This is the first time that I feel like some wow-youtubers are destroying gaming culture itself

You’re right, I take jabs at you for fun. I already told you that and I don’t feel bad for it, so you can stop trying to offend me.

Now why didn’t you respond to the post before that? Curious. Is it because it defeats your entire argument? I gave you a reason why this tier normal is more valuable then other and I gave your plenty of sources. Don’t you have anything to say about that? Or would you rather keep calling me a narcissist? Is that why you keep making post after post about this? I thought you had a points, so argue points for once.

Because I was just replying. You are very prejudiced; it is clear your purpose here is not the topic but my character assassination.

Go do some probability and statistics courses before continuing on this.

At what point do we stage an intervention for Gleopatra? This level of obsession is not healthy.

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We’re talking about normal in general, because for the guild to have killed Sylvanas, they would have had to kill tarragrue in the first place.

And pugs won’t share you their loot, your guild will. No reasonable guild will tell their members to go pug normal when they want to distribute loot efficiently. Now I know that are struggling to pug heroic so you presumably aren’t raiding with a guild, and you already said you don’t have BfA raiding experice, so I’m not really sure where you get so much confidence to talk on how guilds handle their raids.

Most guilds did heroic before they hit a wall, at which point they went and cleared normal. That’s why most of them haven’t kill tarragrue on day 1, but rather later into the first week. So your whole “focusing on heroic” is bogus. Show me how many guilds have killed Sylvanas on heroic without killing a single normal boss.

I don’t need a course in statistics to go click through random top 5000 guilds and see that the absolute vast majority of them have killed the first boss on normal. Go ahead and take a larger sample and actually back up your argument for once. It’s not difficult. I took the first couple guilds that came to mind + a few random guilds from top 50 to 5000. You can do the same and take every single one of them, but that would mean you’d have a source for your claims and a chance to prove yourself wrong, and we all know you won’t do that.

My sample of 20 (or however many I’ve linked) is still better than your sample of exactly 0, because you don’t back up anything your say, ever. Which is funny considering your apparent love for statistics and data analysis. You just talk and insult anyone who dares question what you say.

why would any guild waste its limited time in normal or LFR for 0 ilvl upgrade? normal raid still takes around 2 hours and most guilds raid 4-5 hours.

Because a domination socket is worth more than the 13 item level difference between heroic and normal, especially if it allows you to have the set of 3, which the bonus of is very significant (up to 900 mains stat proc for the unholy set for example, much more than any regular item will give you), and even more so for a all 5 pieces for the second and third damage shards, the frost one for up to 3% extra damage for the first 20 seconds of attacking a target for the first time, and the blood one for up to 3% when you have 50% or more health than your target. Those are multiple times more than a 13 item level upgrade. For example upgrading my SoA cloth legs from 229 to 246 was a little over 1% gain, and that’s 17 item levels.

And most guilds don’t raid 4-5 hours. Most actually raid 3 hours, few raid 4 and very few raid more than that, at which point you’re getting into the top 50 guilds territory.

Our guild now clears heroic in about 1 hour and 40 minutes, so normal was about the same while we had less gear, if not less becuase it’s just so much easier.

No real life threats please, it’s against the TOS, and illegal in many countries.

Not sure where you think I’m threatening you. As I said, your obsession with these streamers is not healthy. Block them.on YouTube and pretend they don’t exist.


You gave me a link to forum guidelines… I’m almost begging you at this point to give me at least something relevant…

And I assume you also have a source, or something to back it up, for the claim that more and more people are disabling third party addons from accessing their data?

There is no need to scan armories. As I said that would be web scraping, which is a very grey area when it comes to obtaining data. The public Blizzard API that literally anyone can use gives you more data than the armory does. I don’t think you can find the last log in timestamp of a character on the armory, well the API gives you for example that. You can get all sorts of data and the only relevant limitation as far as I’m aware are the users who have disabled third party access to their profile, and until you back up that it’s any signifcant amount, to the point that it would skew statistics in any considerably way, I won’t pretend to know how high that number is, or even that it’s growing or shrinking.

I’ve linked this to you before. You can read the doumentation and try it yourself. All you need to do it setup a client ID and a client secret right there, and try to get specific data without even having to do any coding. For example the mythic+ leaderarboard that you didn’t believe returns more than the top 100 runs, you can check that yourself there too.

This is the web API, not the web API “as I put it”. Completely separate from the from the addon API. Everything you see there is what and similar websites use to get their data. Point to the limitations/restrictions, or explain why it’s impossible to do what they do.

