That’s not what I was saying, I was saying it can be seen as to why he rubs people up the wrong way, and actually JSH said exactly that in the most recent video highlighting Nightmare World, where CallumUpton a few others (and I quote) ‘put their money where their mouth is’.
By your logic, whatever you learn literally anywhere is never the truth, so truth doesn’t even exist, since whatever is on the internet is usally also somewhere else in a different form.
But in reality, you can learn a lot of correct things, or true thing if you like, only as long as you’re careful where you’re getting your information from and check on multiple sources, so that you can check it for yourself, but then again, by your logic, that sitll wouldn’t be truth, but your opinion.
Yet you can learn so many things on the internet that simply are the way they are, maths, physics, any scientific field you choose, as long as you’re being objective yourself instead of taking one source at face value.
Wikipedia was never a reliable source of information to being with, and literally everyone is sometimes biased.
Yes, but i don’t know why you claim truth doesn’t exist from that, there is no connection. You can still experience and test things for yourself. Things you learn from others are never an objective truth, maybe apart from math. Also almost nobody checks their information from multiple sources this is some crazy standard that 99.9999% of the population will not follow. There is truth you can learn from other people but it doesn’t mean it will always be the case. You can’t find much of true scientific data on the internet and on top of that you have search engines which are a confirmation bias in themselves - that’s how they work. They are giving you results you are most likely to look for not the most “scientific ones”. Lots of statistical data, provided by governments too, is “faked” because they do not follow the same standard of definition of “domestic violence” for example. Internet is just an echo chamber, even if lot’s of the echos are repeating the truth. Even in case of more advanced physics it’s not as clear. That’s how humans work. For example Copernicus work didn’t bother the church until it started bothering the protestants and the people like 40 years later because ordinary people didn’t like the concept of earth not being the center of the universe. You can read a lot about recycling plastic PET bottles, but when you dig deeper you will find out about microplastics being produced which are even more harmful and then I can read from the government files I have access to that only 10% of the plastic that is being put in recycling is being sorted even for recycling and then only 1% is being recycled and on top of that it can only be recycled once. In Japan it’s absolutely normal to scrub plastic containers clean before putting them for recycling. All of it is extremely wasteful, yet is accepted by general populace as the idea of recycling. Depending on your views on this, you will find lots of info about recycling on the internet. Nobody has the knowledge to discern the truth properly because you do not have access to a reliable source of data which in most cases isn’t even there.
I kinda admire Bellular for his business model. It’s very innovative. But he’s been saying “we’ll announce our game soon” since 2018, when I started watching him. And the thing is, from what I remember seeing it was a 2D side-scrolling game with robots. And 3 years is plenty to get that out even by a small team. To me, not releasing that game is a huge sign something isn’t going too well in his studio.
People rail against WoW’s systems, but FFXIV has much more systems even in the leveling and then at the endgame I assume they grow even more elaborate. WoW’s problem isn’t the lack of systems, but that the systems themselves are inconsequential and all the consequential systems (talent trees, weapon masteries, respec costs, single spec, later dualspec, etc.) have been getting slowly stripped from the game, until in MoP there was nothing left.
WoW wanted to be a simplistic arcade game, but then realized there’s a reason why people put mechanics and systems in MMOs specifically. And they can’t simply bring those back. Sadly. Because WoW would be better for it if it had these systems.
Actually FF has very few systems. There is no borrowed powers or talents at all. You have skills and rotations that get more complex with time, you have gem sockets in your gear and your bis gear you can buy from a vendor or drop. You farm different tokens or get it drops directly or in parts and you can buy something close to “heroic gear” from the auction house from crafters. This gear lets you do the hardest content in the game if you want to spend gold. You farm some beast tribes factions for some cosmetic rewards and that’s it. You can ignore things like thorgast/palace of the dead because it’s optional. It’s extremely straightforward. You do the story and you do the raids and dungeons. First you do normal then you do savage. Savage is pretty much our mythic difficulty, but there is an LFG system for it. Every expansion they add new skills, prune some old ones, do some rebalancing. That’s why it’s refleshing. If you chose only to raid log it’s absolutely fine to do so.
There is a connection in that you claimed that you “*will never find true truth on the internet, just the most popular opinion”. Since anyone can use the internet, same as anyone can write a book, anyone can go on the street and yell things for a crows, anyone can become a teacher… you name it. The interned is mostly just a place to show things we’ve learned or found without the internet, same as, for example, a book or an article in a newspaper.
It’s a very common thing to do for anyone who cares whether what they just read is true or not.
Literal heaps of peer reviewed scientific papers are published on the internet by universities and research institutes, done by actual scientists who can’t afford to be biased if they are to actually discover anything. I have no idea how you arrived to the conclusion that you can’t find good scientific sources online, when the entire purpose of science (and scientists) is to discover new things and share them with the world.
You mean if you search for something, click the first result and take that? Because in that case, yes. That’s not how you’re supposed to look for something that’s true, so this argument simply doesn’t work. You can’t proclaim that you literally can’t find truth on the internet when your only argument is that people search for it properly.
Internet is just the internet, and there are echo chambers on the internet, but the internet itself is not just echo chambers, far from it.
And you learned that on the internet I assume? Or at school? Or in a book? How do you know it’s true?
I’m not saying it’s false, just asking why do you trust it.
Again, this is the case for literally any source of information, not just the internet. Nothing you said about recycling should mater to me because it wasn’t me personally who did the research and wrote the articles. Yet all I’d have to do is check multiple sources, see if they’re consistent with the data and decide how likely they are to actually be true. Sure, I can never be completely certain, but I can take into account the most probable results.
