This is the most entertaining the forums have been all year

don’t you mean 1 week 17 hours? since you actually need 2 bwl resets for it :stuck_out_tongue:

Blizzard cares about them?
Proof?? Look every expansion made, and even when they bring back boomerWoW its also adjusted to retail :slight_smile:

Remove the reward and you remove the incentive to actually do it.

People would just move to WSG.

I dont think people would just move to WSG. Some people like large scale PvP, some like the smaller BG’s. People would play what they like most.

I have noticed, it is the same people who have been crying about everything from the start of Classic.

Kindly stop crediting blizzard with the entertainment on forums. Credit these people, you included. THANKS!

Blizzard enabled all of this by pushing their vision of Classic which managed to trigger both the #nochanges and the #pleasechanges crowd.

I think everything that happens is for the best. Everyone is a kind of a min-maxxer now. Everyone seems to know too much about this game. The sooner they (you) get out of the realms, the best for everyone, even if this means dead servers.

And yes, AV has always been a complete s…t. I am playing since Vanilla and had maybe 3-4 AV games that were worth spending my time.

I had a lot of fun on classic forum before bgs, all the wpvp whines were great. Then bgs and it got ruined. All because blizz released em early. Thx blizz, you ruined classic forum!

Smh Blizzard cant you see you are rushing your core fanbase to buy more popcorn? We cant even keep up with all the drama, slow down!

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Love the feed-on-tears masterrace!

I just look at it like this. I have been planning to quit (both versions of) WoW and MMORPG in general for some time now - and I am pretty serious about it.

I want to quit for good because the older I get the more I value my time. And also because I am realizing what a wasted effort it is, constantly chasing that invisible carrot on a stick that you never really catch. It only gets raised further and further up.

The game can be addicting, sure. But with these changes - rushing phases, watering things down, transforming casual and for fun world pvp into a mindless rep- and honor-grind, it will be easy to quit.

I am glad that things are changing. Because quitting this whole ridiculous circus will be much, much easier :slight_smile:

Thats odd. I valued my time quite a lot when I was young… (well… like 25 or so?). And before that perhaps even more.
Well for me its the other way round actually, and I play a lot of WoW these days. More than I would have felt comfortable with 15 years ago. Even while the game is less enticing.

I also have more time to play now than I had as a teenager. 10 years ago I had my parents breathing down my neck whenever I played a game longer than 4-5 hours a day and I had to study for exams and do homework too.

Now I live by myself, have a nice job and can basically spend my entire free time playing IF I WANT. Or I just do something else and read the forums instead.

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Yeah, this forum is a fun pastime with my cup of coffee.


This forums are best while you have honor ticks in av
+198 honor
+198 honor
+198 honor

I mean wtf, whats reason for blizzard to ruin their own game like this, you need to buff wsg 3x or 4x time honor to be on par with av honor

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You think you do, but you don’t.


I come back to this forums after the christmas holidays and it seems now Bots and AV Premades are all the rage.

Classic is such a good game, there is always something to complain about!


“You think you do but you don’t”.

And developper was right. They are always right :slight_smile: . But players don’t listen to them, and I was like every others person before : we want Classic. Actually, nah, it’s just a crappy 15 years old game with full of exploit and flawless mechanic. Add with that the fact there’s nothing to do, they can release BWL/ZG/AQ/Naxx, all of that will be destroyed instantly. Nostalgia blind us just to hard, I learned the lesson.

I guess 8.3 in Retail and then Shadowlands, will start to sign the final end for Classic and the massive fall of population will increase massively when most of tryhard will be done with the rank rush and they will realize … there’s nothing to do, the game is already dead. Blizzard and players killed their own game in cooperation ^^.

Classic is the only game of Blizzard, which you can bot, AFK in bg, use all sort of exploit and disrupting gameplay, and not be ban. This is the first game Blizzard released with literally 1 blue post per month. No communication at all, for every single thing. A lot of promise before, and when the hype is done, nothing at all.

Why are you frustrated with the product. Its like a shampoo on the shelf of a supermarket. You dont like it, you pick another. Easy. You made your own shampoo. Even better.

Its theyr baby not yours, why the hell do you care at all. You and all the others.

Disclaimers, disclaimers, bla, bla, you want that someone in that company care about your emotion. Thats out of a mind thinking. Noone care do you quit, play, this, that, whatever. Your tier sets, Naxx, Blw, who finish what in what gear, phases, pvp, all your expectations of the product and how it should be.


It is a great forum.
and #nochanges