This games community is PATHETIC

Soon as I read the phrase or one similar to it "prove me wrong’ it’s like… errm. OK. So you just want to make yourself feel better by typing harsh words at someone who tries to do just that. Closed mind = closed opportunity.

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damn, mad 12 year olds still playing this game |:////


Suffer mortals as your pathetic community betraaaaaaays you


You CLEARLY never played overwatch.

HAHAHAHAA nooooooooo


It’s the new cool thing for ignorant children to do. In real life they cover their ears, close their eyes, and sing lalala and on the internetz they say waaah waaahh prove me wrong waaaahhh.


Ok my last statement on this topic. Every one who reads this, look at your interaction of other players do you feel like that interaction can help new player that never played wow to come and enjoy community

If yes, then ok why are you even here, if no you are part of the problem that this game have with its community, I am part of the problem and so are you, you guys have to become a little more self critical sometimes, saying somebody L2P is not how you help him, tell him something useful pointing out on some videos or content creators, point of sites that can help people to learn the game, and addons that are often new thing for everybody who joins the game is how you help them, not writing overused phrases that are 100% connected with toxic behavior or elitism, that they see on every forum thread they create.

Forums are place where people can and should ask questions, give ideas and complain if they see something that is in their idea broken or not fair and its their right to do so, on “US” players that are often on forums and play the game is to give them advice, and join conversations not ridicule them, WoW is in a bad spot right now and community should gets its priorities in check, throwing around blame on one portion of community or other for something, that is not helping anybody, if we want good community we have to find balance, its a MMO it lives and dies with its community and if community is intoxicated, with greed, trolling, elitists, wanabe Asmongolds that are not even smart or good players like him, it will die.

Is this a call for purge? No, just look at your actions in game and how you treat other players of all skills and try to improve that, if you see somebody doing low DPS in heroic dungeon do not kick him he is probably learning class and gearing, if somebody pull something when you try to skip trash do not kick him tell him how its done and what he did wrong. IF you see somebody that have full mythic gear do not call him no lifer etc. And if you see somebody that plays only LFR do not call him part of the problem and reason why wow is ruined that is not even close to the truth.


omg please do

that would be great to see


This was the only part of your post I disagreed with. There are plenty of nice high end players. There are also plenty of unpleasant middle of the road players. You can find nasty players in any range of skill.

Other than that spot on :wink:


Don’t get me wrong I wasn’t saying that all high end players are like that, just that the elitists by nature will mostly be there. I know there a tiny minority of high end players but you a hell of a lot more lightly to see one in an M+10 rather than a normal



Ah I see what you mean. I have to say I do find those with high raider io score are one of the first to leave if you wipe or some pull goes wrong.

I am on a somewhat higher score(1.8k+) and the community is a lot less toxic compared to 2-15 keys. Especially the area around 7-10 keys is very, very toxic and strange. Everytime i gear a new alt i get to experience it. People flame others for silly mistakes while doing just as many as the ones they flame.

I had a prot paladin flame the other dps in the group because he was top on interrupts(he has 2 on a short cd mind you) and he literally just interrupted anything on CD. We didnt wipe a single time and everything dangerous has been interrupted.
But after the key he just went full out flaming the others for it. He was like 800 score but acting super elitist.

What i am trying to say is the really good players are very rarely toxic, just look at top guilds like method, even after a hundred wipes they stay calm or even positive. Or high keys, if it doesnt work out people usually agree on just stopping the key because it doesnt work out.
Meanwhile the players at the midrange thinking they are a lot better than they actually are act as toxic as they can be.

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Yeah it’s usually those with around 1k+ score doing that bracket who insta leave.

I tend to do mine in guild groups but even helping a freshly dinged friend do some low keys was an ordeal. Not so much bad attitude just people not being able to play :laughing:

Nice score btw. I’m a ‘do the bare minimum for my weekly chest’ kind of girl. Or help guildies when they need an extra. I don’t really push keys, highest I managed in Legion was a 20 or 21 xD.

So true… Man… Like who cares, huh…?

ask and thou shalt receive

backing image is totally unrelated, I just found it funny



Seriously Stop :slightly_smiling_face:

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I don’t habe that problem at all. We have guilds, communities, friends for all of that content. The community is exactly what the game design leads too since years. Not existent outside of guilds and friends.

I mean we had something like a server community back in the days. We had reputations at our server. When we fu*ked up nobody wanted us in their groups which led to appropriate behavior.

Nowadays through sharding I don’t even see my own guild mates on the server I play anymore, everyone is a “I will never see this guy again” player. I don’t care a bit about these guys. Lfd, lfr and especially sharding destroyed all social interactions outside of friends we made, guilds and nowadays communities. So that behaviors you describe are completely expectable.

Anyways I never had that experiences that you described.


I try to be nice, bu I ran out of likes for today.


Has to be the four corners.

there is only 1 free space not 4…