This is the first time that I feel like some wow-youtubers are destroying gaming culture itself

Very Easy OP. Just has some brain, with an actual brain. At youtube, put Clickbait being part of their ToS and.


No more would you see these constant clickbaits ever again.

There is no other way they will stop coming.

That’s unfair.

Your opinion being unbiased.

Truth is a democracy, present a better argument instead of engaging in character assassinations.

If this is your argument, you’re not going to win over a whole lot of people.

Everyone has to believe in what you’re saying, not just you, for it to be true.

Asmongold and Bellular are both doing a much better job of this, you need to step your game up.

I’m not paid MILLIONS in weeks like asmon or HUNDREDS OF THOUSANS every month like bel to do scientific research for you at an academic level of quality.

This is mainly to expose that some adults around here are not fanbois that take pretentious “scientists” like bel seriously; his statistical analysis is dogcrap.

This is mainly to give a hint to fanbois; some of us see through the facade; think better before you believe those clickbaiting hacks unquestionably.

yeah thats makes playing game even more fun to play when ur still getting payed for it .

I never said FF14 will take over, show me when did I said that.

Kek lmao I have a full time job. Hilarious.

Nah Im just a customer of world of warcraft who agrees with the opinion of the content creators, nothing more.

You seem to attack people who doesn’t agree with your opinion, thats kind of a sad life you have, but laughable :crazy_face:

They are farming money from children viewers, by using absolutely dogcrap statistical analysis (or at best basic comedy in the case of asmon).

You will always be ridiculed for believing bel’s thesis that the 1st boss of the normal raid means anything about organized guilds.

Just like blizzard how they’re milking players money, what point are you trying to get into?

 Who cares how they make money? Read my reply I told you I agree with their comments about the game. Nothing more.

Stop talkin nonsense and read the replies carefully. Unless you’re a troll.

Scapegoats are really handy.

But that’s not their only point. They’ve made points about PvP participation going down significantly, as well as mythic+ participation and overall character activity.

The point about 1st boss raid kills is further supported by the comparison to the first patch of BfA, where the gap was significantly smaller. It’s true that by itself, that 1st normal boss kill statistic means very little, but not when it’s supported by a comparison of the same thing two years ago. I’m curious what the comparison would be on other difficulties, different time spans instead of just first week, and other bosses too including entire raid clears on different difficulties.

But I’ve already said this days ago without getting a reaction from you.

Anyway I’m trying to code my own thing to get the data myself and get some better insight as well as well as confirm the numbers, but I have no idea how long it’s going to take as I’ll have to learn a lot in the process. I might fail completely, who knows. I’ll do my best.

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It’s called cherry picking, kinda like a guy making a post on the forums crying “Ohhh
 evil youtuber only looked at normal boss kills” and ignoring the part where there was also looked at HC, M+, Armory, and arena matches :slight_smile:

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I wonder how much extra money Belular made thanks to this spam.

But you are allowed to have an opinion, regardless of how much less money you make in comparison.

You seem more interested in attacking his character than you are in his opinion.

Don’t be patronising, talking down to the very people who don’t share your opinion, but you need to win over, is never a good idea.

So other than Asmongold is “stupid”, what is your opinion on WoW is dying and ff14 is taking over?

The same sources you’ve claimed disprove the statements youtubers use them for, especially when they can’t count people in general and more and more people are disabling third party addons from accessing their data.

Of course, the places you got your data don’t even scan armories. They access a very limited part of the web API as you put it. :3 Which as I’ve stated became more restricted with the changes Blizz made to armory and the removal of the remote auction house.

That FFXIV has half the players of WoW, currently. At the hype, honeymoon phase. We will see in a year or so, won’t we? If it continues to grow or if it gains popularity and than fades like most trendy games at their peak.

It’s also hilarious to me that the said streamers/youtubers talking so ill of the game - continue to play it despite all their talk.

It’s also hilarious how their little tweets bashing Blizz over ‘evidence shredding’ backfired too because they can’t wait to trash Blizzard without verifying any informaiton.

You miss the basic problem here. It’s IRRELEVANT TO MANY GUILDS WITH STABLE ROSTERS what the 1st normal boss does on the SECOND tier of the expansion because many of them simply don’t run that mode beyond the first tier of an expansion or don’t care much to run it (or they may tell to their members “go pug it if you need it” because EVEN A CORPSE CAN CLEAR SYLVANAS ON NORMAL by just queuing on LFG).

