This needs to stop - Queueing as the wrong spec

It takes no time at all to get a replacement. You are highest prio to get a replacement when you have a leaver.

As soon as the tank leaves, the group becomes of size 4 which enables requeueing. While requeueing with the 4 of you inside the dungeon, you can select to be either tank or dps (or healer). The group finder will take both roles into consideration when finding a 5th member and once it does find it, you are assigned your new role which you will need to change spec into.

Yeah I don’t care what you call it, call it Jessica if you like, I ain’t gonna spend 3-4 hours on queue just because a minority cries on the forum.

Complain at the Blizzard instead on that ridiculous drop of rate that forces people into “unorthodox” methods to brute force it after so many years.

You want an easy fix? Increase drop rate back to 1% if you play the role you signed up.

I’d still like some sort of option to change roles on such a requeue if you force roles in all queued content. Not everything is TW or the holiday event. If I’m leveling in Cataclysm dungeons a replacement will take forever due to the nature of said queue (level restrictions, lack of engagement since it’s legacy content).


You find issues where there are none. Start thinking.

The problem is, such a system should have existed long ago, with or without spec forcing, yet Blizzard never bothered.

Idk, I had a group that would have completely wiped if I wasn’t pumping heals.

Everyone stood in the goo and didn’t get the immunity. Sure, their fault, bad gameplay, but a healer was mandatory for that specific group :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

…wipe is deserved at that point.


Groups vary, some it’s just a quick zerg but most often those are the groups that have a healer and a tank.

When you’re in a group where none of you are overpowered or the tank isn’t tanking, healing is very much needed.

Change the scaling such that groups will wipe without a proper tank or healer, and you’ll find that people will queue properly.

There are still solutions that lock specs and allow that. For example:

As soon as entering LFD/LFR automatically change the spec to the queued one (something that sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t, it should always happen, even if there is no lock switch spec)
If the group is full lock the option to switch specs. In LFR lock the option if all required tanks and healers are in the raid.

If someone leaves the group and tank or healer is missing switch specs, is unlocked.

When the incomplete group queue again to find replacement, it will prompt again every player what role they want to queue. This allows to the DPS who switched temporarily as a Tank to keep his DPS role on the group until a new tank appears, or become the official Tank of the group so the queue will find a new DPS.

For obvious reasons it will be always possible to switch spec if the player switches to the role he queued, so if a new Tank appears the DPS who was tanking temporaliy can change back to DPS. Or switching between DPS specs.

All of this should only apply to random groups. A full group of 5 persons joins LFD can do whatever they want.

No they wont.

No, this happens, i see it because i think.

You miss it because you lack the capacity to think.

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Yeah great idea let’s make everything harder for everyone and increase queue times all to “solve” a non issue.


I dont mind. Might even reign in the backseat dps - “tanks”.
Will be hilarious to watch them pull ahead, get oneshot and “omgeez taaunt? newb tank!” :sob: :sob:

At one time in the past, these event dungeons were new, and weren’t the “omg you can ignore the mechanics” that they are now. Were they hard? No, but at least you needed a tank, and a healer to complete most group content. Amazingly this meant fewer people signing up as the wrong spec.

I don’t see how this is a bad idea?


It’s hilarious in raid when some class charges into the boss before the tank because they can’t adhere to the pulltimer :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


We call those “pancakes”


Alright, today I runned timewalking dungeon. I see tank warroir used Fury spec kill enemies faster wihout dead.
It’s unbelieve

Hence my suggestion to make the tanking more like tanking. Add a tankbuster, so that tanks have to tank, and consequently healers have to heal

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