This games community is PATHETIC

Prove me otherwise.

You can’t play end game mythics unless you have a third party score, regardless of gear and skill.

You can’t do dungeon quests because 2 pathetic newbie players have already done it for some reason have full control over the group and vote kick you instead of taking 1 minute of their pathetic pointless life to help another player out.

Toxicity on this game is FAR FAR worse than ANY other online game.

again prove me wrong.


now… why’d anyone wanna do that?


Weird. I don’t have this problem. On the other hand, I’m only doing relevant content or dungeon quests in BFA with my guild… Maybe that’d work for you, too? :wink:


Tell me, are you behaving like that IRL too? I mean going out in the street, grouping with random ppl for different activities and expect them to behave just as you like?
I guess not.
I’ll tell you more: mankind as a community of ppl is full of excrements through all our history and nowadays: slavery, wars, hate, greediness. As a worldwide community we now have most of our resources concentrated within 5% of population which exploit the rest.
And you expect to find yourself in a world of pink ponies once you enter WoW?

My advice for you mon fre- find a guild of your liking and enjoy good company. Or play solo :slight_smile:


looks like l2p issues to me

also imagine being so fragile that you must post from an alt


a l2p issue LOL

you contribute very well to what I said about the community bro.



So, you’re mad because nobody wants to invite you to their M+ group because you’re probably trying to do content for which you’re not good enough. Nobody wants to take in unexperienced players and risk a deplete.

Solutions: 1. Push your own key with pugs, 2. Gather friends (if you even have any) and push with them with discord, 3. Join a guild make friends and then push with them, 4. Pay for a boost (I can accept gold on Stormscale).

Solution: Make your own group and add in description “going for the quest”.

Or just l2p.


Ding! Ding! Ding! Yet another one of these threads.

‘Toxic’ buzzword. Check

Moaning about behavior that has been endemic since vanilla. Check

Insinuating the entire player-base are assholes over a few bad groups at the top tier where all the all the elitist pricks tend to pool. Checkaroo!

Worded as a passive agressive attack to anyone who reads it. Check

Insulting the people who kicked him and making them out to be the absolute worst because he knows full well they cant tell their side. Checkers

Baselessly claiming WoW has a worse community. Check

-([{!Bonus round!}])-

Trying to shift the the burden of proof from the claimant because all he has is emotion and anecdotal experiences that prove nothing. Check

Anyone up for making a bingo board for these threads?


make your own group.


I would love to do that.

Oh, and:

So do you. Buddy, you really need to change your attitude towards other people. I mean, you know, I am patient. Really, really patiens. Years of customer support taught me that. And yet, I wouldn’t keep someone with such an attitude that you are showing longer than five minutes in my group, probably less.
You know: These weird behaving NPCs you are playing with most of the time are other persons. Persons like you and I. And as much as you don’t like being belittled or insulted whatsoever, most of these “NPCs” don’t like it either. (okay, there are exceptions, though…) Maybe think about that the next time when posting or chatting in game, eh?


In all honesty your attitude on show here makes me think you’re not that great either.


Yup, you sure proved a point…


OP clearly does need to learn to play the game, otherwise he would know about features that enable you to…


or even more radical, join a guild and try a change of attitude.

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I’m a dirty casual and I’ll be pugging for siege of boralus, I expect to have a group pf people the same. Rather than pointing the finger in a random forum about people kicking you, try instead reporting the behaviour so people can be penalised for it.

Or y’know…suck it up bubblegum.

I recommend you to join a guild, wow pugs community is by far one of the worst in gaming played almost all toxic titles when i was younger, COD LOL, DOTA, hell and still play a lot of game that have “passionate” community and i never saw stuff like i saw in WoW, is one thing to have 13 year old screams at you and talk like what stuff he is about to do to your mom, and its different thing to see 30 year grown person do the same, its kinda comical sometimes.

But thankfully you can see guilds like separate communities now, and if you have a hard time going into content join a guild, you may like some people you meet there and get new friends that will help you with content. There is a lot of social casual guilds that have a lot of people in them that do random stuff like raid enemy faction cities and world pvp raids etc. You may even find some interesting new stuff to do in game.

How ever some problems will remain, kicking people from island expedition on day of reset because he took your aggro with his damage of tank that pulled half of map and expected not do die is different story on its own and if you do that i hate you with all my being.

Imagine replying to every single post on the forums with a stupid statement regarding player skill. You need to take a break from this game and go outside, there is more to human interaction than raid progress, you gumball.


Did your papa Asmongold learn you that statement about people that post on an alt.

Dont get me wrong i love the guy but people that try to act like him on wow forums make me cringe.

he’s right tho. most people who say “hUr dUr cAnT pLaY gAmE cUZ oF 3rd pARtY sC0rE” are usually the ones who’re really bad at the game.
same type of people who throw tantrum when they dont get things their way. lmao


I am not replying to every single topic, only to the most stupid ones.

Tbh, you assuming that I fanboy asmongold is kinda cringe to me.
But I remember him talking about people doing that thing (posting from alts) and you can’t deny it’s kind of pathetic.


Imagine replying every single thread about crying l2p issues. Oh wait…

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