That means the entire analysis around the 1st normal boss is nonsensical and it shouldn’t be discussed at all because the entire point of it was to analyze guilds but guilds don’t care (in many cases) about that boss.

The thread hasn’t been around for a few weeks yet, so not into the “hundreds of thousands”.


Did you read what I said at all? I literally agreed with you and you just repeated the point I agreed with and said I miss the point, without addressing any of the other points.

Also another very important factor, this tier had more reason to be cleared on normal than any tier since Antorus, due to domination sockets being so powerful, so for progression guilds, it would be stupid not to clear normal at all. And I’m in a progression guild, we’ve cleared normal in the first week, so I figured why not check more guilds in different world ranks and see how little they actually cared to do normal? Let’s see, no particular order, some guilds I know by name, some guilds I picked at random:

*normal SoD released July 6 - 10/10M #33, Tarragrue normal killed July 11 - 9/10M #363, Tarragrue normal killed July 14 9/10M #340, Tarragrue normal killed July 11 - 9/10M #282, Tarragrue normal killed July 11 - 9/10 #338, Tarragrue normal killed July 9 - 8/10M #524, Tarragrue normal killed July 12 - 8/10M #556, Tarragrue normal killed July 10 - 5/10M #972, Tarragrue normal killed July 8 5/10M #1480, Tarragrue normal killed July 7 - 3/10M #2548, Tarragrue normal killed July 7 - 1/10M #4469, Tarragrue normal killed July 7 - 2/10M #4003, first guild I found that hasn’t killed any normal bosses - 5/10M #1020, Tarragrue normal killed July 10 - 5/10M #1011, Tarragrue normal killed July 7Ă /The%20Oscure 2/10M, Tarragrue normal killed July 7

Ok I think that’s enough. The point is, it’s harder to find progression guilds that haven’t killed Tarragrue in the first days of the tier, and Belullar was taking data from the first month. There was, objectively, more reason for guilds to do normal than any other recent tier due to domination sockets being so powerful, and it’s evident if you just look. You can go right now and just click on random progression guilds of any world rank, and see how many have killed Tarragrue on normal and how many haven’t, because I assume you’re going to accuse me of “being biased” or “faking the data”.

What do you mean? He’s obviously making hundreds of thousands every week, that’s just a fact, just look at this sourc
 oh wait there isn’t one?

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You act like narcissistic trolls against that notion because it makes you feel good, but bel has an entire company with employees for this thing and every single video he posts has at least 2 minutes of sponsored advertising at the start of it which is something not even asmon does.

If you think it’s impossible to make a few hundred thousand from being the 2nd most popular youtuber on the most popular mmorpg on earth then someone else is laughable.

I dislike many of the streamers you list yourself OP and personally I have never held ALL of their opinions as being right- Nor does them being right in one instance mean that they are infallible in others.

However you are wrong, streamers are not destroying anything. It’s the businesses themselves. Take just about any big video game producer, most of the time the games they produce are littered with gamebreaking bugs at release, are flat out unplayable or are a shoddy work in general. On top of this the developers are oftentimes such arrrogant manchildren (e.g. Danuser and Ion), that even when they are repeatedly wrong they just keep telling its their way or the high way.

They have also fostered a culture where no real dialogue ever happens, it is always mega one sided and despite the copious amounts of solid feedback, they never listen.

Is it then any wonder that the fans and some of the streamers have turned to malice and spite towards the developers and the companies, willing to go as far as to misinterpret what they say just to paint them in a bad light to force them out of the company?

Yes, trash content creators like Bellular and Taliesin and Evitel are a symptom and actively making the problem worse. But if you are looking for the guilty, that’s Blizzard. Not the streamers, not the players. The company.

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It would be stupid to assume most people are not stupid too. But it’s important to investigate too how extremely easy it is to pug normal right now; you can literally kill sylvanas with a group of bads you collected in 10 minutes (heroic is another story); that means a guild could dedicate itself to heroic at the start and if anyone needs normal they could pug it which is more possible without master looter anymore.

By the way: you are statistics-illiterate if you think a sample of less than 20 guilds proves anything; don’t make me explain it; go do a probability & statistics course because this isn’t the place.