And about the auction house change? Completely irrelevant as well.

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yeah guilds expect players to get their missing sockets from normal and LFR. they are not even mandatory especially for heroic. most people will get their domination sets before mythic progression begins. there is no point to waste precious 2 hours when most guilds raid 4-5 hours every week.

Blizzard did the main damage to the game itself. No one can outshine that.

Yes, but that doesn’t mean they won’t even clear normal as a guild at least once or twice. Go look it up yourself, because most guilds did. The acquisiton of the gems and socket pieces is the biggest complaint about the system. I got lucky and got them very fast, in week 2, but I personally know a lot of people who struggled to get it for weeks after that.

Wrong. We’re on mythic Painsmith and some guildies have still been trying to get their sets two weeks ago.

I explained what that point is. It’s not needed to have domination sockets, but it’s definitely very desirable and people simply want it, because why the hell would they not. If it gives upgrades to guild members, 2 hours is nothing.

Ok I misunderstood that the first time, but this still isn’t accurate. Most guilds will raid 3 hours at a time. It’s like an unwritten standard. So if they raid once a week, it’s 3 hours, twice a week would be 6 hours, and most of the more serious progression guilds raid 3 days a week, making it a minimum of 9 hours.

In any case, we’re arguing the notion that “most guilds won’t do normal at all”, which is simply false and not difficult to look up. I’ve posted examples above. It’s not a huge sample, but a sample nonetheless and anyone is free to get a bigger sample and present something better than I did.

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Even if you completely ignore the statistics he’s put forth. It doesn’t stop the fact that wow has been losing players.

This does cover all blizzard games but the majority will be wow maus

If you want to compare the numbers above vs reports

People also forget that only 2 blizzard’s games are “active” right now
Hots: dead
Diablo: dead
Starcraft: dead
Overwatch: it’s getting there
Warcraft 3: the reforged was a fiasco

Only Hearthstone and WoW are carrying blizzard’s mau, no matter the state they’re right now

Meh Asmongold actually sort of motivated me to play the game through his mount offs. I just wanted to have enough mounts to maybe beat him one day for fun. While I don’t watch him on Twich, only the occasional yt vid I have seen that he has made more community events and stuff than anyone in this thread.

Is his community (and many times he himself) toxic? Yeah absolutely. But he has also hosted a large number of events that give life and interest to the game. What have you done to make wow more interesting in-game?

Yes, but that doesn’t mean they won’t even clear normal as a guild at least once or twice.

where did you get this idea? if it was not for sockets/shards only 10% of guilds would run normal. it is not fun. it is just waste of time. of course streamers will make clickbait videos after it. “omgomg 90% of players quit”. let’s ignore that more guilds killed mythic first boss and similar kills for heroic but let’s focus LFR and normal because apparently you need guild to kill those. not even mentioning activity in wowlogs. people just pugged raids and uploaded them.

First of all I wouldn’t use the R word if I were you. You’re asking for trouble.

First obejction, nobody said anything about LFR.

Second objection, nobody said anything about 90% of players quitting, that’s not even close to what was said.

Third, you don’t need a guild to kill normal bosses, but if you’re after gear, and you’re playing as a guild, it makes a lot more sense to do it as a guild in the first few weeks of the tier due to loot sharing.

As for where I got this idea, scroll up and see my post with links to ~20 progression guilds anywhere from top 50 to top 4500 who have all killed normal in the first two weeks. You are welcome to go and take a closer look, get a bigger sample, whatever your heart desires. I’ll save you the trouble of having to look for the leaderboard, here’s the link:

Take 10 guilds, or 50, 100, 5000… however many will convince you, and come back with what you find. You can choose normal, heroic, or mythic, whatever you like, but just see how many guilds have done normal and compare to how many haven’t, because that is the point of this entire thread and basically OP’s only argument, as well as yours, that progressions guilds don’t do normal. Go and back it up.

That’s nice, but Kihra is simply reporting large WCL traffic during SoD, not comparing overall SoD participation to CN, as well as not giving any number this If you want to use WCL as a proof of anything, get the data from WCL instead of using one of the creator’s tweets as a “proof”.

No, I’m making jokes from your hyperbolic nonsense. You really need to stop with this unhealthy obsession. Go outside and get some fresh air and think about something else.

I’m also quite frankly disappointed that you didn’t refer to us as “Witch Hunters”.

Once again you show your stupidity, they weren’t threatening you in any way.


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