I just want ask when will be balance between classes? If i know well this is pvp based content but chances to survive with caster(elem) close 0. All melee hase huge self heal lot of skillblock, amazing mobility skills, big def skills (miss immune reflect resist ect) Lasso nerfed again and the CD still 30 sec while chaos greater pyro dmg close same DMG just the CD 3-5 sec i dunno.
I need cast my heal while other classes get 30-40% heal instant + speed + other boost
My def skill reduce 40% dmg while other classes get immortalaty or big absorb shield
My slow not work many times and my thungerstorm same or the enemy stacking in the pixels and the skill not work… Other classes slow work very well and my wolf form not cancel it
My wolf form piece of sh…t all melle catch me easly jump hook rush leap ect
BG is fine but i’m talking 1v1 2v1 situation with melee wheres my chance 0
not all melee have self heal.
What do you mean? Warriors have GREAT selfhealing! You just have to win the fight first, oh wait…
The classes are not designed for 1v1, so they aren’t gonna balance them for 1v1. But it’s fun anyway, and Blizz do their little tweaks.
Oky don’t make normal balance just give a chance to 1-2 skillcast coz i’m caster, i don’t want stand in stun, root and skillblock till i die
and id like the ability to kill paladins for a change
This applies to zandalari warrior
I don’t know classes well enough, ye’d think there would be a counter.
There will never be balance between classes. They are actually undertuning some classes while overturning some other to keep the FOTM train rolling. Trust me, after all these years doing pvp and reading patch notes, it’s the only logical reason I could find for all these OBVIOUS imbalances.
while id call that conspiracy theorying its probably the only explination out side of massive incompatancy and blatant favoritism.
The only thing ele shaman loses against 1v1 is UH DK.
Play swelling waves…makes you near immortal.
Did you miss “spec” where shamans staying in travelform and tanking 3-4 ppl in travelform without going under 75% Hp during burst? And mainly just heal himself passivly back to 100% rest of the fight?
You specc that, whatever spec it is, and you wont complain. You obv cant kill some1 but NO1 can kill you either as long as you stay in travelform…
Shamans (elemental, because enchanting nobody plays in this expansion), in my opinion, are very good in group PVP. They stay behind and nuke “victims” like no other. The only one who can equal or surpass shamans from casters category, are warlocks. But, when shamans fight vs meeles, the story changes a lot. Especially in wpvp, where usually its always minim 2v1, and usually that 1 is the shaman. They are easy targets, easy to CC and they have nothing (except tremor totem) to avoid CC’s. So when 2 players atack a shaman, the shaman is dead meat.
Thoose videos are made in a controlled enviroment, organised pvp. Taking in consideration that we talk here, in a “open world pvp” forum, what we see in thoose videos are completly different from world pvp content. First of all, 90% of fights in wpvp, are not 1 vs 1. If you fight a enemy in open world, there is 99% chance that another enemy will pop-up and starts to hit you. Second, majority of meelers in wpvp, focus on casters first (shamans,priests,warlocks,mages), kills them and after they focus on the meele enemies. Thatswhy, most of fights, i ended being literaly “raped” by paladins/wariors/rogues and couldnt do nothing when 3 of them are on you. Third, even the mighty Tasty, is “nothing” in open world.
To compare controlled arena fights with open world pvp topic its stupid. Thoose types of fights never apply in real open world pvp situations.
@ Arkamedix
You are the one who thinks that you can get “a mastery over you class” in PvP by doing PvE. Those videos are not for you. You need to learn a lot of more entry-level PvP info before you’ll be able to understand these videos.
A word of advice - do not talk about other PvPers as “nothing”, because you have nothing yourself.
Says the guy who has 0 arena progress this season. Right, i dont understand. Please, master, explain me.
At least i came with a explanation why you cant compare arena videos with world pvp. I didnt “bragged” with my PVP skills, i presented a reality. But ofc, you as a retard, you saw exactly the oposite.
Then ask Tasty to make a video, in wich he defeats a warrior, a paladin and a demon hunter, alone. Him vs all theese 3. Simultaneously, not one after another, like in thoose arena videos. Or show me a “pro” video, where 1 player defeats 3 or more players in open world,fighting against all 3 in the same time.
You crave my attention so much that you dug up a 4 days old post after previous attempts failed.
It’s pitiful.
So, you have 0 PvP experience of any kind both on a character and account, you’re not doing PvP and you think, from your previous posts, that player needs to do PvE and not PvP to be better in PvP and that casters are bad vs melee because only pro players can play them right, … the list goes on … and on top of that you have delusions about what is actual reality.
Somehow, with all that, you think you understand these duels in videos, think you can’t compare them to WPvP and think you can produce any valid opinion about PvP or players. You present reality, right…
These insults you wrote there - you were talking about yourself again. ok.
Ignoring you is fun, you degrade quite rapidly.
You’re boring, not important, attention let’s say seeker. Or just scared this much.
Keep on showing your lack of knowledge with more insults and imaginary bs, I’ll keep ignoring you.
Btw, thanks for proving my previous post.
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