 3% of an equally geared targets health. Joke. My AA swings hit two to three times as hard.

Iā€™d much rather wings is a small boost with the big utility of allowing HoW use for a mastery fuelled builder that we can use at range rather than the current design.

Are they though?
Are they? Though?

You have place everywhere. You just find guild for raid, find a group of partner for pvp, or join or host a key for m+.

You canā€™t put in 0 effort and expect groups to randomly invite you. There you are, strolling through Stormwind, and suddenly theyā€™re inviting you to Necrotic Wake 10? Doesnā€™t work like that.

One thing I keep hearing/ reading from friends ( of which a lot have idd left) is the scaling of Legion/ BFA and I do hope Blizzards team is going to fix that.

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I want WORTHWHILE and FUN content. I donā€™t have that; I ran out (and 2 months into a new expansion? Thatā€™s just way too fast).

Iā€™m starting to believe the remarks Iā€™ve read for the last year: SL feels like big patch, rather than an expansion. The content is so limited, theyā€™re artificially prolonging it with loot draught and timegating.


Yes they are. Thats why WoD suffered so much, because the casual didnt have anything to do.

I already did 8/10 HC CN around Christmas. Doesnt hold me though as the raid is just what you get every patch and every expansion. Its also extremely pug unfriendly. If they reintroduced 10m Mythic id might consider going back into the raiding scene, but they scrapped it in WoD for ā€œbetterā€ boss design, so certain classes get to play their roles. Didnt really work out i guess.
And the tradeoff was that they killed a ton of progression guilds that liked the 10m style, as it gives each player more meaningful weight in a raid, much easier to get a group of 10 people together who you like, and FAR less stress with recruitment and organisation.

Deleting 10m mythic was one of the biggest mistakes theyve done. The most fun in raiding I had in those environments. Zulā€™Aman was great, old Karazhan was great. Why? Because it was a 10m environment. Much quicker to setup and much more fun in general.

I tried PvP, I actually have 1,8k+ rating on my main since I wanted the tmog. Let me tell you that PvP is the worst. Unbalanced as hell, people die in 2 seconds, classes or specs extremely OP. Unbalanced covenant stuff like the Night Fae egg that ruins arena fights. Im glad i got my TMOG, afaik even the lower end rating aka 1,4k is now full of glad boosters. Thats what you call fun?

M+ is also terrible due to the elitism. I was lucky enough playing a geared healer at the beginning, getting into higher keys easily. But its all about RIO, if you arent a hardcore M+ and you fall behind 1-2 weeks youre done without a dedicated group.

Truth is even the STANDARD content (M+, Raid, PvP) mostly suck atm. Full of elitism and bad rewards and bad balancing. But thats the BARE MINIMUM. There should be tons of open world stuff to do. Thats what an MMORPG is about, but there isnt. You jump through those 4-5 disneyislands that are so artifical. Then you sit in airport Oribos or Sanctum and wait to get declined 2h just to get a bit of anima.

WoD was 10x better and that was already pretty bad in terms of content.

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True, but also not true. 4.88 million was likely the peak of SL for ā€˜Westā€™ (so excluding China in effect), this was also roughly what raider_io gathered data was suggesting (they also donā€™t track the Chinese client). All available data also suggested a sharp decline on that after the first month, continuing into the new year, with a likely player count of around 4 million mid January, though there is no conclusive data on this yet, just circumstatial data based on monitoring of social media activity, streamer data, youtube data, etc., with that data also suggesting that at the moment that drop off could be anywhere as much as 150k players a month, but again, no hard stats or numbers from any source to confirm that, all based on ā€˜circumstantialsā€™.

Having gone back to Classic myself, to me it seems that has now gathered renewed interest as TBC is likely around the corner and these players would also be taken up in the total number, so maybe the actual damage isnā€™t that bad overall.

Then again, data suggested BFA player count went down to as little as 1.2 million at one point, so thereā€™s still quite a bit of headroom before we get back to that.

WoD didnā€™t have m+, which expanded greatly on PvE. Thereā€™s lots of people who do low keys that never raid now.

I donā€™t know where you find people who do no content whatsoever, besides world quests, but they are defintiely not ā€œmajority of playerbaseā€. Thereā€™s people who collect mogs and mounts, and they can still do that.

