This games community is PATHETIC

Haha dude Asmongold said on multiple occasions that same statement “imagine being so fragile that you must post from an alt” i can find 4 videos where he said that same line. You do not need to hide that you want to act like him its fine we all seen through your act, you can stop now.

There is nothing wrong to be fanboy of Asmongold I said that I like his content

its a common sense, that people who post from alts are insecure and fragile. or try to play some 8999 IQ mind games.
its been a common sense even before asmongold would start streaming. lol


I don’t deny that he didn’t say it, I am sure he did because I watch him too from time to time (who doesn’t, really?). It’s just that, don’t confuse it with acting on behalf of Asmongold, because I actually gave realistic solutions to OP’s problems few posts above.

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So you want to tell me that asmogold using that same statement every time he see somebody posting on a alt did not influence this young and naive soul to use that same line and act like smart about it, come on dude you look like a smart guy dont prove me wrong

tbh i couldnt care less.
but back in 2008s, people were posting on alts to avoid being laughed at.


You’re kinda going yikes at this point, little man xD

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You were from the start did not see me complain, plus if you want to make somebody take you serious after your advice you give to the player putting “L2P” its counterproductive its just makes that given player see that and it triggers him so all your well put advice(sarcasm) is wasted.

Well, right now in 2018 it’s because the forum won’t let me post on my main because obviously my main is not on my account… sigh

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Is it so hard to just tell the guy to try guild on his main, he is visibly frustrated about stuff, the way he puts it its not nicest but that does not mean that his concerns are not valid.

Wow do have toxic community and wow do have a elitist problems in other words he is right. If its not true tell me what is the reason to kick player from leveling dungeon for low dps? That can just mean that player that kicked dude dont have idea how classes work on early level, or that he is just acting like a elite mvp player that does not want his 12 min dungeon to become 15 minute dungeon.

Problem is even bigger when new players come to try WoW, they do not have leveling heirlooms that means that dps is often lower and they did not have idea how to play class and wtf is going on and why they get kicked.


i know of a certain forum where everybody posts anonymously
you have the option to show the flag of the country you’re posting from or “hide it” and pick out of a list of “made up” countries

you still see people trolling others for that extra layer of anonymity
you are like those guys!! :joy::rofl:

What is worse is the lack of interest by blizzard to restore some sort of balance to the factions/realms/gameplay

hardly, this forum doesn’t even hold a candle to the level of incivility or nihilistic sadism of even the nicer 4chan boards

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:> true, even /pol and /b are nicer than wow community

not implying the communities are comparable but if this happens there… it’s only natural to see it here :stuck_out_tongue:

You can easily do mythics by creating your own group or searching for groups that say mythic 0 and getting a key.

As for dungeon quests, once again become leader of the group and you can control what happens. Some people do not want to do dungeon quests, they want to run the dungeon, kill the bosses, and move on to the next quest or quests.

I think we have identified the problem here. It is not us, it is you.


sounds like a learn to play issue to me
Just git gud :slight_smile:


Creditability for getting invites to mythic+ is something you have to work for

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yes you can, its called friends.

Open a group yourself specifically for that quest then? Find people who actually want to do the quest? instead on wanting to force it onto people who are already done with it?

Umm it’s not that bad compare to dota(sea servers), lol etc.

But yeah those games now stable in toxicity lvl- It won’t increase any furthermore.
Afterall it’s pvp game so toxicity should be expected.

On other hand wow is mmo and mmo’s defined by their community. Most content is pve - still toxicity growing rate is insane atm. At this lvl toxicity will reach to same lvl as moba pvp games.