It’s like scientifict theories. None of them claim to be objectively and certainly true without a shadow of a doubt, which is why a theory needs to be falsifiable. They are all just the best explanations we have for reality, yet some of them are so engrained, like gravity or the shape of the Earth, that it’s nothing short of ridiculous to deny them.
Don’t blame the tool, blame the user and whoever taught, or perhaps didn’t teach them how to use the tool. If one can’t search properly, that’s not the fault of the internet, and the claim that you can never find truth on the intrenet is flat out wrong, but I think you know that.
It’s not like you should. That’s why I called history an echo chamber before, and it’s just an example. Most people think church prosecuted Copernicus and banned his book and for most this is the established truth. That’s why I decided to bring it up.
You are simply wrong if you think internet is used for scientific purposes and the amount of scientific research available is very selective just because majority of scientists doesn’t publish on the internet. Nobody does that, no matter how high you want to soar with an ideology that it’s not the case. Majority of this is also questionable because on the internet you find lots of research nobody wants to publish for a reason. You can be absolutely flooded by antvaccine research. You also seem to misunderstand my point about your location, search history and commercial value and positioning of sites affecting your search engine.
It is just an echo chamber. People go on the internet, listen to the people that agree with them, get their confirmation/information and leave. If they taught you something all your life you would believe that, irregardless if its true or not. Also truth and objective truth are two different things.
Truth is a matter of perception and in most cases what’s decided to be true is shaped by opinions. Objective truth is not something that can change this way. Climate change is a good example or black holes. People believe it to be true, it is happening, but we still do not comprehend our planets ecosystem or space and yet we establish truths. Our ideas might be close to reality or far from it but that doesn’t change the fact it is established as true.
That’s why there is subjective truth you can learn from others and objective truth that is true irregardless if you learn it or not, with math being an exception and physics not really, because physics rules change on a complex level and aren’t necessarily true outside of our planet.
Your position is laughable. You come here personally attacking the few people that dared to avoid the meme “FF14 WILL TAKE OVER WOW BECAUSE ASMON QUIT WOW” and you have the audacity to pretend you are some kind of helper of the people.
You are nothing; you are part of the fanbois of the most popular youtubers on earth about the game; you pretending that you are one of the last defenders when you are only part of a sea of fanbois is what makes you laghauble.
You REALLY have to look into your narcissism. The only reason you are ignored is because you are a noise of personal attacks in an off topic manner that nobody should even care to respond at all because you don’t deserve it so even this reply is charity.
Think carefully when you demand a reply; your FIRST replies every day on these topics is to personally attack me in an off topic manner; you coming up LATER like a total hypocrite to throw a few on-topic remarks to save some face is irrelevant.
There is an inherent contradiction to this crusade against social media commentators.
On one hand they say “The game is perfectly fine, nobody is leaving. All those numbers showing people leaving are lies.”
On the other hand they say “All those people leaving are only going because the bad man on youtube made them…”
Who is saying that exactly? Maybe somebody was made to leave by youtubers showcasing ff but I doubt many people left because of youtubers. More like youtubers are happy to beat up a dead horse. At least youtubers arguments are based in something. People that say the game is perfectly fine are living in lalaland.
I wouldn’t say they touch WoW subs themselves that much so (at least I) never said they are destroying WoW itself (I said they are destroying gamers’ culture). They mainly make people stupid because people are programmed to easily believe the majority of fanbois over people with some independent thinking.
For example: the past few days there is an ongoing meme that “ff14 is taking over wow and the world because look at asmon and bell talking about it lol”: this is a laughable position in reality since it is literally a WORLD OF WARCRAFT MEME since it comes from wow cycles (very explicitly).
That is moot argument EVERY SINGLE TIME it is brought up. EVERY SINGLE TOPIC is discussed a lot if you pay too much attention.
By your logic NOTHING should be ever discussed because someone must have discussed it before (but you may not know).
How have you managed to escape this programming? Did you go to a special school on how to not be programmed by youtubers?
Perhaps you should start a school do de-program the world.
I’m very old, and I had very painful experiences. Most of those youtubers are farming subs from children by deploying clickbaits; those audiences are still too innocent and sensitive in a lot of manners; for example: bell may sound correct to them when he pretends his methodology is scientifically sound but anyone with some background on probability and statistics (beyond only the high school level in some countries) should know he is both in pure violation of basic principles of data analysis (like cherry picking and barely relevant data on top like the 1st boss of normal when it goes to organized guilds) and most probably also a hypocrite (i.e. he probably even knows it).
So you chose not to address any of my points yet again, this time not even the off topic ones. Not the definition of narcissism, not the request to look into your own posts for that (you instead pulled a “no u” and called me narcissist again without backing it up), and not the request to reply to any of my points that are on topic, which are plentyful.
You just keep running into insults and playing victim. Just count how many people you’ve called narcissists or hypocrites. Doesn’t it strike you as strange that you seem to be surrounded by so many of them? Did it occur to you that just maybe, you aren’t as smart as you think and might actually also be wrong sometimes, as we all are, and maybe that you exhibit clear symptoms of narcissism yourself?
Virtually everyone who disagrees with you got called a narcissist, hypocrite or another one of your favourite insults. If you want a civil argument and discussion, then all you have to do is be reasonable. I’m perfectly capable of a civil discussion and you can see that in this topic as well, just not with you at this point. Once you start making sense, stop putting words in my mouth and insulting me, I am very happy to actually have a discussion.