If estimated numbers say weā€™re at 4.8 million subs, and m+ has over 3.2 million characters recorded in m+, combine that with raiding and pvp, youā€™ll find that people who do none of those 3, are very much in minority.
And on that portion, thereā€™s plenty who enjoy the game as is. If you donā€™t enjoy because you arenā€™t showered in loot when putting 0 effort into the game, thatā€™s not the dev problem.

I got showered with gear, because i was lucky and did M+, Raiding and PvP. And i stopped around christmas because the game is boring as hell since theres nothing to do outside of the BASE CORE. Torghast is the worst addition to date, Maw worst zone theyve added so far.
Professions DEAD.
World = No more World of Warcraft.

Just compare it to Legion and you see how sparse everything in SL is. If they tuned the AP grind a bit down and made the legendary system with a currency from the beginning it wouldve been perfect and shouldve been the standard in terms of amount of content an expansion should have. Also for what World of Warcraft stands.
12x Class Halls + 36x Artifacts in comparison to 4x Covenant Halls? Please.


Iā€™m generally not someone who likes to complain, but I can say I started playing only in December and Iā€™m bored out of my mind already in this expansion.

  • Iā€™m not interested in doing the mythics with a bunch of picky people sorting out what kind of tank or healer they want.
  • Iā€™ve done several hours of Thorgast, itā€™s just the most boring and repetitive thing Iā€™ve ever seen. Thereā€™s no nice loot and I donā€™t need the legendaries.
  • Iā€™ve levelled 5 alts so far. No matter if you level via the questline or threads of fate, you end up doing the same quests over and over. Thatā€™s nothing new though, weā€™ve done so for 17 years. But the story this time is worse than usual.

Most of my friends stopped playing as well, which doesnā€™t make the game more interesting either. So yeah, I think a lot of people are curious after a new expansion comes out and give it a go, but for how long will they actually play?


This. Only I donā€™t believe they are going to fix it, not anymore. I was really looking forward to SL, but as a solo player, loads of content were taken from me or were made harder or longer to do. I liked the way I could play during the BFA.

Also I did like the SL content for the first two months, even without soloing old content stuff. But now, itā€™s so boring for a casual player like me. Canā€™t imagine more unfun thing than these boring world quests for tedious anima farm, that were clearly designed to take as much time as possible, and you canā€™t even get better gear by doing them as you could in BFA.

I still have 2 months to play, doing some other old stuff that is not broken (like pet battles, unlocking allied races and leveling alts to 50), but logging on less and less, having no intention to resub and coming back later, which makes me a bit sad, because I enjoyed the casual style gameplay a lot during BFA.

I would not regret buying the expansion, were they at least acknowledged the scaling problem. They lost my trust.


SL will end up as the worst expansion to date for sure, 100%


I totally agree about the zone been disconnected. Im a casual too, I like to play more than 1 class but it can be very chorey. I think thereā€™s a lit wrong with the expansion, but overall this expansion has brought me back to WoW. The PvP side of things is great. I cant comment so much on PvE. I basically get the Legendary I need, do my callings and back to PvP. I kinda love it. Waaaay more so than the past 2 expansions. Borrowed power, even with covenant abilities and soul binds, feels a lot better than say, corruption, heart of azeroth, Artifact Weapons. I dont feel reliant on soulbinds or my covenant. Theyā€™re just nice little extras imo. Legendaries are more of a required thing I would say. Mage in PvP without Triune Ward is no where near as good. Arms warriors will be smashing more face with the upcoming changes to the condemn increasing mortal strike damage by more. I have a priest, and thats they only one Im not sure my Legendary does anything on, I play disc and just use the 10% CC duration decrease. Thinking of getting the shield reflect instead though. Not sure yet xD
But yeah, my main thing is, I really want them to make it even more alt friendly. Done the Escape the Maw quests? Skip. Done the campaign for a specific covenant? Skip. Rescued everyone from Torghast? Skip. I donā€™t want to spend time doing the same thing but on a different character/class, and if I did want to do it, I wouldnā€™t choose to ā€˜skipā€™. Hope to see ā€œHeard this story beforeā€ skips for alts, give the rewards, and be done with it. Then you can play what you want.

Shadowlands isnā€™t exactly good but itā€™s already blown the absolute trash fire that was BfA out of the water. So no.