Hi, meet Bob.
Bob picked a pvp server and got ganked, camped and knew what pvp ment.
Bob doesn’t care about the outcome.
Be like Bob.
Hi, meet Joe.
Joe picked a RP-PVP realm and it turned out to be just like every toxic PVP realm.
Joe cares about RP community and want to transfer to a RP realm.
Unfortunately for Joe. PvP server is in the name.
F for Joe. And I hope he finds a home suited better.
Never see you guys on our way to MC anymore. You wiped us one week and ever since you’ve left us hanging.
I cannot defend that statement. I am not a leader from the guild:)
Hi, meet Bob.
Bob picked a pvp server and rolled Horde so he can gank and camp Alliance without getting camped/ganked.
Bob doesn’t care about the outcome.
Don’t be like Bob.
Ah yes. The forum post who has more insight to my own personal preferences than me, and why I ended up with as horde.
What is this nonsense argument. You’re on an RP realm. Do you honestly think there’s RP happening on RP-PVE realms? There hasn’t been RP in WoW since 2005 and Blizzard doesn’t do a thing about it.
Unless you’re into yiffing in Goldshire, transfers won’t get you any RP.
Well… by the quality of your insightful post and the fact that you rolled an orc hunter, its quite obvious : )
Sure. I cannot deny people their own opinion.
If you truely believe that 100% of all who picked horde are some minmaxresearching, hardcore players looking for an easy win. Well jokes on you.
No idea what yiffing means but I know very well that the community on Hydraxian Waterlords is more mature and open to RP than the actual “community” on ZT. That’s enough for me.
Your whole arguement falls apart here. Me as a horde. I have been camped and ganked. Its pvp. Of course I have been experiencing that.
Moaning about pvp on a pvp realm is like moaning about too much rp on an rp realm.
It’s not the PvP that bothers people. It’s the huge faction imbalance, so whatever your reason for rolling horde, you are part of the problem.
If you want to prove your not some minmaxing neck beard why not give a reason why you rolled horde instead of just saying other people are wrong, it looks like you did just roll horde for racials and an easy win.
Me and 15-20 mates discussed this months before release. Some wanted horde because we have always been horde (except in actual vanilla). And wanted to try it this time.
50% of us ended up as horde and 50 as alliance on the same server. So we could pvp eachother as we lvled etc. Which we have.
Sry if my opinion offended you, but I’m just satirically defending the “crying” from Alliance side, because I really don’t get why so many Horde players are offended by it.
Imagine, if noone said anything and all the players who are unhappy just quit the game. Then, because the unhappy players are mostly from Alliance, the forum would be full of Horde players “crying” that the game is dead because they have noone to kill in wpvp.
I really don’t like how everyone acts like if they are not experiencing any problem, then there isn’t any problem - and that is for both factions.

Sry if my opinion offended you, but I’m just satitically defending the “crying” from Alliance side, because I really don’t get why so many Horde players are offended by it.
Imagine, if noone said anything and all the players who are unhappy just quit the game. Then, because the unhappy players are mostly from Alliance, the forum would be full of Horde players “crying” that the game is dead because they have noone to kill in wpvp.
I really don’t like how everyone acts like if they are not experiencing any problem, then there isn’t any problem - and that is for both factions.
Not offended. And I understand your point of view.
Yes things are abit extreme in the current classic version. Both pve ans pvpwise.
But the way I see it, blizzard are either working with “a fix” after reading the forums. Or they wont do squat and classic will stay as it is.
We as players have a choice to continue play it, change the way we play it or not play it at all.
My opinion, doesn’t make it a fact or true at all. Not based on anything else than my own experiences and views.
Horde players talking about ganks and sht LOOOOL.
Imagine playing alliance, you have to hide on Roleplaying realms to feel superior in PvP KEKW
Hi. Meet Bob.
Bob picked a PvP server and camps lowbie Hordes, until they log off.
Bob is a sadist.
Be like Bob.
This is Graham,
Graham spent a little time to choose his realm from some of the videos/posts here
I’ve noticed numerous posts along the line of “The faction balance isn’t balanced”, all. The expectation of these players was 50/50 servers battles. I’m here to remind you that you were told that is almost never the case. I think it would be a good idea of the have a repository of this knowledge of the following. I’ll try and keep this OP edited and i encourage anyone who warned of this knows of people who did to link it here. If you roll on a PvP server and you are on the numerically disadvant…
Graham choose a PvE Realm
Graham is happy
Be like Graham